$100 Amazon GC GA-Madison's Song-Christine Amsden-Ends 10/30 | Miki's Hope

$100 Amazon GC GA-Madison's Song-Christine Amsden-Ends 10/30

Monday, August 10, 2015

This is Madison's story. If you read all of the Cassie Scott Paranormal Detective books you will remember that she was the friend who kept getting abducted for various reasons. She also had a magical gift but was convinced by her step father that it was a gift from the Devil and she didn't really use it. She had a gift for music and a singing voice that was magnificent. Her magical gift has never been used nor did she realize it was magical!

Scott, a werewolf with definite other magical abilities like most of the others in this town really likes Madison but is afraid if he lets himself get too close he might bite her--Madison is scared to death of Scott but when her brother disappears it is to Scott she goes for help.

I loved reading how Madison went from a shy, frightened girl to a strong decisive woman as she and Scott pull out all the plugs magical and otherwise to find her brother. It takes them on a journey which will either solidify their relationship or break it apart forever. And of course there is her step-brother who doesn't want her near Scott or danger at all--Alpha Males--oh well--

I am hoping for another one of these offshoot novels very soon!!!!!!!

Her voice is enchanting; his soul is black...

About the Book

Madison Carter has been terrified of Scott Lee since the night he saved her from an evil sorcerer – then melted into a man-eating monster before her eyes. The werewolf is a slave to the moon, but Madison's nightmares are not. Despite her fears, when Madison's brother, Clinton, is bitten by a werewolf, she knows there is only one man who can help. A man who frightens her all the more because even in her nightmares, he also thrills her.

Together for the first time since that terrible night, Scott and Madison drive to Clinton's home only to discover that he's vanished. Frantic now, Madison must overcome her fears and uncover hidden strengths if she hopes to save him. And she's not the only one fighting inner demons. Scott's are literal, and they have him convinced that he will never deserve the woman he loves.

Excerpt from the Book

The first police car screamed into the lot, skidding to a halt so close to the front of the truck that it was a miracle it hadn't hit. They were caught. Madison glanced at Scott for instructions, but his eyes were closed and he was muttering something under his breath – casting a spell.

Two uniformed officers spilled from their car, but they didn't come towards them. Instead, they went for Mick and his dad, cutting them off before they could pile into a rusty Toyota. Then another squad car screamed into the lot, ejecting two more officers who went into the building.

“Go,” Scott murmured.

She barely heard him, but she obeyed. She put the truck in reverse, carefully backed away from the police car trying to kiss their bumper, then threw the truck into drive and peeled away. Madison kept glancing at the mirrors, even though the angles were wrong, looking behind them for the cars that would surely give chase. They didn't. The police officers acted as if they couldn't even see them.

It wasn't just the policemen who couldn't see them, as Madison discovered when she pulled into traffic. She screamed and slammed on the brakes, barely missing a collision when a car changed lines directly into their side.

“Are we invisible?” Madison asked.

Madison's Song is a stand-alone companion to the Cassie Scot series

Buy Links for Madison's Song

Paperback Release: October 15
Audiobook Release: TBA

Amazon Barnes and Noble

The Cassie Scot Series

Cassie Scot: ParaNormal Detective (Cassie Scot #1)Click here for my review

Barnes and Noble Amazon Audible.com

Secrets and Lies (Cassie Scot #2)Click here for my review

Barnes and Noble Amazon Audible

Mind Games (Cassie Scot #3) Click here for my review

Amazon Barnes and Noble Audible

Stolen Dreams (Cassie Scot #4)Click here for my review

Amazon Barnes and Noble Audible

About the Author

Christine Amsden has been writing fantasy and science fiction for as long as she can remember. She loves to write and it is
her dream that others will be inspired by this love and by her stories. Speculative fiction is fun, magical, and imaginative
but great speculative fiction is about real people defining themselves through extraordinary situations. Christine writes
primarily about people and relationships, and it is in this way that she strives to make science fiction and fantasy meaningful
for everyone.

At the age of 16, Christine was diagnosed with Stargardt’s Disease, a condition that effects the retina and causes a loss of
central vision. She is now legally blind, but has not let this slow her down or get in the way of her dreams. In addition to
writing, Christine teaches workshops on writing at Savvy Authors. She also does some freelance editing work. Christine
currently lives in the Kansas City area with her husband, Austin, who has been her biggest fan and the key to her success. They have two beautiful children.

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I received a paperback edition of this book for review purposes. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Tough Cookie Mommy said...

That is a very interesting combination to blend paranormal activity with detective work. I'm sure this book is a page turner.

Cali W. said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I always thought suspense made the best paranormal book. :)

Joanne T Ferguson said...

I am always after that next interesting summer read! This combines my favorites genre's of paranormal and detective work!

