Book Review-Cat-Eye Witness (A Klepto Cat Mystery)-Patricia Fry | Miki's Hope

Book Review-Cat-Eye Witness (A Klepto Cat Mystery)-Patricia Fry

Friday, May 9, 2014

I saw that one of my friends (Mary's Cup of Tea) had a review of this book up on her blog and it reminded me that I really did want to read this one. So I went in and purchased it with my own funds. This is the second, in the Klepto Cat Mystery series. The first, Catnapped, I also purchased on a whim and you can read my review of it here. Yes, there are times I just feel like reading a lighthearted mystery with a little murder a little romance and of course a smart animal or two.

This can definitely be a stand alone read but there are references back to the first in the series. The last book ended when the ladies "saved" the cats and horses. This book begins with a fund raiser where a murder takes place and the only eye witness is the cat! There are quite a bit of twists and turns and you really are not sure who the murderer is and was it the same person who stole the fund raising money?

This took me no time at all to read and would in my opinion be perfect to take to a beach, or to curl up with on a chilly night.

About the Book: (from Amazon)

Savannah and Aunt Margaret open the old Forster home to the Hammond Cat Alliance for a fundraiser to help rehabilitate the abused horses rescued months earlier from the catnappers. Before the afternoon is over, the collected funds go missing and someone is murdered in an upstairs bedroom.
Suspicion surrounds Iris, a local waitress and Savannah’s new best friend. The only witness to the murder is Rags, Savannah’s cat. With the assistance of a cat psychic and Rags’s good friend, Charlotte (the young girl with Downs), the cat helps to “paw” the killer…but not before an attempt is made on Rags’s life. The case is solved only after Rags comes face-to-face with the killer for the second time.
Detective Craig Sledge is new to this book, as is Damon, Iris’s errant son. Sledge finds this to be one of the muddiest cases he has ever worked, with inconsistent clues and no apparent motive. He’s constantly surprised, perplexed and impressed by the cat’s uncanny ability to come up with clues he has missed. His fascination with the attractive Iris Clampton also mystifies the detective.
In this story, one of the rescued horses goes into labor and there’s a night of high drama at the ole corral as veterinarians Savannah and Michael work to save the foal. This experience renews Savannah’s deep interest in horses and riding, which ultimately serves to help her bond with a very important surprise character who finds his way into her life and Michael’s just as they prepare to say their wedding vows.
While Rags is the animal star, he isn’t the only animal featured in this story. Layla is back in all of her tangerine beauty. And Rags makes friends with Buffy, a perky almost Himalayan and the inseparable duo, Walter, an all black cat and his sidekick, Lexie, a charming afghan mix. Savannah’s new ride, Peaches, also debuts in this story. An incident with this mare adds another dimension to Savannah’s and Michael’s relationship. Can he hold her with open arms?
Some say this is a love story with a mystery in the background. And it’s a story of family and friendship as newlyweds Margaret and Max continue to be a meaningful part of Savannah’s and Michael’s world.

Read a chapter or two here

Purchase the Book Here

About the Author: (from Amazon)

There is a comprehensive biography of Patricia Fry which can be viewed here. This is one interesting woman!


I purchased this book with my own funds. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Czjai said...

My sister, who is a cat woman, will definitely love this book. Recommending this to her. :)

Masshole Mommy said...

My aunt has a bunch of cat babies and since she loves to read, I am totally getting her a copy of this. I bet she would LOVE it.

aish said...

Nice book my sister love it and want to buy it.

Diane Estrella said...

You are so whimsical with your reads. I think I get into a rut with my reading. Sometimes a "sure-thing" is better for me with my limited time.

Virginia at That Bald Chick said...

I bet my sister in law would enjoy this one.

Jessica said...

I bet my MIL would love this book. She loves cats and reads all kinds of books. I need to remember this book for when her birthday comes up.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a great read. I love books that come in a series.

Michelle F.

Stacey - Seattle Mom Blog said...

I love a good mystery book, and a lighthearted one like this is so easy to read!

Lisa Weidknecht said...

As a cat lover, I am intrigued!!

Unknown said...

This sounds like a great read for a true animal lover!

Couponing Away Debt said...

I know a few people that are animal lovers, they would enjoy this book! Passing on the info.

Beck Valley Books said...

Sounds like a nice lightish read, so who's the detective then - the cat?? :-)

monica said...

So funny that a cat is involved! Definitely not your typical murder story! I can always count on you to share the intriguing books.

Anonymous said...

That sounds cute! As the owner of a cat AND a dog, this would be a fun read!

ReviewsSheRote said...

I am a BIG fan of the series is called the "Cat Who..." Lilian Jackson Braun. This one sounds like it would be right along those lines.

alwaysblabbing said...

I have 11 cats myself so I think this would be a cute book for me to read.

Rebecca Swenor said...

Sounds interesting. Ty for the info. :)

Rose said...

It's interesting to read...I think the person who is cat lovers l8ve this book...thanks for sharing...

Rebecca said...

This sounds like a great read will be adding to my list.

Unknown said...

Oh a murder mystery sounds very intriguing!

Kero Pinkihan said...

yay! perfect for the cat-woman in me. I will add this to my Kindle collection. perfect for lazy summer read by the pool

Unknown said...

I have never read a book, where an animal is the most important witess. Sounds interestin! :D

Jhady said...

Interesting book, just wondering if it happened in real life where there was a murder and the cat was the only witness.

Chubskulit Rose said...

This would be a perfect book to read on a relaxing afternoon. Pretty interesting!

Unknown said...

This sounds so fun. I love cats and horses!

Amanda Love said...

Sounds like a pretty interesting book. I don't think I've ever read anything quite like. Might be another for my kindle list.

Lexie Lane said...

when I saw the title I knew you'd like this! I bet my mother in law would like this too. From reading your posts, I could tell you're a lot like her!

MomGlenz said...

great review thanks for sharing ...

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