$25 Amazon/PP GA-WW-Winter Wonders GA Hop-Ends 1/16 | Miki's Hope

$25 Amazon/PP GA-WW-Winter Wonders GA Hop-Ends 1/16

Monday, January 4, 2016

This is the first hop of 2016 which is hosted by Planet Weidknecht and LeahSay's Views . I know for a fact that there will be two (2) in the month of January and you will find them both here (as well as however many others they host over the year!) on Miki's Hope. There are lots of other bloggers participating as well and you can find a clickable linky below my Rafflecopter to take you to them. All of their prizes have to be worth at least $25--so, as usual, I suggest you go and see what else you might be able to win!!!

No surprise what Miki's Hope is giving away to one lucky winner who is 18 years of age or older and resides somewhere in the world (WW) and can accept either a $25 Amazon GC or $25 PayPal. I was tempted to giveaway something else-but honestly I'm setting this up early and I kind of just got out of the hospital and the brain is barely functioning yet. Plus--my mind is on YEAR END work for my clients and getting my taxes ready to go--(Hum--maybe I'll write a blog post on that-what it took to whip my finances in order this year and/or what it feels like to be in a prisoner in a hospital for 7 whole days and/or what do you get the neighbor who took care of my cat, Baby, for the entire time I was incarcerated (I really was sick in the hospital-not prison!!). If you have ever entered one of my giveaways you probably know the drill--Rafflecopter will be used to choose the 1 winner-I will email that winner who has 48 hours to reply to my email and tell me which prize they want--The $25 Amazon GC or the $25 PayPal and the email they wish it sent to. Miki's Hope is responsible for getting the prize to the winner.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Unknown said...

I really want to travel to Italy for my 60th birthday

Ty said...

I plan to pay down my student loan debt in 2016.

Mai T. said...

I promise myself to take mom travel around Europe this year. And I'm determined to do it.

Shelly Peterson said...

I need to work on being healthier.

Lulu said...

I want to organize a great trip to Santorini for my family.

ken ohl said...

I want to help my wife get her health back. thankyou, ken pohl19@comcast.net

Unknown said...

I would like to become more spiritual this year.

Anonymous said...

I really want to get a few of my health issues situated

Sherry Compton said...

I really like the way you word this. I want to get my closet organized and go through my clothes.

ginette4 said...

I want to accomplish eating and getting healthier..been at it for almost one year now and it feels really good

Wild N Mild $$$ said...

I really need to finish my kitchen remodel in 2016.
Jennifer Rote

Janet W. said...

Something I want to accomplish and stick to it is to cut out all soft drinks from my diet. It's going to be hard!

Unknown said...

I will try to accomplish getting my health better.

JewelWood said...

I am trying to accomplish is to cut down on snacking and eating unhealthy foods at night and eat something healthy and lose weight this year!!

Laura B said...


Lauren said...

I want to declutter our house.

Lisa Weidknecht said...

I want to clean out more of this clutter around the house.

katieoscarlet said...

I really want to accomplish getting my house organized and having that long overdue garage sale to clean out the clutter.

Betsy Barnes said...

Betsy Rubendall Barnes
bbpinktaz60 (at) gmail (dot) com

I want to accomplish organizing my pantry. It is so cluttered, it takes me forever to find ingredients when I am cooking. :)

Unknown said...

I really want to be better in my Bible reading.

kymom13 said...

This year I want to focus on BREATHING and relaxing to reduce anxiety and stress!

Amber Ludwig said...

I would really love to declutter my house!!

Hazeldog333 said...

I really want to succeed in college this year. I also want to start exercising more.

Marti Tabora said...

I want to pay down my credit card by June, I don't like to keep a balance on it, but I spent extra during the holidays. Thank you.

wigget said...

I didn't make any resolutions, but I want to lose some weight

Unknown said...

I don't make resolutions they are too easy to break, but I would like to continue to save money and make it easier on me and the hubby when it comes to Christmas next year, helped a lot this year with the savings.

Sara said...

I will try and lose more weight as I already lost some for the last 2 years.

Nicole Carter said...

I'm determined to lose another 40 pds this year, hopefully more!

Natalie said...

I want to lose 3 pounds and run another marathon.

Unknown said...

Every year I say I want to go on vacation and it just never happens. NOW I have been able to save a good deal of money and we are FOR SURE going on vacation this year - for sure for sure lol. We havent been on a family vacation since Feb of 2007!

Jackie said...

something I really want to accomplish is paying down our debt.
Thank you!

Krystal W. said...

I really want to pay down or hopefully eliminate my credit card debt.

Unknown said...

