I Keep Reading About Food Waste | Miki's Hope

I Keep Reading About Food Waste

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

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Lately whenever I browse the news I seem to hit upon how much food waste goes into landfills. This really is not good as decaying food creates methane. I agree wholeheartedly with all their suggestions. Compost, but what about you don't have a backyard? Purchase less and use all the leftovers. I do try and do that but for one rather big problem. I am single and live alone. Have you ever tried to shop for one person-it isn't easy. Most items are for 2 or more people thus I end up eating leftovers. I don't really like lrftovers--but I eat them anyway. There are very few cookbooks that are for single people. Even the meals you can order on the internet--even if they say it is an individual serving--it really isn't!

I did spot one and may try it out

The Ultimate Cooking for One Cookbook: 175 Super Easy Recipes Made Just for You (Ultimate for One) Paperback – Illustrated, December 3, 2019

The hardest for me is Fresh Fruit, cheese and bread. Purchasing these items on an individual basis gets expensive. I hate to admit it but I have thrown out more oranges then I want to remember--I never can seem to finish a loaf of bread before it goes stale. I love Munster cheese--but how much of it can you eat before mold appears. I do try to purchae pre cut up fruit--like watermelon and eat it as fast as I can or it too goes bad. What I have been doing lately is buying those individual cups of applesauce, peaches amd of course my absolute favorite--JELLO. I can't taste the difference between sugar free or regular--so I get the sugar free (I am a diabetic).

Jell-O Strawberry Sugar Free Ready-to-Eat Jello Cups Gelatin Snack Value Pack ( 8 ct Cups)

I do recycle all the plastic and I seem to have a lot of it--my biggest problem is reading the recycling mumbers-I'm sure I make mistakes!!!

All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. As an Amazon affiliate I will receive a small commission if a purchase is made after clicking on my links For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook or Google.


Nova said...

things really do feel against us sometimes, especially with bundle or BOGO deals. these are nice resources you shared though!

Jodi Hunter said...

Thanks for this amazing post.

molli said...

im really committed to reducing food waste in lots of ways

Kara Marks said...

I hate food waste!

Patrick Cadette said...


propheticprototype said...

There is a lot of food waste at my house because we aren't planning things properly.

molli said...

have you tried the too good to go app? it's mostly in big cities but restaurants sell end of day stuff super discounted to avoid waste!

molli said...

reducing food waste is so much easier than most people realize!

oneblkcoffee said...

I've begun to take notice of my food waste, and take steps to prevent it

DVDgal75 said...

Thank you for sharing

Michael Law said...

Always to be mindful. Thanks for sharing.

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