This is definitely light hearted and funny! Lord Algernon Barclay always seems to be "saving" Lady Felicity--from a very young age. She managed to get trapped in a box during a game of hide and seek--luckily he found her--she gave him a kiss and his best friend happened in at that exact second---he punched him. He was her brother and had a trigger temper! Then they got older and it got worse---These two Lords were on again off again best friends--and all because of Lady Felicity!!
Between all that happened Algernon and Felicity were forced to get married--but someone was trying to kill him or her?
I especially loved the ending---and I think you will too--Algernon finally gets to punch out his friend!!
About the Book: (from Amazon)
A Bed of Wild Roses. Flowers of the Aristocracy. (Untamed Regency Series)
A Regency Mystery Romance.
An innocent kiss might not have sealed her fate. Even a scandalously slippery jelly could be explained away. But revealing one’s long hidden charms to the local nobility can only lead Lady Felicity into marriage or ruination.
How could a childhood game become so complicated? How could a dessert behave so decadently? And how could his own shrubbery become so untamed? Caught between debt, honour, and Felicity’s more than irate brother, Lord Algernon Barclay’s immediate future can only lead in one direction. Straight into a parson’s noose.
But even while reconciling themselves to their fate, a killer stalks. Amid attempted murder, thieving relatives, and renovating an impoverished estate, will they surrender to their shared attraction, or will Algernon’s stubborn heart convince her to give up and leave him.
This light-hearted Regency mystery romance is suitable for ages 16 and above due to sensual love scenes.
Read a Chapter or Two Here
Purchase the Book Here
About the Author: (from Amazon)
I was born in Essex England during the mid sixties but I missed all the fun. Being only young I assumed that all Beatles were six legged creatures and Flower Power was something to do with the vigorous way my mother kneaded the bread dough.
My wonderful parents brought me up with a huge love of books. We read anything and everything. Bedtime stories were a treasured time of adventure and mystery. My sister and I sat wide eyed in wonder and to this day I worry about Dinah and Dorinda being pricked with pins because they grew so fat, and I never pull faces at the a waning moon (or was it a waxing one?) just in case my chops stay that way . (The Wind On The Moon)
I began reading romance while still at school. The fuel for many a teenage fantasy leapt from between the covers of wildly romantic books and my passion still lingers now for all those dashing, dark haired heroes.
My own beautiful daughter persuaded me to write my first romance. She enjoyed the resulting tale so much that she shared it with her friends and I eventually published A Perfect Summer as an ebook on amazon.
But I have discovered that this writing bug is not easily stopped. It has turned into a grand passion that I just cannot hold back. Ideas come flooding in the strangest of places. While driving the car, when choosing ripe avocados in the supermarket, even during sweaty sessions at the gym, far too many for just one book and so I began another and then another. Eight years and twenty-five books later I am still nowhere near done. Book 26 is on its way and only just the other night I woke from a wild and wonderful dream with yet another plot fully formed in my head.
I hope you enjoy all of my efforts and I look forward to your comments and reviews.
Author's Website

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