Unknown said...

I like the mystery of anything paranormal, especially romances.

Liz Mays said...

I like that bit of an undercurrent of tension and fear between them. This sounds really good.

Christy Maurer said...

The depth of the characters really make or break a paranormal romance book. If they are too far-fetched, it is hard to believe. This sounds like a good one!

Emma said...

Interesting characters. Paranormal and detective combo - interesting as well! Thanks for this giveaway!

mail4rosey said...

Ah the frightening, thrilling man. I married him once upon a time. ;) Thanks for the book review. My favorite thing to find at your place. :)

Christine Amsden said...

Thank you for hosting and for the wonderful review!

Denise C said...

Paranormal fiction is just so fun and imaginative, and it makes it easy to get lost in the book!

mail4rosey said...

For the giveaway: I have been forced to face a fear. Learning to do things on my own, instead of as a unit as I have been doing all of my adult life was scary. I'm overcoming the barriers/fears each and every day. :)

Dogvills said...

What a beautiful review. I like reading paranormal stories. I will look for this book.

Jenn said...

My husband is on a paranormal story kick lately. This would be a great book we could both read I think.

Unknown said...

I know what my MIL is getting for Christmas! I know she'd love this book. The contents sound intriguing and a little scary, perfect for her taste!

Maggie said...

Love the cover! Thanks for sharing your review :)

Masshole Mommy said...

I could do SO MUCH samage with $100 on Amazon. What an awesome giveaway this is!

I am Harriet said...

That does sound like a good book. I enjoyed the excerpt

Unknown said...

This is not my style, but I do have a few friends who would LOVE this! Sharing!

Heather Jones said...

Oh it sounds really good, I like books where strong women emerge from shyness. It sounds like a good read.

Liz Mays said...

This sounds like a great story with some cool fantasy concepts involved. It will be great to see her character grow.

Maria said...

Sounds like a great read. I love anything to do with the paranormal, so this definitely sounds like it's right up my alley!

Anonymous said...

What a great looking cover. It definitely captured my interest.

Michelle F.

Jacob from Local Adventurer said...

This book doesn't sound quite up my alley but I definitely have friends who would love it. Will definitely share with them.

Jaime Nicole said...

It sounds like a really interesting read. We still have a few weeks of summer left to get in another book or two so I may have to check this one out!

Unknown said...

Sounds like an intriguing story. Love to read so will have to check this out.

Deb PelletierC said...

Facing Fear , yes, a lot.

Michele D said...

Sounds like a wonderful book to pick and read. Definitely need to look for this one.

Samantha said...

i've never read paranormal romance, but this sounds good :)

Unknown said...

This sounds like an interesting read! I've been reading thrillers lately so I'm ready to move on to something different like this.

Unknown said...

Yes, there has been times in my life where I needed to overcome my fears. I am still working on some of them.

Stacey Smith said...

what make paranormal so great is the escape from the real world and just maybe some of it's real.

Unknown said...

This: I loved reading how Madison went from a shy, frightened girl to a strong decisive woman as she and Scott pull out all the plugs magical and otherwise to find her brother.
That is why I want to read this. I love a strong woman!

Seattle Travel Blogger said...

This looks like a great read. My daughter is usually into books like this. I'll add it to the list!

Unknown said...

I have had to face my fear's several times in my life. One was my health and the other was facing a man who had hurt me deeply. I am stronger in mind my because I face them head on.

CourtneyLynne said...

Omg this book sounds great!!!! I will have to look into getting myself a copy!!

Maria Theresa Santos said...

good paranormal consist of great plot and great characters

Housewife Eclectic said...

This is totally up my alley! I will have to check it out!

Jen Haile said...

I have been forced to face many fears. I'm always shocked that I make it through them still alive!

Fee Roberts said...

I had to get over my fear of traveling by plane when I went to visit my brother a couple years ago. I won't ever get on another plane, so I guess I'm really not over that fear.

Yellow Tennessee said...

This sounds like a great book. I love the idea of a detective trying to figure out a paranormal case. I bet it was hard to put down.

Nikki said...

Sounds like a great book. I always love to read is the thrilling stories or an Mysterious i would add this to my reading list. Very interesting story

Annemarie LeBlanc said...

Thank you for providing us a snippet of the book. It does seem like an interesting read. I'd recommend this to friends who are avid readers of this type of literary work.

melissa cushing said...

I just love paranormal anything .... but mostly the romance! I have been a huge fan ever since Twilight came out forever ago! I will definitely be reading and checking this one out for sure! Thanks for sharing!

cindy said...

Always looking for new reads to add to my list! I always love to win too!

Eliz Frank said...

What a fascinating romance/paranormal/magical tale. I love that the characters are complex with strengths and weaknesses... Must be a great read!:-)

Esme Sy said...

