Book Review-Marry Your Billionaire-C.J. Anaya | Miki's Hope

Book Review-Marry Your Billionaire-C.J. Anaya

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

I'm not sure where this author found me--and she wasn't even sure if I was a book blogger. Well I am as most of you know and I was just in the mood for a light, clean book with depth and a bit of a mystery included. I am so happy I took a chance on reading this book. It was delightful--absolutely delightful!! The best I can describe it is a modern day fairy tale based around Reality TV complete with a Prince Charming, a clueless father, lots of princesses all vying to marry Prince Charming, friends who will do absolutely everything for Midge and a wicked wicked witch who will do anything to get Midge out of the running!!

Sabotage seems to be happening all the time--but who is really doing it? Will Prince Charming (Brody) find the woman of his dreams and marry her? I really want you to read this book-------so no more from me.

About the Book: (from Amazon)

Six years ago, Midge Knightly walked away from her trust fund, her Hollywood producer father, and the expectation that she would join the family business. Avoiding handsome playboys with hidden agendas was just an added bonus. Now one semester shy of graduation, she is shocked to discover her scholarship has lost its funding. Her estranged father is having problems of his own. A contestant on his latest reality TV series has cancelled two months before shooting. His solution? Midge gets her trust fund back if she stands in as a potential marriage candidate for the dating series Marry Your Billionaire. Twenty women competing for one arrogant guy. Not Midge's cup of tea. Agreeing to this proposition sucks her back into the world she happily broke ties from, but no trust fund equals no college degree. Brody Prescott, CEO and owner of an online dating company, has recently been pegged as a heartless playboy-among other things-by a disgruntled female after a disappointing date. His solution? Become the first bachelor on Marry Your Billionaire and hope that one of the contestants holds some potential. So what is he supposed to do when the woman who intrigues him the most wants to be eliminated? Marry Your Billionaire is a fun, romantic romp set against the backdrop of reality TV. Throw on your PJ's, grab some chocolate and popcorn, and settle in for an entertaining love story.

Read a Chapter or Two Here

Purchase the Book Here (Available March 2, 2016) Or go here to see where else you can purchase it if you can't wait!

About the Author

For some really fun facts about this author--click HERE

AND she is also a songwriter!!

Author's Website
Author's Blog

I began writing short stories for family and friends when I was thirteen years old. My vivid imagination and love of mysteries and romances eventually led me to following my own dreams of becoming a published author. I also do some book review work on the side for SDE Magazine. I'm a huge fan of The Mindy Project, Hugh Jackman, and binge eating any and all things chocolate. Who isn't, am I right? As a mother of four awesome kids I'm usually playing beauty salon with my daughters (my four-year-old shaved my arm one time while I was helping another daughter with her homework. Yep. That happened) getting my fanny kicked in Mario Kart by my snarky little son, and making out with my deliciously handsome looking Latin lover, aka, my hubby. To be updated about new releases, and to be emailed a free short story entitled, My Fair Assassin, you can subscribe to my blog at

I received an e-book version of this book for review purposes. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Beck Valley Books said...

Love the storyline, deteremined not to fall in love but little do they know that when love decides to show there is nothing they can do about it.

Unknown said...

Interesting story idea! I have been playing around in my mind with different story ideas for my own writing adventure, but I love hearing what other plots people have written. I personally won't be writing about one like this, but it sure does seem like an interesting read!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great love story that is a little different. Interested in reading this one too.

Michelle F.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a fun romantic story! Definitely an interesting story line, thanks for the review.

Unknown said...

This sounds like such a fun storyline I bet I could read it in one evening! I agree it is a put your PJ's on , warm cocoa kind of book! At least it sounds like it is. The thing is as unbelievable as it all sounds, it is SO believable! So many of us are faced with choices where no road is exactly "easy". I think many woman can relate to this book.

Jamie said...

This sounds like a great book!! There's nothing better (especially here in the snow) to cuddle up with a great book! :)

Scott said...

Sounds like it might be one my girls would like. Reality TV mixed with fairy tales!

OurFamilyWorld said...

I love reading light and fun books. I will get this book.

Amber N said...

That sounds like a really interesting read. I will check it out!

Unknown said...

This looks like the perfect read for me! I'd love to share it with my niece- she would also love this.

Crystal said...

I am a sucker for reality tv so this sounds like something I could definitely get into. I can't wait to start reading.

Liz Mays said...

There you go again...saying just enough to hook us and leaving us hanging. You're good at selling these books!

Unknown said...

This book makes me smile, this is interesting and I'd also like to share this with my sister.

Holly @ Woman Tribune said...

Someone didn't know you were a book blogger? I was sure everyone knew all about the quickest book blogger out there. ;) This sounds like a really cute book, and I love a good romance story.

Unknown said...

I've been itching to get a new book to read. This one sounds very interesting.

CourtneyLynne said...

Oooo sounds like an interesting story! I need a new book so I will have to check this out ;)

Neely said...

I love reading peoples book reviews

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