Review-Jordon Essentials with Kathy Miranda- Magnesium Lotion | Miki's Hope

Review-Jordon Essentials with Kathy Miranda- Magnesium Lotion

Friday, May 9, 2014

This is a sponsored post however the opinions are all mine!

I have reviewed many Jordon Essentials products and still use every one of them. Kathy Miranda a caring and always helpful consultant with Jordon Essentials asked me to once again please try a brand new product. Now I am no doctor and as I always suggest please ask your doctor before trying anything new. It seems that the metal which is also a mineral Magnesium is very important. We do have it in our bodies from foods including Pumpkin and sunflower seeds,Green leafy vegetables, including spinach and Swiss chard,Green beans Navy, pinto, lima and kidney beans, Cashews and almonds, Seaweed, Whole grains, Bananas, Baked potatoes (with the skin) and happily Chocolate and cocoa powder. However from what I have read in various articles we don't really get enough-or at least most of us don't. I suggest you read Are You Getting Enough Magnesium? an article in CNCA Health to find out more about the importance of Magnesium to your body and the symptoms that you might have if you do not. Again-your Doctor is the person you should go to if you think you are Magnesium deficient.

As most of us know by now--anything you put on your skin does end up inside your body! If you read the chart above it will give you an idea of some of the uses Jordon Essentials Magnesium Lotion may be useful in alleviating. (click on the pic to make it easier to read!)

I have been experiencing a painful patch on my lower arm and my poor shoulder is still not totally better so I decided to try the samples on those two places. It seemed to immediately take away the pain from my lower arm. My shoulder may take longer but it did feel a bit less stiff. The samples I were given were both the peppermint scent-smells yummy. They also have an unscented which is the one I will probably get when I go buy the full size! This lotion is thinner then most of the other Jordon Essential lotions I have used (You really need to try those as well!!) but goes in quickly and is completely adsorbed into the skin.

As with all Jordon Essential Products I highly recommend the Magnesium lotion.

You really can not beat this company or Kathy for caring and individualized attention!! Click in Now and see what it is all about!

Kathy Miranda
Made in the USA! Naturally Based, Botanically infused
Bath, Spa and 100% Pure Minerals
Hoping for additional income on a choose your own hours basis?
You can contact Kathy at (732)-687-5293
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This is a sponsored post however the opinions are all mine! I received 2 small samples to try this lotion.
All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Dan from Platter Talk said...

Magnesium lotion sounds like a great idea, particularly for the many people who are deficient in this vital mineral.

Colette S said...

I love finding a great product and also know that the people behind the product really cares.

I'd love to try these!

Lexie Lane said...

You're totally right! What you put on your skin goes in your body as well. I really paid attention to this when I was pregnant. I even used all natural deodorant! I'll have to check this out. I am all for natural products

Laura O in AK said...

Wow! That sounds like an easy way to help boost magnesium in your system.

Jenny said...

Hmm, I wonder if this would work for my sciatica pain.. might have to give it a try!

Paula Schuck said...

I am checking that site out. I take magnesium with my calcium often. I know it helps me to absorb the calcium. I just don't know much about why that is the way it works, so now I am checking it out. Thanks for the information.

Unknown said...

Thanks for giving us all that info! Everything we put on our body does go right in..

Liz Mays said...

I'd love it in the peppermint too. I'm so happy it made a difference for you.

Unknown said...

Very interesting! I read the article. I think I'm getting a good amount of magnesium from my diet, but sounds like I need more.

Diane Estrella said...

I had not heard of this company before. That was fast results and the best of testimonies a company can get for their product!

Masshole Mommy said...

That is really interesting. I usually buy lotions for the scent of them, but never really thought about buying one that contains vitamins or minerals that my body could actually use.

Debi said...

I use a lot of magnesium lotions to help ease pain. I have to check this out.

Literary Winner said...

I did not know magnesium lotion could help with cramps! I'd love to try this with various achy spots I have.

Czjai said...

Interesting product! I like that it comes in peppermint scent, too. :)

mail4rosey said...

Things that have a nice peppermint smell are so invigorating! I'm glad you found a brand you can put your trust into!

Kisa Johnson said...

This looks like something I could really use, I like peppermint scent and I bet that this would help for some of my skin issues.

Rebecca said...

This sounds like a great lotion to have. I am always looking for things that are good for my skin. Thank You.

Rebecca Swenor said...

I have heard people with fibromyalgia are lacking in magnesium.
Thanks for the sharing.

Unknown said...

I love this and I may just give it a try!

valmg @ Mom Knows It All said...

I have heard for many years that magnesium is important. I've never heard of a lotion with it before. Glad it's working for you.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great product. I will have to look more into it.

Michelle F.

Unknown said...

Magnesium is a very essential component to our health. Thanks for sharing this information.

Amanda Love said...

I have actually never heard of this before now. I will have to look into this because it does sound like a great product that I need to have. Thanks for the review.

Leelo said...

These sound like great products!

Karen Dawkins said...

Thank you for encouraging people to talk with their physician first. The product sounds wonderful -- but for some people on long-term meds, it could cause complications. So thanks!

Krissy Deane said...

I'll have to take a look into this. These products seem very useful. I've never used a magnesium product before but I just learned that I've been consuming it since I'm especially big on eating my vegetables. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Interesting though it is my first time to hear about Magnesium lotion.

Unknown said...

I need to talk to my doctor about using Magnesium lotion. I would love to use it for aches & pains!

tat2gurlzrock said...

I have been thinking about trying this. I think I would benefit from it.

Tamra Phelps said...

I had never heard of magnesium lotion. If it helps my dry skin, I'll try it, lol. And I love peppermint scent.

cdllegg122 said...

i never knew that everything we put on our skin goes in our bodies neat but also scarey. sure makes u think about the types of skincare we choose.

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