$25 Amazon/PP GA-1-WW-Last Doll Standing-Cara Reinard Ends 4/30 | Miki's Hope

$25 Amazon/PP GA-1-WW-Last Doll Standing-Cara Reinard Ends 4/30

Monday, April 4, 2016

This book is a continuation of Pretty Dolls and Hand Grenades and really should be read in order. (read my review of Pretty Dolls here). That book definitely gave me the chills and caught me off guard as to who was the culprit!

Katelyn, Cece's husbands mistress, disappeared after being blamed for crimes she didn't commit. In a psychiatruc hospital for the criminally insane she is kept medicated so that she really doesn't remember what really happened back then. Some of her fellow inmates help her to regain her memory and her freedom (not exactly legally). REVENGE--but how and who will she pick? This is another psychological novel that will have you sitting at the edge of your chair---wondering if you are guessing correctly. And how will Cece deal with all this? You will just have to read the book to find out!!

About the Book: (from Amazon)

It’s three years after the explosion that made her husband’s mistress, Katelyn, disappear, and Cece has finally put her life back together—until her seventeen-year-old daughter, Josie, goes missing. Josie is a prima ballerina in the New York ballet. The police suspect her mystery boyfriend is the culprit for her disappearance, but her parents know she’d never sacrifice her first major performance to run off with a boy.

When Katelyn returns and threatens Cece’s family with promises of revenge, Cece must woman-up with her old partner in crime who banished Katelyn from their lives in the first place. Katelyn demands proof to clear her name so she can return to her life in New York, but if Cece gives Katelyn what she wants, she risks a life behind bars. And, if she doesn’t, it could mean her daughter’s life.

Pre Order this book in Kindle for 5.99 -- To be published 4/8

About the Author: (from the Author's Website)

Cara Reinard is an author of women's fiction and domestic thrillers. While attending college, she was an editor for her student newspaper, and also sold advertising space for the publication. Even though she's always had a passion for writing, Cara found she had a knack for persuading people with the art of verbal prose, known as sales, which she's done now for over a decade. Cara currently lives in the Pittsburgh Area with her husband, two children, and fluffy Bernese Mountain dog. When she's not hustling or chasing tiny footsteps--she's writing.

Find the author on the following sites...
Website Facebook Twitter Goodreads Amazon Author Page

And now for the author's giveaway! Anyone 18 years of age or older who lives world wide can enter and have a chance of winning either a $25 Amazon GC or $25 PayPal. The winner will be chosen by Rafflecopter and he winner will be sent an email from me (Miki's Hope). They will have 48 hours to respond to the email telling me their choice of proze and the email they want it sent to. I will forward that to the author who is responsible for getting the prize to the winner.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received a mobi edition of this book for review purposes. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Anonymous said...

My thoughts on revenge is that I don't get revenge. I let Karma handle my revenge. She does alot better job than I do.

Across the Avenue said...

This sounds really good! I can easily see it turning into a big screen movie. It's totally up my alley. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

This sounds like a very good series for those who love to read thrillers. The characters and the plot sound like the author has really thought through and developed characters you want to know more about. Adding the giveaway is a great incentive to dive in. I'm not a person who understands revenge either, but this author appears to know her characters and leads them into interesting and engaging situations.

Jamie said...

Looks like an interesting book, and great author. My feeling on revenge are that it's not worth it. Never gets you anywhere, never teaches anyone anything, and most of the time, the one you waste your time on doesn't have a clue you're even mad...move on! :)

Sara said...

I learned that she has a new book coming out this month.

Maggie said...

Wow sounds like a great book for anyone who adores to read thrillers. Nothing like a well laid out "Revenge" plot. It is exciting that their is also a giveaway..great idea.

Scott said...

Wonder how she'll get revenge if always doped up. I hope she doesn't take it out on the wrong person!

Deb PelletierC said...

Cara is employed in the pharmaceutical industry . The book sounds interesting. Thanks.

Tough Cookie Mommy said...

I love how sinister some of the events are in this book. It sounds like an intriguing storyline with some diverse characters.

Sandra Watts said...

I learned she has a Book Release Party - Saturday, April 9th. Too bad it is so far away.