I love books that I can share with my girls. I value reading so much that I make sure to get them books that they will love, you know, just to keep them interested in reading as well. Thanks for the review!

Esha Indianwriter said...

I have faced some situations due to which I had to overcome my fears.

I think paranormal romance takes you to a completely different world where there is hope between impossible and possible. They interest you to deepest depth and make you imagine.


Chasingmyhalo said...

What a fun book! This post also got me interested in the Cassie Scott series! paranormal detective? Does it get any better? !

Maddi'sMommy said...

I dont typically read paranormal but this one has my curiosity piqued!

Maddi'sMommy said...

I dont typically read paranormal but this one has my curiosity piqued!

Ckrusch said...

I am always after that next interesting summer read! This combines my favorites genres! Love it!

Rebecca Swenor said...

This sounds like an interesting book indeed. Sometimes it is nice to read something that is not real life. My mom would probably like this one too. I will have to get this for us. Thanks for sharing.

Ron Leyba said...

This is the kind of book I love. Hope I can get a copy of this too!

HilLesha O'Nan said...

This book sounds so intriguing! I will definitely have to check it out. Great giveaway, too!

HilLesha O'Nan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

This sounds like a super intriguing book! I love this type of stuff and a $100 gift card cant hurt!

Daniel M said...

i like anything paranormal, wish i had a superpower - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Kate Danielle said...

Oh I am posting my review of this tomorrow.... I still have a few more chapters to read tonight (I have gotten behind this week). I am really liking the book so far!

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read this one! I love her work! @v@

Dhemz said...

sounds like a great book to read! it's been awhile since I last read a mystery book...I might check this out!

MiniMasterminds said...

Oh sounds like a great read. I love to read supernatural mystery books!

Unknown said...

I overcame my fear of snakes as a teenager, to work with them. Literally I started out with a "small" 5 or 6 foot boa constrictor handling and caring for it as I got more comfortable. I eventually handled 8 and 9 foot boa constrictors and would take photos of people with them at Fairs and festivals.

My Dad one day brought me and my family to a man's house to "adopt" what would be come to be known as "Gargantuan" a Burmese Python who was longer than a school bus and took 2 men to carry. I still can't believe the man lived in a trailer with this thing and let it in and out of his trailer. It had free run of his house and the neighborhood... IF the neighbors only knew! Yikes! Some stories you just can't make up and are better than any fiction!

Danielle Papsis

Christine said...

Nothing that major, but going into healthcare forced me to overcome my needle phobia!

krystal said...

That excerpt has me interested! I need to give this a read!

ms-texas said...

I can't recall a paranormal book that i have read before but this sounds quite interesting

Jeanna Massman said...

Paranormal novels are so interesting because they stretch the boundaries of what is and what could be!

Sandy said...

I love the fantasy aspect of the paranormal.

Congratulations and thanks for the amazing giveaway.

mandala said...

Paranormal romance provides a good mix of realism and fantasy which makes them a good read. Thanks!

thegirlonfire75 said...

i usually dont read that many paranormal its not my favorite genre :) but in paranormal romance books i like the paranormal and mystic aspect :) and also a bit of love :P also usually paranormal books are set in a normal world where there are paranormal creatures and thats cool bc its set in our modern world :P

Mommy Peach said...

This sounds like its one captivating book. One you can't put down easily.

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

I've only read a few paranormals. Twilight and some smaller ones. But i like the vamps and werewolves so yay for paranormal romances! Can't happen in real life so yay for fiction!

Jessica Powell said...

I overcame my fear of flying. No progress on the arachnophobia though!

XmasDolly said...

I overcame a fear I had of a particular person, and one day I did not have a choice and I stood my ground, and ... let's just say the money I paid for Karate lessons really paid off.

jill190 said...

I feel everybody has to overcome there fear. I try to think about of of the different thing that could happen, but life always turns out great. I fear for nothing.

nrlymrtl said...

I have a fear of ladders. If they are permanently attached, then I am OK. But free-standing, unsecured ladders are difficult for me to climb. But I use to practice on a short one a few times a year. It leads down into the well house so it was also necessary. I was getting better and then one day my man decided to give the ladder a little shake while I was on it. He was trying to show how stable it was and truly didn't mean any evil by it. But it set me all the way back to the starting point. I need to find some centipedes for his truck. ;)

Shannon said...

Yes, I finally got over my fear of roller coasters when I was 16 and it was awesome to not be afraid anymore.

bettycd said...

When I was young, I dived into the pool and hit the water wrong. wow - did that hurt It was a long time before I could get myself to dive in headfirst.

Unknown said...

My greatest fear is anything happening to my daughters.

circumspect4 said...

