$25 Amazon or PP GA-Summer Heat Giveaway Hop-Ends 7/31 | Miki's Hope

$25 Amazon or PP GA-Summer Heat Giveaway Hop-Ends 7/31

Monday, July 21, 2014

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Welcome to the
Summer Heat Giveaway Hop

From July 21-21, 2014,
you can visit all the blogs on the linky list below
and enter to win all their prizes!
Good luck!

Miki's Hope will be giving away the choice of a $25 Amazon GC OR a $25 PayPal to one lucky reader! Hey it is summertime and I am hot here people--I guess I could have tried to find a nice prize-BUT--it is too hot so I hope you will like what I am giving away!

All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


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2ndheartmom said...

I don't mind Amazon and Paypal at all. If it were something else, I guess I would like something like Starbucks or Target GCs.

Cali W. said...

I like the amazon gift card because I can get a book of choice. <3 Thanks for the giveaway.

Sarah Hayes said...

ive always thought your giveaways were great. they are simple to enter and the prize is perfect. I like getting a gift card so i can get whatever I want to with it. thank you or the chance~

Mai Tran said...

Paypal is the best giftcard for international participants like me! Thanks for the chance!

Kristen said...

No I don't mind! Amazon pretty much has everything!

Michelle Sedeño said...

I think it's fine, either way. I appreciate giveaways. :)

Melissa Storms said...

I love Amazon and PayPal prizes in giveaways. As a matter of fact I look for those giveaways.

shigdon said...

I always like the Amazon gift card giveaways. I would have trouble coming up with anything else as a giveaway. Thanks.

Jackie said...

I really appreciate the amazon or payapl. I think it is very generous of you! Thank you!

kelly tupick said...

No,I don't mind at all that you offer these giveaways. I love having the chance to win paypal cash. I personally like this giveaways.

Marti Tabora said...

I absolutely love Amazon or Paypal giveaways. I love shopping on Amazon and it's also really nice to have the opportunity to choose Paypal as well. Thank you.

Julie Waldron said...

I don't mind at all. I like that you give the winner a choice of either Amazon or PP, personally I would choose Amazon. GC's to iTunes, Walmart, etc.... would be fun too.

Tammy S said...

I don't mind at all! I think it's perfect! Amazon has any and everything you could want. Also Paypal is super easy. I appreciate you doing the giveaways to begin with. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

GC's from Amazon or PP are always appreciated - you can find whatever you want!
Bonnie Hilligoss
bonnie at bonnieanddave dot com

Amy Orvin said...

I don't mind at all. I can always use Amazon or Paypal money. Thanks.

Unknown said...

i do not mind at all, i think it generous and i thank you :)

Unknown said...

I do not at all mind that you keep giving either Amazon or PayPal as a giveaway! As far as this type of giveaway is concerned, these are my two preferred choices as prizes! Either is absolutely awesome and I really appreciate the opportunities! Thank you! :)

JC said...

Don't mind at all, I am really appreciate for your giveaway.

Unknown said...

I don't mind Amazon gift cards at all! My Amazon wish list is huge and now with a new baby granddaughter I keep adding more things to the list.

Linda Romer said...

I don't mind at all. I love amazon and a gift card is great.

stacey dempsey said...

I love paypal or amazon giveaways as you can choose your prize and you dont have to deal with shipping issues etc, both of these come very fast and easy too

Anonymous said...

My favorite giveaways are gift card giveaways and I am always happy to see one like you are hosting.

Anonymous said...

I haven't had much luck with PayPal, so that doesn't affect my decision. As for Amazon, I don't know many people who would be upset that you are giving away a gift card for either Amazon or PP. I would personally use the Amazon card. You should continue on with it, great giveaway items.

Janet W. said...

I actually prefer Amazon. That's where I buy most of my online items because they have free/fast shipping and the best price!

Adriane said...

I love Paypal as an option :)

Unknown said...

No I don't mind Amazon or Paypal. I can always find something to buy ;) Thanks for the opportunity!

Danielle Papsis

Sara said...

Amazon and paypal cards are some of the best prizes so its totally fine (and awesome) that you keep giving them away. If you are looking for something different I would try a best buy gift card or a Target gift card.

steve weber said...

Nope, who doesn't love cash?? those are the best prizes ever.

Elena said...

I love Amazon and Paypal giveaways! Thank you!

latanya t said...

I do not mind. I like Paypal and amazon gift cards.

Anastasia said...

I love it :) I can always use Amazon credit or cash. Both are very helpful and fun to me and they're my favorite types of giveaways to enter :)

Kelly O said...