Unknown said...

I think I haven't read any psychological novels before, but this sounds interesting. I wonder what kind of revenge she chooses, karma would be a good choice :)

Sherry Compton said...

I learned that she has two children and a dog. This is the second book and it makes me wonder how far she will go?

Annemarie LeBlanc said...

I have not read any of Cara Reinard's books. I would say that I am new to this new genre of domestic thrillers. I will have to check this out. Thanks for the review.

Mai T. said...

Revenge is sweet, always. The best kind of revenge is to show the person I'm better off without him / her.

Unknown said...

I'm not a fan of revenge. Let karma do the work :). Sounds like an interesting series!

Unknown said...

I think this sounds like a thriller. I visited her website and I'm happy to hear about how she's a "regular" person who was able to find her writing outlet even with work and kids!

Onica said...

I love book that feature strong female characters figuring things out. This sounds like a must read.

Cali W. said...

Thanks for the giveaway; I like the title of the book. :)

michie2003 said...

I have no views on revenge.

lildevilgirl22 said...

I do not feel revenge is the answer to a problem because it makes you feel numb

Diana Page said...

Revenge is best left to the Gods or my friend Karma, I truly believe that anything you think you've gotten away with in life will be weighed against the good things you've done and if you are found wanting by Karma or the Gods/Goddesses, your sent back to do it all over again, and you may not be a human, you may come back as a cat (like the one you tortured in your old life) and have to deal with bad bullies like you were, until your conscious mind truly understands the way you had lived your life was horrible in one way or another

Diana Page said...

Revenge is best left to the Gods or my friend Karma, I truly believe that anything you think you've gotten away with in life will be weighed against the good things you've done and if you are found wanting by Karma or the Gods/Goddesses, your sent back to do it all over again, and you may not be a human, you may come back as a cat (like the one you tortured in your old life) and have to deal with bad bullies like you were, until your conscious mind truly understands the way you had lived your life was horrible in one way or another

Judy Thomas said...

I learnt that her debut domestic suspense novel, Pretty Dolls and Hand Grenades, will be released from The Wild Rose Press in the winter of 2016

tisme143 said...

Sometimes you just have to leave things alone and allow karma to round up

Laurie B-C Amazon Reviews said...

I don't see a point on revenge. Karma is always just around the corner. Both ways :)

bn100 said...

people shouldn't do things for revenge

Kate Sarsfield said...

Revenge just brings you down to the offender's level - Karma every time!

Nikolina said...

I don't believe in revenge - I think God looks after that scale...

Theresa said...

This sounds really neat! Thanks for hosting the giveaway. I love reading, and I've been looking to build my bookshelf. Thanks for the tip.

Michele S. said...

Revenge is such a complicated issue.. One time or another I believe we all feel the need to get even with someone who has deeply hurt us or done us a serious wrong.. The thing is to let it go - you only wins up hurting yourself...

Unknown said...

I learned she has a Book Release Party,Saturday, April 9th.

Agnes Dela Cruz said...

Revenge can be deceiving , it can boomerang 10 times more than what we wish for. Karma is the best resource.

Linda Fast said...

I learned that this is a thriller and she lives in the Pittsburg area. The books sounds really interesting. I do not believe in revenge because it never works out the way you would want it to work.

RT said...

Nothing ever good comes from revenge - life will handle it all.

CJ said...

It is natural to want Justice when we have been wronged. I think that's only human. But revenge is a slippery slope of darkness and negativity that leaves nothing but destruction in its wake. It always consumes the person who seeks it. It might be better to let Life get justice on your behalf.

slehan said...

Cara is employed in the pharmaceutical industry and currently lives in the Pittsburgh Area with her husband, two children and fluffy Bernese Mountain dog.
Thanks for the contest.

slehan at juno dot com

Unknown said...

"Last Doll Standing" sounds like it will be an interesting read. I learned that "Last Doll Standing" is the sequel to Reinard's debut novel, "Pretty Dolls and Hand Grenades."

Natalie said...

I learned that the author Cara is an avid runner, just like me!

Unknown said...

I learned that the author lives in the Pittsburgh area. I live a few hours away and have my family roots in the Pittsburgh suburbs.

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