I have a huge fear of flying since 9/11. But I wanted to go see my mom in Georgia which would be a 12 hour drive for me with a 6 year old. Needless to say, I got over my fear and took the two hour flight. My 6 year old wasn't afraid at all and that helped me! So maybe my fear really is 12 hour drives with young children!!

Unknown said...

I love paranormal romance books! I've been reading them more and more the last couple of years.There's some really awesome stuff out there. One of my favorites is Laurell K. Hamilton! I'm a huge werewolf fan too!

Kambrea said...

I have never read a paranormal romance book, but it sounds interesting.

As far as biggest fear, I have had to face a couple of fears in my life. It's always a scary thing.

Deborah Caudill said...

I have faced many fears over the years, but I have found that each one you overcome makes you a stronger person, as well as the person you are today! I love paranormal suspense with a love story thrown into the mix. Thanks for the giveaway!

jeanette sheets said...

yes on a few occasions some are to personal to list here ,but one was my fear of hospiatls and being put to sleep,i had to have 2 life saving surgeries ,so i quickly had to grow up and face my fears

Stephanie @ Bookfever said...

Paranormal romance is great because encountering vampires, werewolves, faeries, etc would never happen in real life so it's like this whole new world to explore.

Jamie said...

I had to face the fear of having surgery when I was having medical problems.

Unknown said...

I was coming home late one evening and there was a huge moth on my front door. I really freakin' hate moths. I tried to face my fear, but I couldn't. I went in the side door. I am a coward :)

Anonymous said...

what makes paranormal great is it can go in many directions.It can be romantic,funny or scary. It can be ghost,shifter,vampire or a combination. It has something for everyone.

michelle k said...

Paranormal romances let you imagination run wild. It is a great escape from everyday life

Unknown said...

Paranormal romance allows us to play out our fantasies in a realm where the drama is played for stakes which are often far greater than those we face in real life. As such, we can live vicariously through some of the greatest triumphs in modern fiction, all while drawing parallels to our own fractal analogues.

God bless,

Jess Maryy said...

Paranormal romances are awesome because they allow you to escape from the ordinary daily life, taking you to different dimensions :)

sheila ressel said...

What makes paranormal romances great are that they allow me to forget about the problems I have in my life, if only temporarily.

Richard Brandt said...

Yes. Anyone who's ever asked someone out has overcome one of their greatest fears.

richelle bowers said...

yes I've overcome a fear. my son was hit by a car a few years back. letting him be outside alone is hard. he's a teenager now

molli said...

im overcoming a major fear right now... leaving a relationship that was dangerous and unhealthy

Jennifer H. said...

I am working on overcoming my fear of falling.

John H. said...

I have had to overcome fears.

Shakeia Rieux said...

I have been forced to overcome a fear

Judy Schechter said...

I have agoraphobia so it's very hard for me to leave the house, but I'm working on it by taking baby steps. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Julie Waldron said...

Not really.

laurie nykaza said...

Paranormal books are my favorite so this one about love sounds great!

morgan said...

The cover fascinates me. It really draws the reader in.

Melanie B said...

Love Paranormal romance! Thanks for the giveaway!

melissadawn said...

Some people do not understand fear because it can be not rational. I have a deep deep fear of wind among many other things lol. So yes I have to constantly face my fears.

Unknown said...

The two worst fears I have had to face, first my mother dying of Leukemia, her battle was a constant fear, living wthout her was a constant fear. Second, I was diagnosed with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. It's a genetic heart disease. I had to face having open heart surgery where they removed a piece of muscle, from inside my heart, the size of a small hamburger. It was blocking blood flow and I would have died without it.

Stephanie Shipley said...

I had to overcome my fear of flying in an airplane. It was terrifying, but obviously I made it :)

Unknown said...

Having social anxiety and working in sales, I deal with my imagined social fears daily.

Unknown said...

I have not read a romance novel in a long time! We all deal with fears and it is helpful to read about characters overcoming theirs to give us more courage.

Unknown said...

I haven't read your books yet but the story sounds interesting and would like to try a new genre. jchizmar01@windstream.net

Colette S said...

It's fun to see how the characters still face obstacles but can communicate ethereal.

samdaleo said...

I have had to face a lot of fears, one of the first that come to mind is when our house was in the line of a wild fire and our fence caught fire from embers. I had to get my daughter, our 2 dogs and our cat out of the house as quickly as I could.

Samantha (samdaleo)

Sonya Sanderson said...

I overcame a fear when I sat by my father's side in the hospital, and held his hand as he passed away.

Danielle merkle said...

Yes I faced my fear of falling when I went on a rollercoster!

Jerry Marquardt said...

I like paranormal romance due to the bewildering random events that happen along the way throughout the books.

Vicky Jame said...

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