I don't mind GC. I LOVE Amazon as they have everything, from books to juice :)

Unknown said...

I don't mind that you are giving away Amazon or Paypal - in fact I would love to win - especially the Amazon.

wen budro said...

I don't mind at all....you can't go wrong with PayPal. An option for either is always nice.

andie said...

Probably Paypal - it would be great to use in August for school supplies and clothes.

walk9 said...

If would love the Amazon since i do not have a Paypal account.

Anne said...

Since you can get almost anything at Amazon or with paypal, why would anybody have a problem with it?

Diana Corlett said...

I love the freedom of choice that is paypal! Thank you so much for your great giveaways!

Diana Corlett

Maria Malaveci said...

No I don't mind because I love Amazon. You can find anything and everything there!

CindyWindy2003 said...

Heck no I don't mind, amazon is my favorite type of giveaway, I always enter then no matter how much they are and no matter how many other entries there are, I always have a number of things I need to get from amazon.

Natalie said...

I prefer is you give amazon gift cards because I find them very useful! I love your giveaways!

Unknown said...

I don't mind that you do Amazon gift codes, they have a lot of stuff to choose from. I love Amazon so it's great for me!

Brynn said...

No I do not mind at all! I LOVE the paypal and amazon giveaways you do :)

Kate F. said...

I don't mind. I love Amazon gift card giveaways.

Kamla L. said...

For me, Amazon and Paypal are always great giveaway prizes. Thanks!

Barbara Montag said...

I love either Amazon or Paypal!
Both can always be used well.
thank you

freebiequeen15 said...

I really love Amazon and do a lot of shopping so I don't mind

Anonymous said...

I like Amazon and PayPal giveaways.

Crystal F. said...

I think that Amazon or Paypal gift certificates are great giveaways

Judy Thomas said...

I love that you give away Amazon and Paypal prizes as they are International and that is great for me :)

Unknown said...

I love Amazon and paypal giveaways

Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE said...

Amazon or Paypal is an awesome way to purchase things ... so I am loving these types of giveaways. (kathie meller)

peg42 said...

I love both amazon & paypal and would love it if you continued these giveaways with these prizes.

michele376 said...

I love Amazon cards. It is my favorite place to shop.

barniebad said...

I love both Amazon and Paypal. They both work just about anywhere. Why would anyone complain about your generosity. Thank you for your giveaways. It is very nice of you.

Anonymous said...

not at all! i love paypal giveaways!

Marissa M said...

It's the best, super useful!

Nancy said...

I like either Amazon or Paypal gift cards for giveaways. ALso great are Walmart, Walgreens, Target, and Michaels gift cards. Thanks for asking!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

samantha wagner said...

I don't mind whatsoever! Both options are wonderful :)

jeanette sheets said...

not at all ,i love the amazon or paypal giveaways .best ones!

Jen V said...

Actually I like those as choices for a giveaway prize. That way people can choose what they want to buy with it. I always enjoy saving Amazon Gift Cards I win for Christmas.

Anonymous said...

I just appreciate you doing giveaways for your followers and I love gift cards so thank you!

Amy C. said...

I think this is a great prize! The options are limitless!

Anonymous said...

I love that you have these as giveaways thank you I only with the entry period was shorter and I am only able to get one point in the giveaway because I don't do all of that other stuff.
heather hgtempaddy@hotmail.com

Senny said...

I think your giveaways are great! I mean who doesn't love gift cards?!? Thanks!

Candice said...

I think those are two of the best, so I don't mind at all. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Bailey Dexter The amazon and paypal are perfect for everyone, there is always something that is just right for each of them!

Juana said...

No I don't mind at all. I love Amazon and Paypal.

jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

pippirose said...

I don't mind at all. I'm having a running tally at Amazon and PayPal, so it just adds to the bounty! :o)

Sue Sattler said...

I'm an Amazon junkie, so I love contests where they give away Amazon gift cards. Just keep doing what you're doing, cause you are doing fantastic! :D

Victoria Garza said...

I don't mind one bit! I think it is a great universal prize.

Unknown said...

I shop on Amazon all the time, I also buy diapers off buy sell trade pages and need paypal for that. I love giveaways like this!

TheresaJenkins said...

I'm not a paypal person but I do use Amazon and if I didn't the rest of my family is in love with Amazon

aperry said...

Amazon and Pay Pal giveaways are so awesome. I think everyone can use them.

cjabdelnour said...

I think Amazon or Paypal gift cards are great. It seems to be much easier for you too. Thanks! Cheryl Abdelnour cjabdelnour@hotmail.com

Deb PelletierC said...

