It's Saturday | Miki's Hope

It's Saturday

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Another week gone by--but I do have to work today. I am hoping the weather holds (no precipitation PLEASE)--I sometimes feel like I am on a roller coaster ride--work today--can't go in today-go in tomorrow catch up on yesterday's and todays work LOL--and I really do have to get to a grocery store, I have enough coffee for ONE MORE CUP--UH OH!!!! I have ordered some from a WAHM but it will never get here in time--can't live or think without COFFEE--and I just realized I am almost out of cat food as well and need more liter--(Gremlin does not like this!!!)

and he meows that I'd better get dressed and get a move on--forget the coffee--get the cat food!!! Well, I'd better listen to my lord and master!! Talk to ya all later--

I was not paid cash for this post. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement.


smashbravo said...

Hope you have a great Saturday and that you can get that cat food before you get home.

Sandie lee said...

Sounds like my house - Cats come first!!

Thanks for following Imagination-Cafe I'm now following you =)

Sandie lee

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