This is a memoir-but reads like a novel with plenty of twists and turns. Now why, you are asking yourself did Miki decide to read a memoir? Well--you see I am only 3 years younger then this author and I lived through the same time period she did. It certainly was confusing back then. Females, including me were brought up to always listen to and agree with the males--our main objective back then (as well as our parents) was for us to become nurses, bookkeepers--but more important to get married and have children.
Although I am not Italian I was brought up in a similar manner. I did not know about prejudice or hatred until I hit my early 20's!! Small town living kind of kept you isolated. My Dad, like hers always believed in helping others and was forever joking around! I picked up this trait myself.
It was extremely interesting to me to see how Sandra managed to get through all the craziness--stay married (very few did back then)-and remain true to herself.
I really think you will enjoy this book--if only to see how the world came to be what it is today!
I received a hard covered copy of this book from the author for enjoyment and a possible review.
About the Book: (from Amazon)
The evolution of a marriage of true partners maturing and changing, grappling with personal and family issues, plays out before a backdrop of the social and political upheaval of the latter half of the 20th century, bringing surprises, challenges, and blessings.
In Blind Acceptance, the author experiences a metamorphosis as she confronts the realities of war, racism, and the cultural changes for women of her time. With an innate sense of our inter-connectedness and an unwavering trust in humankind, the author and her steadfastly supportive and delightfully irreverent husband perpetuate a family legacy of caring for others without reservation.
Sandy Pimentel's new book, Blind Acceptance, is so well written and packed with twists and turns that it reads more like a novel than a memoir. Throughout the text she weaves the through line of her life - live abundantly, love fully, and be an active participant in life. I believe her story will capture your heart; it did mine.
- Mache Seibel, MD, Author of the best-selling book The Estrogen Window
Sandra Pimentel's searingly honest memoir takes readers on a journey through a fascinating life dedicated to compassion, creativity, and-above all-family.
- John H. Kennedy, Boston University lecturer and former Boston Globe journalist
Sandra Pimentel, a young woman from an Italian working-class family, actively participating in community organizations, becomes ever more aware and angry over racial and social inequalities in American society. Blind Acceptance is a tribute to the enduring human spirit. Ms. Pimentel's unconditional acceptance encompasses the multitudes fortunate enough to venture into her warm and welcoming orbit.
- Jewelle Taylor Gibbs, PhD, Author of Destiny's Child
Blind Acceptance captures the story of Sandy Pimentel, caught between the generation of women expected to toe the line and the next generation who demanded that the feminine voice be heard. Driven by her reliable natural instinct, Sandy blew past all the norms once dictated by family, religion, and the status quo.
- Juliette E. Fay, Executive Director, Martha's Vineyard Community Services
Read a Chapter or Two Here
Purchase the Book Here
About the Author: (from Author's Website)
Sandra Pimentel (née Pasquale) was born in 1942 in Boston, earned a nursing degree, and married Paul Pimentel in 1965. She graduated from UMASS Boston with a BA in Management of Human Services. As an advocate for social change, Sandy's award-winning work on local and national levels has helped improve the quality of life for children, teens, and adults. She and her husband worked and raised their children in numerous locations before settling on Martha's Vineyard.
Author's Website

I received a hard covered copy of this book from the author for enjoyment and a possible review. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.
I think our father's would have had a lot in common! I would love to read her memoir. The world isn't fair and there are many social injustices (more to come in the next few years I'm afraid.) People like this author helped to change some of those. We need a million of helpers and if everyone helped a little it could happen. We still don't have social acceptance of our mentally disabled and rather they are 5 or 35 they did not ask to be born with disabilities. Yet people dis and down them often, sad and pathetic.
Neat book about acceptance, it's a big part of life
I love that this book has twists and turns. It sounds like an interesting read!
This sounds like an awesome book with a great story.
This sounds like a good book... definitely something I'd be interested in reading. I love reading memoirs!
This sounds like a really good book. I think I would enjoy it!