Something I want to accomplish this year is grow my savings account.

Judy Thomas said...

I really want to get healthier this year :)

Ann Fantom said...

My goal is to get more organized. I'm going to start with getting all my photos in photo albums and hope to get this done this winter.

abfantom at yahoo dot com

vossta said...

I really want to clean out my house of anything I'm not using, I don't have a lot of clutter but I want to make sure it doesn't start piling up.

Cali W. said...

I want to get a new job; thanks for the giveaway. :)

Christy Maurer said...

I want to be able to get through Kyle's graduation without losing it!!

Deb PelletierC said...

I really want to be slimmer.

Peggy Hyndman said...

I want to be more organized this year.

Unknown said...

This year my boyfriend and I really want to have a baby. :)

Anita said...

I want to get my house organized, and get rid of some things we don't use anymore.

Elsie said...

I want to catch up on my reading, and organizing....

steve weber said...

I want to keep on my diet - gluten free and no fast foods.

infectiousizzie said...

By the end of 2016 I would like to have my garage mostly prepared to becoming a room, perhaps drywall and windows.

Unknown said...

I want to accomplish cleaning out and sorting through all the closets in the house.

Lisa Mandina said...

I'm hoping I can save the money I need to get my air conditioner replaced before summer!

cjabdelnour said...

I want to organize my sheets, towels, and other items.Cheryl Abdelnour cjabdelnour@hotmail.com

Kara Marks said...

I'm drastically increasing the amts. of fruits, veggies and legumes I eat.

Angie said...

I really want to accomplish limiting negative self talk in my life!

Anonymous said...

I will try to read more books!

Unknown said...

My resolution is to quit smoking. This is not easy for me but so far so good.

Unknown said...

I really want to redo my bathroom! It needs it desperately!

Richard Brandt said...

I'd like to go to Biloxi with a big fat bankroll.

Unknown said...

I really want to become a father this year!

Isaiahsmom said...

I would like to declutter the house and redecorate the house. I also would like to try making some healthier meals for the kids & me.

Lois M. said...

To get my bachelor's...

Maria Malaveci said...

To read more books than I did last year!

Audrey Stewart said...

I am determined to finish my house painting jobs. (jozywails@gmail.com)

mecarolks said...

I really want to accomplish organizing the kitchen.

Kanoko said...

I'd really, really love to travel outside the country. I've been planning for it for a long time, but due to various circumstances have had to push my vacay back. My goal is to go for it, finally, this year.

Unknown said...

I want to start using coupons again and save money.

Heather said...

I want to take a trip to Cedar Point with our 5 kids (plus one fiancee!).

Unknown said...

I would really like to pay off these freaking doctor bills. I think its beyond -Not Human you can have insurance, get cancer and still not beable to afford to go to the doctor you desperately need to go to.

Fee Roberts said...

I'm going to try to read more of my TBR list this year.

Darlene said...

We installed new windows last year, I would like to finish putting the trim around the windows.

ann said...

To try to keep my house in decent shape. Its getting older as I am too. I like my house to be well kept.

laura rubenstein said...

I would love to try to lose 40lbs by June

audiobook said...

I really want to be happier.

slogan1990 said...

I would like to buy a house this year.

shigdon said...

I really want to be more grateful.

skkorman said...

I'd like to spend more time reading in 2016!

skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net

dlhaley said...

I would like to lose a few more pounds.

Unknown said...

My oldest daughter just got engaged and will be getting married in 2017. I want to lose this weight and get into shape this year so I'm not stressing about it next year and can just focus on wedding plans!

trishadishes said...

I want to learn to blog better and more successfully.

Introducing Mr. Cool said...

I would like to lose more weight to have less pain in my back. Also, get my epideral shots also for back pain. They just cost so much darn money in co-pay :( BUT MY BROTHER... MY HERO Gave me my co-pay for Christmas! I love my lil' brother... he's such a sweet-heart. My big brother passed away when he was 44, and my dad passed when he was 58 and mom remarried so even if he is my step-brother it's as if he was always there. Always my brother! He's the... what do the kids say now.... oh, he's the bomb!!!! hehehe Love my Paulie!

Granmama15 said...

I would like to eat healthier! After all, my body is a temple & I should treat it as such!!

Barbara Montag said...

I really want to lose my last fifteen pounds this year.
thank you

Michelle said...

i plan to de-clutter my house this year. It feels really nice to get rid of unneeded items.

Natalie Parvis-Nichols said...

I would like to spend more time with my kids and get my associates degree.

Anne said...

I don't really have any goals or plans.

Jamie said...