I like Amazon, but a change is good, like Walmart , K mart or a pizza place. I do not use paypal. Deb P

purpleshadowhunter said...

I think Amazon/Paypal gift cards are the best giveaways!

Laura Harris said...

Amazon is great but I also like Walmart and Target...It is all good!

Ogitchida Kwe's Book Blog said...

I like Amazon and Paypal. I think that it is great that you are giving a choice! Thank you for the wonderful opportunity!

Jewel said...

No, I don't mind, but a book of choice from TBD is a good option as well.

Anonymous said...

Don't mind at all, it's perfect, paypal cash is always welcome !

Jan Lee said...

No I don't mind at all, :) There's a few things I'd like to buy on Amazon that are always in giveaways where thousands and thousands of people enter so there's no chance for me to win it lol

Sherry Compton said...

I don't mind. Amazon is great; they offer so many items that I can buy, and paypal works nicely on lots of web sites. Great giveaways! Thanks.

clc408 said...

I love that you offer Amazon and PayPal for your giveaways. I appreciate it so much!

kjasus said...

i love the paypal and amazon giveaways you offer! i never win.....but they are fun. :)

Rob said...

I love amazon and paypal giveaways! :)

Ash said...

I think Amazon and Paypal are great gift cards to giveaway, they appeal to pretty much everyone!


Unknown said...

I love Amazon gift cards, can pick what you want or like out from them, I like your giveaways and your blog,

melissa cushing said...

I love either prize, BUT if I had to choose one it wuold be PayPal for sure! Thanks for sharing this fabulous post and giveaway!

katieoscarlet said...

I don't mind I like getting Amazon gift cards. If there was a difference I would just include other gift cards like visa.

Donna Hufman Warrington said...

I think gift cards are the best giveaways especially pay pal....it allow the winner to buy whatever he/she needs or wants. I love having extra money since lately, I never do. So, thanks for doing gift cards and keep giving them away.

Shannon said...

I love the choice of Amazon or Paypal and I love these giveaways. Don't change a thing and thank you for all that you do!!!!

Lasonda said...

I don't mind either giveaways. At Amazon, you can purchase almost anything and I love shopping at Amazon.

Jenn Hiles said...

I absolutely love that you giveaway paypal and amazon gift cards. They are my favorite thing to win!

Deborah Wellenstein said...

I like that I am able to get anything with Amazon and Paypal.

Anonymous said...

I think it is pretty cool that you give away PayPal and/or Amazon gc. I'm from overseas and you have giveaways that are open worldwide so it is the best. PayPal can be used the best of course, but the Amazon voucher is also great! :o) Please don't change on it. :o)
Thanks! Petra Varsányi

Ann Fantom said...

No! I'd love to win either the PayPal or Amazon prizes.

abfantom at yahoo dot com

HarleyC said...

I like Paypal and Amazon gift cards so it's fine with me!

Christ engtsson said...

I don't mind at all, I love it. I think it is a great idea that way the winner can choose what they prefer.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Love it...You can pick what you need then

. said...

I like Paypal and I love Amazon GCs, so I don't mind that you keep giving them as a giveaway. Thanks! :-)

Unknown said...

Cash is ALWAYS a great prize! And if you can't find something on Amazon, then it doesn't exist! LOL!

They are GREAT prizes!

Kim C said...

I don't mind Amazon or Paypal as a giveaway prize. That way I can use it towards whatever I want or need at the time.

Unknown said...

I really like Paypal cash or Amazon gift cards as a prize in any giveaway. They make it easy to be able to get what I would like.

Unknown said...

I don't mind in the least. This is one of my favorite prizes. I love my Amazon Prime and if I am unsure of what to get, I take PayPal and use my debit card from there - all good here! Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

I love that you do paypal giveaways. It's my favorite option. It's fast and easy. Thank you!

alona y said...

For me, amazon and paypal are my top 2 choices for gift cards!

David H. said...

I don't mind the Amazon giveaways. It's not like I'm not going to win anyway.


Unknown said...

I personally prefer paypal, but your giveaways are great!!

Unknown said...

I don't mind at all that keep giving either Amazon or PayPal as a giveaway. In fact, I'm all for it! Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Amazon and PayPal are great choices! As far as other prizes, I would love Visa or MasterCard cash cards, restaurant gift cards, Target gift cards...

Unknown said...

Amazon and Paypal are great! Amazon sells pretty much everything and you can't beat Paypal Cash!

Steve P said...

You can buy a huge variety of products with an amazon giftcards or paypal cash. They are great giveaway items.

Crystal F said...

I do not mind at all. I love Amazon. Thank you!
crystalfaulkner2000 at yahoo dot com

Michelle J. said...

