Book Review-Hill Country Greed-Patrick Kelly | Miki's Hope

Book Review-Hill Country Greed-Patrick Kelly

Friday, April 11, 2014

Greed can be a terrible thing as you will find out if you read this amazingly good novel about the rise and fall of an IPO (Initial Public Offering) company in Austin Texas, and the people who rise and then fall with it. Joe Robbins, happily married with two daughters that he loves completely decides that he is going to take the job of CFO (Chief Financial Officer)at Connection Software. His job will be to help with the IPO process and make sure the company is in financially good enough shape for investors. He moves his entire family to a large and beautiful home. This all happened at the peak of the high-tech boom and Joe is convinced that he can make a killing. There is a core bunch of people of which Joe is now one. Then strange things start to happen-------people start dying.

Joe truly loves his wife and lets the women know when they start to come on to him at the office---until he doesn't. Joe and his wife become estranged and then--Joe catches her with someone-----

Then the stock market crashes and Joe and a lot of people are let go. More deaths start occurring. Joe decides that since he is almost positive the police think he did it-decides to help the police department discover who is really behind all the killing; almost getting himself killed in the process.

I found this to be a very fast read simply because I just could not put it down!!

About the Book: (from Amazon)

Joe Robbins is a chief financial officer with a beautiful wife, a burning desire for riches, and a history with boxing and guns.

It is 1999 in Austin, TX, at the peak of the high-tech boom, and Joe has a dream: He will take Connection Software public to win riches and financial freedom. Events proceed according to plan, until an employee commits suicide in a public way. Her motive is unknown.

Soon after, Joe leans far from his values to reach for the brass ring, and when he falls, he loses everything. To make matters worse, a director on the board is murdered, and Joe becomes a suspect.

Estranged from his wife, unemployed, and watched closely by the police, Joe struggles to redeem himself. To succeed he must use his analytical mind to solve the mysteries and his fighting skills to clean up the mess.

Greed, lust, and obsession breed frantic acts of deception, sex, and murder in the gripping tale of Hill Country Greed.

Read a chapter or two here

Purchase the Book Here

About the Author: (from Goodreads)

For most of his career Patrick worked as a finance professional for corporations in the airline and high-tech industries. In 1998 he got his first position as a chief financial officer and has since served as CFO for five different companies, some large and some small.

In 2009, the company Patrick worked for was sold to a larger company, and he pursued a lifelong dream of creative writing. Over the next four years Patrick worked part-time consulting and spent the rest of his time writing.

In the fall of 2011 Patrick began writing Hill Country Greed. After more than a thousand hours of writing and revising, Patrick believes Hill Country Greed will entertain you.

He is now writing a second novel, Hill Country Rage
Patrick lives in Austin, Texas, with his family.


I received a paperback edition of this book for review purposes. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


ReviewsSheRote said...

sounds like a very intriguing book--my kindle "to read" list is growing!

Diane Estrella said...

Congrats to Patrick for following his dream. Thanks for sharing about this book and for the review.

Lame Shrill Owl said...

Sounds like a good book. I get the sense there is a lot of interesting things going on in it in regards to interpersonal dynamics.

monica said...

This sounds like an intriguing read! I'm always look for the next good book that I don't want to put down. Great review.

Carla said...

Sounds like quite the compelling story line! Very realistic as well. Putting this on my to read list - thanks for sharing your review!

Masshole Mommy said...

Oh I just HAVE to get this for my hubby. He loves books about business and IPO's, etc.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a good one! Such great authors you always feature - it amazes me how they can come up with all this stuff!

Leelo said...

Sounds interesting, but not my cup of tea unfortunately. Thanks for the review.

Vinma said...

Sounds like a good page turner! And hey, my hubby's name is Joe too and he works in the Finance industry!hehe coincidence!

Rebecca said...

Im 50/50 on this one but will add it to my list.

Sarah Bailey said...

What an interesting sounding book - I love how you come up with all these great reads thank you x

valmg @ Mom Knows It All said...

My Mom loves mysteries! She's always got her eyes open for new authors and titles, I'll have to share this with her.

BlogWithMom said...

Oooh, love that this book is about Austin Texas, that is close to me. Thanks for the great review!

Anonymous said...

Will pass this one on to my husband, he will love it.

Mommy Pehpot said...

sounds interesting! I love this kind of theme :)

mail4rosey said...

I like that Joe is the good guy. It'd be fun to read a fresh perspective like this one!

Czjai said...

Sounds like something my brother would read. Recommending this to him. :)

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