This year I want to help my husband grow his dream of the new business. :)

Heidi Reads... said...

I'm excited to redecorate my house! Nothing big, just taking everything down and putting it back up again in different spots for a refresh :)

Dovi said...

I want to become less angry with people.

Unknown said...

I am planning on starting a series of children's books and also a self help book. I also to help my husband with his dream of starting a coral farm(like corals for salt water tanks). And I hope to stop being a yeller! I yell way too much at my kids, other drivers on the road, etc.
Cindy Magee

PAIGE said...

I want to run a 5K. Never done it before. The workouts are brutal.

Jessica Cox said...

I really want to save more money this year and stick to a stricter budget

Sarah Hayes said...

i want to be more organized this year

Cassie said...

Working off paying my husbands student loans!

Charity Cram said...

I really want to save up to buy a new laptop! Mine died and I really miss it!

lisagee1234 said...

Get my RV fixed. Dealer is slow and don't like it.

jmcgaugh said...

I want to continue to increase my lower-body strength.

Ashley Chassereau Parks said...

We are going to try to finish renovations and put our house on the market!!

Jeanna Massman said...

I want to try to get the story I've been thinking about out of my head and onto paper. That could be the start of the novel I've always wanted to write.

Nikolina said...

I want to have a steady job!

Unknown said...

I want to clean out my walk in closet, I have clothes I haven't worn in years and new clothes with no room to put them.

bison61 said...

I'm taking a vacation this year-haven't had one in a couple years

tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com

Mary Gardner said...

I really want to re paint my bedroom and bathroom this year. I keep putting it off because if I must empty closets and shelves I may as well sort and re organize and I am trying to motivate myself to get it done!

Judy said...

I want to help my husband get his health back to a good place!! We are definitely working hard on this and know we will make it this year!!!

Mama Blamer said...

I want to have an all natural birth with my son and I want to strengthen my relationship with god.

Unknown said...

I lol to try to lose weight

Unknown said...

I want to save up enough money to go on vacation in New Zealand.

kjasus said...

i would like to finish a book. i have started about three or four and never finish.

Debbie said...

I want to be more generous.

Robin A said...

I want to save up enough to buy a house. We rent now but would love to own our own

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

I want to be more active and control my A1c better!

Holly Thomas said...

I want to move to a new house.

ashleyhelander said...

I really want to accomplish focusing on a healthier balance of work and family time.

Deborah Caudill said...

I really want to stop smoking for good this time. I quit for 8 years, but when my husband moved out after our son was born (many years ago now), I started smoking again.

mandala said...

I am tying to save up for a vacation trip to Europe this year. Thanks!

Sonya Cocherell said...

I'd really like to get caught up and stay caught up this year. It seems I've stayed behind this year because of one thing or another.

I'd also just like just a little bit of "me" time.

scottsgal said...

my goal is to pass a national certification test for my field

amy guillaume linderman said...

i am going to save all my spare change for a year!

slehan said...

My goal is to swim 3 times a week.
Thanks for the contest.

slehan at juno dot com

Unknown said...

I'm currently pregnant, so I just want to have a healthy happy pregnancy and do everythin I can for the new baby!

kimberly said...

I want to be able to learn a language, or atleast start the process.

Happishopr said...

My goal is to lose another 20 pounds this year.

Teresa R. Simpson said...

I am really hoping to save more money this year!

michie2003 said...

Save money.

KateS said...

I really really want to spend the summer working abroad so I'll try my best to make this true!

dookiepookiebear said...

I'm going to get my cc balance down

jeanette sheets said...

i will try to eat better to get more healthier

Unknown said...

I want to finish the first draft of a novel.

Meg A said...

This year I am starting grad school, so I want to do really well!!

rj7777 said...

We have to sell our house and have been moving so much stuff! I need to get organized this year in all areas of my life!!

Amanda said...

I'd like to take a vacation over the summer!

Barb said...

I am hoping to accomplish getting myself healthier this year. So far I'm down with Bronchitis but lost 5 lbs so not complaining.

Alice F. said...

In 2016, I vow to be kinder to myself and to take care of myself. Loosing weight, eating healthier, saving more money and staying out of the mall.

Unknown said...

I want to organize my closets.

Zoey said...

I want to get a promotion.

Unknown said...

What i want in 2016 is finding a job finally and buy mom all the things she ever wanted!

CindyWindy2003 said...

I would like to get a raise or try and find another job. I would like to read 50 books this year.

Meegan said...

I want and plan to run my first 5k!

Jan Lee said...

I want to get my storage shed that I've had for over 20 years, cleaned out!! :)

pakibabygurl said...