Sounds like my life since childhood, being picked on by peers & adults... I love that this book has twists and turns. It sounds like an interesting read that I hope to do one day!
Sounds like a good read.
sounds interesting
The book sounds interesting, thanks.
My favorite book genre is always the memoir category! I love to read and learn at the same time!
It sounds like an amazing read about a remarkable woman!
Sounds like a nice book
This sounds like a book I would enjoy. I could relate to it in many ways.
Marriage is very difficult at times. I'm betting this is a great read!
this sounds like an amazing book
Your review intrigued me. I grew up during the same time and under the same circumstances and like to go back in time and hear the way others lived it. Rosanne
A capturing book
I picked up a couple of sample chapters for my phone. I'm not much into memoirs, but you made it sound interesting.
I don't usually read memoirs, but this sounds interesting.
This sounds like a book I can relate to. I will be adding this to my to-read list. Thank you for sharing!
Sounds interesting
My dad and hers were a lot alike. Sounds like an awesome read. I love memoirs
This sounds like a very nostalgic book for us! My mom was 42 when she had me, 16 years after she had the last of her sons, so I was raised pretty much how they were in the 40s and '50s! It would be fun to read this and bring back some memories now that I am the only one left.
This looks like a really poignant book and I look forward to reading it.
This sounds like a book I’d enjoy! I can’t wait to read it.
I will really enjoy reading this. It sounds great. Thank you so much for sharing
I think I would really love this book!
Sounds very interesting, especially for those who lived through that era!
This sounds very intriguing and I would love this kind of book as I enjoy history and memoirs.Thanks for the great review which has enticed me to read this.
I'm just 6 years younger than the author. I would be interested in reading this book.
I'm an avid reader. I enjoy all different genres.I've never read memoirs before but this sounds interesting.I think I would enjoy reading it.
This sounds like an interesting book to read.
allibrary (at) aol (dot) com
sounds really interesting!
I am not a soap opera kind of reader, but the vipes I am picking up are the author’s way of sharing with her readers are just not telling what she went through, but also what she felt! That’s important if you want to take her seriously and to listen to what she has to offer! I read some of her book on Amazon. I found it to be interesting.? Thank you for sharing!
This isn't usually a book i would go for but sounds like a good read
This is a new author for me so thank you for your honest review!
This does sound like it would be very interesting. I grew up, probably just after this time. I was taught to listen to the male, but also I had to stand up for myself when I had to. I knew alot of people in this time era and now I am glad I was not raised then.
This sounds like a book I would really enjoy.
I enjoy reading a fascinating memoir like this one seems to be.
This looks like a fabulous read. I can't wait to check it out!
This book sounds like a good read about acceptance and life!
Times certainly have changed. And yet, in some ways, they've stayed the same for some of us. It is always nice to hear about those who have reached for the sky and succeeded though.
It is a prove that so many things have changed for, it is always difficult to be true to yourself even though more opportunities around!
I admire you getting through a memoir. Everyone I've tried to read I put down because they seem so self-serving and self-indulgent.
cant wait to read this!
THAT would have been a really hard time to live in....and I bet a lot of mixed feelings
What a tragic time to live in! I can definitely see why this would be interesting to read. Although I have never read a memoir before.
Self, Soul, Faith and Family have and will continue to conquer.
It sounds very interesting. I want to read it.
This sounds like a great read. I think I would really enjoy it.
Very interesting to hear about this woman's life perspective. I do enjoy mixing it up between fiction and non-fiction every so often.
This sounds really interesting - thanks for the recommendation.
Sounds like a great book! I have not heard of the author before.
I am always checking out new books to read. Looks like a wonderful book
Sounds like a interesting book
This sounds like a great book! I would definitely read this one.
I can relate to this storyline. Sounds like a great read!
What a fascinating storyline. I wonder if it's on audio book.
Sounds like an interesting read! Where I grew up - we didn't have a lot of diversity. My kids have a lot though.
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