I love Amazon! Direct sales giveaways are always fun, too (like Tupperware)!

russrpm said...

Amazon gift cards are always appreciated as a prize. Thanks for the chance.

Jennifer H said...

I love that you give paypal and amazon. They are my favorites

petchk79 said...

I really enjoy entering giveaways for Amazon gift cards! I have so many essential items that I could purchase with these (although, I have entered so many Amazon GC giveaways and have never won one!)

Lulu said...

Paypal/Amazon gift card is the best prize ever!) I really enjoy entering your giveaways)

Jessica Schank Snow said...

I actually love the idea of Amazon or Paypal for the giveaways.
Thanks for the giveaway! =)

Priscilla S. said...

I don't mind at all. I love Amazon or Paypal giveaways. I prefer them actually.

karin said...

I prefer the amazing gc , thanks for the chance!!

Michelle said...

I looove the amazon gift cards. We shop so much online at Amazon and so that is what I prefer.

alena said...

i love amazon and paypal as well,but prefer amazon or starbucks.thanks for the chance.

Danielle merkle said...

No, Amazon and Paypal giveaways are great! Thank you for the giveaway.

Ashley-Raye said...

Amazon and paypal are great, it's fun to see new products, too, but getting to pick out exactly what I want is a plus!

Caitlyn said...

I don't mind the gift cards. Then we get to pick out exactly what we want.

Debbie said...

I can't imagine anyone minding to win either an Amazon or paypal giftcard! I love it!

Unknown said...

no in fact i love paypal or amazon or cash giveaways! it's like i get to pick my own gift.

Unknown said...

Personally I love amazon, as you can buy books, or any thing you want!! Nothing better then amazon to me!! I just can't think of a gift card i would rather have thank you so much

Unknown said...

I definitely don't mind as I need both! Plus, it's your giveaway and your money, so do what you want with it. Besides, it can be used for getting something for summer that whoever wins could really use instead of something that while it might be nice to have, they might need something else that is a necessity.

bn100 said...

I prefer Amazon, but I do not mind either way.

Relato mi vida said...

i don't mind at all!!! 'cause in my country don't sell much books, so i don't have the way to buy them. And of course, is a gift, AND i really love gifts, specially if it envolves books :D

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the giveaway! I think amazon is great.

Judy said...

I love getting an Amazon gift card. I have an account with them, and when I need something, I order it and keep on going.

elliotttl2028 said...

I love paypal. My husband has the debit card and we use it a lot. I'd be happy with either though, cause we're amazon prime members too.

Dede said...

I love either one, and so appreciate having the chance to win! We do a lot of shopping on Amazon (just ordered my daughter's school shoes there!) and Paypal is always nice, too.

Unknown said...

i love paypal.we have a paypal debit and can take the money right out

Catherine Siborutorop said...

I really don't mind if you still use paypal and amazon, but it would be better if you add TBD in the option :) thanks for the giveaway!

Starbreeze said...

Amazon and Paypal giveaways are always good.

Starbreeze said...

Amazon and Paypal giveaways are always good - I think that those can be helpful for anyone

Unknown said...

No, I don't mind. It provides the winner flexibility to purchase what they need/want.

curlyblu918 said...

I shop Amazon often, I love these kind of giveaways!

Unknown said...

I love the Amazon gift cards! I think that as a host you would probably get tired of coming up with appropriate prizes to be given away! I think that it's wonderful to win the gc's.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

I don't mind. But a few Book Depository giveaways might help international entrants who don't use either. Thanks for the giveaways and sorry for the length.

Rebecca Smith said...

I don't mind at all! I love Amazon and PP giveaways!

(Bex Smith on the rafflecopter)

susan1215 said...

No I don't mind at all! I LOVE the Paypal and Amazon giveaways you do

Unknown said...

It's your giveaway you give what you want!!!! but I soooo love amazon nothing compairs!!! thank you so much

Unknown said...

I love the amazon gift cards because there's so many things you can get with them. Don't change because I look forward to them.

dwarzel said...

I'm always good with those. Paypal especially, but Amazon rocks too,

dwarzel at hotmail.com

Elle said...

I don't mind a bit. I love having the chance to win paypal cash or amazon gift cards. That way if I win I can use it for anything I want.

chris z said...

nope i don't mind

Unknown said...

I think Amazon and Paypal are both great options and very generous! I have a daughter about to go off to college so we could use either one to help buy her textbooks.

Tami said...

its perfect

Unknown said...

I don't mind. I like Amazon and I don't know anyone who would argue with cash :)

laurie nykaza said...

I think it's great so that one can pick what they would like to purchase!

