First off--this is NOT a sponsored post nor did I get anything for this post As an Amazon affiliate I will get a very small commission if you click on the link and then purchase the item.
I have always loved raisin bread--with some cinnamon in there as well. For some unknown reason I have not purchased any for many many years. Well I was out with my Mom on Wednesday and spotted a store I hadn't been in for the longest--it has actually been there for as long as I can remember. It is in Elmsford just outside the city limits as you are heading towards Ardsly-on the right. Well I decided to go in and then noticed that all breads were 50% off on Wednesdays--which convinced my Mom she should go take a look as well.
There wasn't all that much left--but I spotted 2 loaves of SunMaid Cinnamon Swirl Raisin Bread--for $1.03 each!! I bought one and my Mom grabbed the other and bought that one for herself. I also picked up a couple of other items--3 Tasty Cake individual Apple Pies for $1.00. My Mom found some cookies she loves as well.
We had to go to a supermarket anyway and I decided to buy some cream cheese to spread on that bread-----but wouldn't you know it--that's the one thing I forgot to get!! I have been eating it plain and it is still mouth watering delicious!
You know I will be going back to that store on a Wednesday and getting more! Hopefully I will remember cream cheese that time!!
If you happen to be in that area I suggest you stop by there--the woman who works there was just so sweet and helpful--I wish I could remember the name of the store-but alas--my memory is not what it used to be.

This is NOT a sponsored post nor did I get anything for this post. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook or Google.
I do love raisin bread! My Mom and I used to enjoy having it for breakfast on Saturday mornings when I was growing up!
I love this bread toasted with butter
Yum! I used to love raisin bread, but I haven't had it in forever. This post is making me super nostalgic for it.
I occasionally buy this raisin bread, too. I like it toasted with lots of cinnamon butter.
So funny, We haven't had any in a long time and my husband bought some. I have cut back on my carbs but didn't stop me from trying it. Oh, the memories it brought back. I don't live near you but my husband loves it like I do and I can still sneak a piece now and then. 💖
I like raisin bread but never remember to buy it. I like it toasted with butter.
This is a great deal. I find raisin bread toasted so comforting.
I also love raisin bread! I will have to try it with cream cheese! Thanks for sharing!
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