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There are so many bathroom scales to choose from--so many different brands-it was hard for me to pick just one. As I said in a prior post my WW by Conair had finally stopped working correctly after many many years. Actually I just could not get the back to open to change the battery I think but decided that a new one was in order. I was talking to a friend and she said she had a Vivitar and she loved it.
I ended up getting the Vivitar PS-V163-S Body Analysis Digital Bathroom Scale which is pictured above. It was delivered to my door and I unwrapped it immediately. The 2 AAA batteries were easy to insert!! I have not figured out all the various functions this scale is capable of--but I was able to get it to read in pounds-yes I read the directions! I did not like the number I saw-----I have gained weight----but at least now I can monitor my weight as I go on a diet!!

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