It is 6:30 PM and Baby is Already Campaigning for Me to Go to Bed! | Miki's Hope

It is 6:30 PM and Baby is Already Campaigning for Me to Go to Bed!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

I don't know why she tries to get me to bed so early--it could be because she know how difficult it is to wake me up by midnight (when she wants fresh wet food)or maybe she knows by now it will take a bit of coaxing on her part--like an hour or two. It starts with her lying down on my desk next to me and "managing" to hit my wireless mouse with her wagging tail which causes me to have to reset stuff--then after I have moved her and her tail a bit over she departs for the living room for a 1/2 hour or so. I begin to hear things falling to the floor until I get up to see what she has done now! Back to the computer--then--she stands right in front of my keyboard--have you ever tried to type under and between a cats legs or to move an unmovable object? It does not work. I try telling her it is too early for bed--she glares at me. Back into the living room or sometimes right outside my door so just in case I try to escape she is right there with her every ready claw to grab my sock and hold on. Once she gets me into bed and the computer and the lights are off--she kneads me for a few minutes and I pet her--then off she goes to the living room or the closet or where ever she spends the nights--never to be seen again until 10 or 11 or 12 at night when she begins the process of waking me up!! I feed her--she goes back to sleep---and that is why all of you see me on the computer at crazy hours of the morning! Next up---how she used to wake me up and how she accomplishes it now!!

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Angel said...

I am enjoying this cat saga! :)

Unknown said...

My good friend and I have been just discussing this subject, she actually is normally endeavouring to prove me incorrect! I will present her this particular blog post and rub it in a little!
jeux bebe

Nicole A. said...

We've finally gotten our dog on the same night time routine as us, it's been amazing.
A family I used to housesit had a cat that would wake me in the middle of the night like yours. I don't miss it.

Masshole Mommy said...

We have only had our dog for about a month now, but for the most part he is on our schedule. He sleeps a lot during the day, so he's not always ready for bed when we are.

Mel Cole said...

Awww your cat really loves you. So cute!

Chubskulit Rose said...

I think she just wants a cuddlle time with you, how sweet!

Casa Vilora Interiors said...

Cats are such amazing creatures. Lol

Aisha Kristine Chong said...

Cats are very interesting and lovely things... sometimes, it's a mystery..

Nicole said...

Cats are crazy creatures! I have three. One acts like she's starving to death if you miss feeding time by two minutes. I swear, if she could, she'd put her paw to her forehead and faint all old-fashioned lady style, lol.

FabulousPerks said...

Lol cats are amazing creatures. Never really owned on I just feel like we wouldn't get along being that we are always referred to as being so similar.

Michelle G. said...

Yet another reason I'm saying no to my children's petitions for a pet :) I love having them around but now that my 2 and 5 year old are becoming so self-sufficient - a pet would be like starting all over again. I'm just ready for that right now...LOL

Kiittäkää Aina ja Kaikesta said...

You have a really smart cat. But don't they all are. They tame and train us, not the other way around.

Unknown said...

That is quite a cat you have there!

Unknown said...

I don't miss having cats, haha. I'll stick to my dogs and bunnies now!

Unknown said...

OMG! This is so true! I have 4 cats and they bug me and bug me until I give them what they want. It's crazy how these cute little felines are sooo much like a child?! In the end I love my furbabies with my whole heart and wouldn't change the way they show me love.

Rebecca said...

i love your cat she is so smart and pretty

Pam said...

My cat, Okie, wants to curl up in my lap and help type on my laptop and another cat, Mitzie, wants to follow me to the bathroom every single time. I am enjoying the Baby stories.

Anonymous said...

I love your cat, saga is always doing something hehe, Cant wait until you tell us what saga did next

Taty said...

oh this cat has you down to a science!!!
Can;t wait to read what she manages next:-)

Katherine Bartlett said...

I think your cat really loves you! How cute!

Unknown said...

I love cat stories because I have 3 of them myself! They all have their own character too!

Lindsay@CrunchySavings said...

Our cat does the same thing! he is addicted to wet food!

ANNIE M said...

That is quite the kitty cat you got there :P

Unknown said...

We have a rescue/street kitten turning cat. She is starting to snuggle but sometimes she attacks out toes when we sleep!

Tough Cookie Mommy said...

My dog also has his ways for getting me to do what he wants. He is currently laying on the floor on the side of my bed while I work.

Unknown said...

How adorable. I could just imagine the fuss! I would love a cat if I wasn't allergic to them!

Unknown said...

your cat reminds me of my bf 0.0 minus the hiding in the closet thing hahaah my bf goes into his man cave once he's got enough of my attention

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