Book Review-When Camels Fly-NLB Horton | Miki's Hope

Book Review-When Camels Fly-NLB Horton

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

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I'm finding it hard to write a review of this book without giving away the plot. Water has always been at the heart of the troubles in the Middle East and this book delves into what can happen when unscrupulous people take over.

The characters you will love; from the octogenarians to Mom who is hilarious. She is constantly talking to herself and heaven help anyone who even thinks about hurting her cubs!! Poor Mom (Grace is her name)-is finding out that everything she thought is not quite as she thought it was with her family. And she is a klutz! Amidst everything else she is hoping her daughter and son get married! There is a lot of trusting in G-D in this book (while helping him along a bit-well a lot) so anyone who like a bit of religion thrown in-you will enjoy this also.

Will the Mid East ever stop warring over water--WHEN CAMELS FLY!

This book can not be purchased quite yet--but soon! Keep your eyes out for it--you will enjoy!!

Just OUT -here is where you can purchase this great book!

Barnes and Noble:

About the Book: (from Virtual Author Book Tours)

A mother’s fatal shot. A daughter’s deadly choice.

In Israel, archaeologist Grace Madison shoots her daughter’s abductor. Seconds later, a handsome shepherd drops from the sky to kill a second assassin. Their world changes in two blinks of an eye.

Unbeknownst to them, a fiercely ambitious evil is destroying everything in its path—the unconventional path Grace and Maggie take. They struggle to right a wrong as old as time, and discover time is running out in the race for their lives. Family and friends are swept into their vortex, extinguishing old flames while igniting new loves.

While the scale tips dangerously toward disaster, millions of lives hang in the balance. And the mother-and-daughter team soon realizes nothing is as it seems. Even each other.

Because choosing what’s right is all that’s left.

About the Author: (from Virtual Author Book Tour)

After an award-winning detour through journalism and marketing and a graduate degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, NLBHorton returned to writing fiction. She has surveyed Israeli archaeological digs accompanied by artillery rounds from Syria and machine gun fire from Lebanon. Explored Machu Picchu after training with an Incan shaman. And consumed afternoon tea across five continents. When Camels Fly is her first novel. Her second, The Brothers’ Keepers, will be available November 2014.


I received a paperback (uncorrected proof) copy of this book for review purposes. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Anonymous said...

This book sounds very interesting - and the characters sound like they'd be right up my alley! Thanks for letting me know about "When Camels Fly" - it's going on my Summer reading list!

Beck Valley Books said...

Sounds like quite a fun read that I would really enjoy, not my normal genre but I think its good to change every now and then.

Diane Estrella said...

Wow! Action packed from start to finish it sounds like. Thanks for showcasing newbie and lesser known authors and getting them out there.

Masshole Mommy said...

This sounds like a fantastic book. You always manage to come up with some great books to review.

ReviewsSheRote said...

A mom who talks to herself --I'm sold!! =)

Maria said...

I love to travel so a book like this will let me travel by book. Sounds like a good fit for me.

Couponing Away Debt said...

I love your book reviews, my list is getting so long of must reads. This is another one :)

Czjai said...

The title alone is very intriguing. I have to check this out. :)

Unknown said...

Miki, thank you for your kind blog review. You're citing what my beta readers did, especially EveryMom Grace' And When Camels Fly released yesterday on Amazon, B&N, and for iBook.

Anonymous said...

Like the title of the book.


Nolie said...

I like the name of the book, catching of the eye

mail4rosey said...

I love the photo w/the camel! I'm intrigued about the book. And now I'm off to look up "octogenarians" to see what it means, ahhaha. :)

Scott said...

Not really a fiction guy, but it sounds like a book my wife would enjoy.

Unknown said...

That is a great sounding story.. If anyone every did that to my kids i would do the same thing.

Lame Shrill Owl said...

Love the title. Makes sense for the topic and setting of the book.

mystylespot said...

Looks like a really great read! Need to add it to my list of summer reads!

Emily Enchanted said...

Seems like an interesting plot. I didn't realize what people fight over in other countries.

Theresa Mahoney said...

The title alone is enough to interest me. But I think the characters sound complex, yet relate-able. Great review!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an interesting fast paced book.

Michelle F.

jen temcio @dapperhouse said...

This book sounds really intriguing and the author certainly does have the right credentials! I am ALWAYS searching for my next book...thanks!

Teddy Rose said...

Thanks for taking part in the tour. I'm so glad you enjoyed 'When Camels Fly'.

Samantha said...

This book sounds, strange yet intriguing! I may have to scope out the time to read it

Rebecca said...

you know you're a tease my book list is getting way to long because of your reviews.

JT and Amanda said...

Sounds like a fun book. I'll watch for it to come out.

Unknown said...

I know what you mean about not knowing how to spread the word about something you really love without giving away the plot or the punch line. Great job!

Kero Pinkihan said...

we are currently residing in Dubai so any Middle East book i am quiet interested!

Lexie Lane said...

Sounds like a really great book! I thought it was going to be somewhat serious but sounds like there is a lot of fun in it.

Mama to 5 said...

Love the name of the book - very catchy! Sounds like an interesting read!

Kenneth C. Agudo said...

This book really sounds interesting. Hoarding water by unscrupulous people? Thats very barbaric especially its just water but in a desert? oh, this is really interesting! :D

Liz Mays said...

Lucky you to get a sneak read of it! It sounds so different and unusual!

Unknown said...

I like that this book has a cultural component to it! It probably would be an interesting read. Thanks!

Catherine | Fit Armadillo® said...

What a cool book idea! I've been looking for a good read so I appreciate this :)

Sheila said...

Great review. Interesting book and the story has a depth which is different from other book today

Payal Bansal said...

The books seems as interesting as the title of the book, When camels fly

Unknown said...

This is a book I'll love! I think that mom is very similar to!

Christine Carpenter said...

Looks like a great book to add to my summer reading list.o

Emy Cooks Momentos said...

Well, sounds like a great book to have for the summer and sounds like fun and excitement. thanks for the review

Amanda Love said...

Sounds like a funny book to read. I love books that make me laugh and even the name sounds funny. Thanks for sharing your review.

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