Unknown said...

I prefer Amazon gift cards, I can use them for things on my wishlist

michie2003 said...

I prefer paypal, and these prizes are so totally generous. Thank you.

Unknown said...

I love using Amazon...so "NO" I do not mind your Amazon card giveaways at all!

Unknown said...

I love amazon gift cards then i can get what i want so keep giving them away

Unknown said...

Of course I don't mind :)! I would like to see some prepaid gift cards to like Walmart, Target or Visa just to mix it up :).

Linda Trinklein said...

I dont mind at all :D Amazon is so perfect becuase you can buy ANY THING there, and most of the time it is free shipping! Thank you

Debra (dubbage42) said...

Are you kidding me? PayPal or Amazon is great! You can buy anything you want/need. It works for me!
(Now if I could only win...) ;)

Brittney Minor said...

Amazon and Paypal giveaways are awesome! We get to buy what we want! Thank you!

Unknown said...

Please stick with the Paypal or Amazon options. They are my favorite ones to enter for! So versatile!

Kimberley Meier said...

No I don't mind at all! It allows me to buy whatever I want.

Lisa Aliperti said...

What can you not buy with either Paypal or Amazon? Thanks for the giveaway!

Natalie Parvis-Nichols said...

I think it's awesome!!!!

Christy DuBois said...

I love either and do not mind at all. Amazon has just about anything a person wants or needs and who can't use cash? Thanks so much for the giveaway opportunity.

Ellen said...

Not at all - this way the winner can get what they like. Thank you!

Rich Morris said...

No. Sometimes specific items & gift-cards are nice b/c I've been exposed to something new that i may not have found out about otherwise. However, it's a great treat to be able to just use the paypal $ and do something enjoyable with the kids.

Lisa V. said...

I don't mind it at all. Keep them coming!

Serena said...

I love that you are giving people th chance to pick. Some people, like me, don't have a Paypal and can't enter giveaways that just give away money through Paypal.

Anonymous said...

I really don't mind at all, Infact I think that is a perfect idea.

kelly said...

I like paypal.

Stacy said...

I love Amazon gift cards giveaways, I have a wish list a mile long (seriously, it has almost 800 items on it, mainly books/ebooks) so I definitely do not mind winning them. :).

Unknown said...

I love gift cards. Amazon is my favorite and PayPal is always great! Thanks for chance to win.

Linda Kish said...

I don't mind. I have to buy my dog's treats at Amazon every couple of weeks and a little extra help is always good.

Daniel M said...

I don't mind, i think they're the best 2 things to give away! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Kasey said...

I like Amazon and PayPal but other unique products are great too. I like seeing makeup and clothing gift cards because they are things I don't usually buy for myself.

smilekisses said...

All gift cards are helpful. I like getting restaurant gift cards because it is too expensive to eat out anymore.

Lyz said...

I think Amazon and Paypal are great giveaways...you can use both for just about anything online. So no complaints from me!

Unknown said...

I like the amazon & paypal giveaways- they are both so versatile and everyone can use them!

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

I am always grateful for Amazon gift card as a giveaway as it allows me to save them for gifts or things that we really need with the added bonus of being able to shop from home.


deallieb said...

Since I don't have PayPal I like the option of Amazon. I also like WalMart or Target and one I rarely see is Hulu or Netflix subscription.

Unknown said...

Don't mind at all, love both!

jtranho said...

I don't mind giveaways at all! I could always find a use for paypal cash!

Mona said...

I don't mind Amazon at all. They have a broad product line.
Thanks :)

Cheryl @ Simply Shoeboxes said...

I love Amazon giveaways. They are great as I can use any winnings for needs or wants. Thanks for offering.

Jeanette Green said...

I personally love that you give away Amazon and paypal cards!

Tara W said...

I don't mind at all. I love them both and do a majority of my shopping on Amazon.
Tara Woods

Unknown said...

I do not mind the giveaway of either paypal or amazon gift cards or credit

wcaligirl said...

I love amazon, I can build it up for Christmas shopping. Any gift cards is great, target, hobby lobby, Starbucks.

Sarah Oswald said...

I would like to see maybe walmart or etsy gift card once in awhile.

Jon L said...

I really enjoy amazon and paypal. They are both the most versatile.

Anita H. said...

I think Amazon giveaways are great! I don't mind other giveaways but my personal preference would be Amazon first.

Marta K said...

I don't mind at all! Amazon GC are great because I can always buy books with them!

CJ Nereson said...

I use Amazon all the time, so this works for me! Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

It's perfect, i love Amazon :D

kathy Rose said...

I don't mind Amazon and Paypal

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