Go on a road trip :)

Unknown said...

I want to be far more productive in 2016 than in 2015.

Anonymous said...

One thing I would like to accomplish in 2016 is a complete and thorough deep clean of my house. The duct work, dryer vents, etc....completely worked over.

susan1215 said...

I want to be more organized and loose 25 pounds.

Jodi Hunter said...

I really want to buy a home this year.

LauraJJ said...

This year, I want to learn to cook healthier for my family. I have so much to learn!

Michelle said...

I want to publicly launch my business this year.

Anonymous said...

I want to take my Mom for a hot air balloon ride. I'm scared but i know it is a lifelong dream for her.

Mindy Bel said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!
I would really like to get a promotion at work!

Veronica Lee said...

I want to redo my kitchen. It has been on my to-do list for many, many years.

Francine Anchondo said...

I want to buy a house.

James Robert said...

I want to get started on remodeling my kids bedrooms upstairs

Unknown said...

Overcome my anxiety of travelling in the car after a major car accident I had last year to get behind the wheel again xx

Angela Saver said...

My goal is to lose another 50 pounds in 2016!

Juana said...

I want to learn how to knit.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to add more veggies to my diet and cut down on the junk food.
Donna L.
naloe@hotmail dot com

JLT said...

I want to pay off a lot of debt, get a new passport, and make plans for visiting Albania in 2017!

tannawings said...

I would love to travel- anywhere. Right now to somewhere warm of course, but we need to get away for awhile.

ellen beck on form.

Terra Heck said...

I'm hoping to read and study and understand the Bible more. I'm also hoping to reduce my soda intake and increase my water intake. Thanks.

Diane Elizabeth said...

I have four rooms that need some help. If I manage to complete one I will be happy.

cherdon said...

I am hoping to finally get to my daughters homes to help them organize since they both agree, I am good at doing so

Kim Styles said...

I want to lose two stone in weight

Colette S said...

I want to do a year of date nights with my children. I start now.

Sandra Watts said...

I would like to try to eat healthier and lose some more weight.

Stacy said...

I want to read 30 books, but I want to read more diverse books than usual. I am also excited to be running my first 10K this year (usually run 2-3 5Ks every year).

a s said...

I want to drink more water and less coffee, sleep earlier.

Daniel M said...

hope to save up enough to build a new computer - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

alona y said...

I'm really focusing on healthy eating and learning new recipes and techniques to make great meals for my family.

molli said...

i really want to focus more on myself and saying no this year

Unknown said...

I want to accomplish cleaning out my bedroom. Like really clean it. I am doing the minimum to avoid it right now.

Natasha K said...

To lose some weight!

Anonymous said...

I would really want to find a job in 2016. That would be quite the accomplishment as I have been looking since May.

Rachel said...

My NY resolutions are things I Really want! ;)

I'm currently working on increasing our family income. I'd love to be able to work exclusively from home! Right now I do a combination.

Dawn said...

I really want to get a good job and start dating! I was divorced about 4 years ago, and I am finally ready to move on! It took me awhile, but I want to be with someone. I miss it, and I want to be successful with a new job!!!!!

Jerry Marquardt said...

I would like to accomplish finishing up all of this remodeling I started last year on my house.

Kim Neville said...

To pay off my credit card and then start saving for a house

Unknown said...

I would like to accomplish paying off my credit cards and saving more money.

Kaycee said...

I would like to work on having peace about the biggest loss I have ever experienced.

Anubha said...

I would really like to start freelancing

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Our goal is to move into a bigger home in 2016

JanD said...

My goal is to lose weight and maintain it until the next year.
bituin76 at hotmail dot com

Elizabeth Parker said...

We will be moving this year, so I would like to de-clutter some and eliminate some debt. :)

Candace said...

I want my normal 5k time to be in the 27 mins instead of my normal 28 or 29 :)

Sharon Braswell said...

I really want to be able to grow a successful garden this year! Thank you!

Jackiekatie1105 said...

I would really like to find more patience with my kids

Mia J. said...

I would like to help my family be able to buy a house this year.

Unknown said...

I want to accomplish trying to find a home I like and want to buy

Anonymous said...

To get my home organized.

Unknown said...

I want to get a job

Unknown said...

I want to buy a new house.

rounder9834 @yahoo.com

Kathy Davis said...

I would like to continue taking art classes for pleasure. But, this year I really want to become more accomplished, and create work that makes me proud.

Unknown said...

I would like to learn to love myself! This is going to be a tough challenge for me..

AEKZ2 said...

I'm trying to save more money this year. I want to stop buying things that I don't really need.

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