Book Review-Times Like These-E.E.Smith | Miki's Hope

Book Review-Times Like These-E.E.Smith

Friday, December 4, 2015

I have read and reviewed Death by Misadventure, the first in the “ALEXIS J. SMITH—Discreet Inquiries” series, followed by Bad Blood, Russian Roulette, and Prescription For Murder all written by E.E. Smith. I also read and reviewed Boardinghouse Stew the first book in this series. (Read my review here). Whether she is writing mysteries or novels based on her real life adventures E.E. Smith never fails to please. Her character's seem to come to life as you are reading and I can honestly say that I felt this young girl's anguish, joy and boredom as she tried to live with parents that did not exactly get along. She was ultimately sent to stay with a family member and her life began to look up. Then the Korean War started and she is about to make the same mistake her sister made--you will have to read the book to find out what that was. Now I am definitely going to have to get the third book in this series to see what becomes of her!!

About the Book: (from Amazon)

“Times like these are about as unpredictable as boardinghouse stew!” says Teddy Soberjowski in the author’s pervious book, Boardinghouse Stew. The year was 1943, midway through World War II, when no one knew what would happen next.

Two years later, the times are even less predictable for the young heroine of Times Like These, on her way to a new home and an uncertain future with her volatile parents.

The war rages on in the Pacific, amid heavy casualties. Harry Truman is now president and secretly considering the use of a horrific new weapon to force Japan to surrender.
What would happen next?

Read a copy or two here

Purchase the book here

About the Author: (from the Author's Website)

Evelyn Eileen Smith resides in the San Francisco Bay area and is an award-winning playwright of more than a dozen plays. The debut novel, Boardinghouse Stew, was inspired by her own real-life experiences working in a boardinghouse in Sacramento during World War II. Times Like These is based on more real-life adventures through the end of WW II, six years of peace, and the beginning of the Korean War. In her next book, In Love and War, Evelyn shared her experiences as a young bride during wartime and how decisions made in haste affected her entire life. She debuted as a mystery writer with Death by Misadventure, the first in the “ALEXIS J. SMITH—Discreet Inquiries” series, followed by Bad Blood, Russian Roulette, and Prescription For Murder.

From the back of the Book:

Evelyn Eileen Smith resides in the San Francisco Bay area and is an award winning playwright of more then a dozen plays. The debut novel, Boardinghouse Stew was inspired by her own real-life experiences working in a boardinghouse in Sacramento during World War II. Times Like These is based on more real-life adventures through the end of WWII, six years of peace, and the beginning of the Korean War.

Authors Blog
Her website

I received an uncorrected galley paperback for review purposes only. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Literary Winner said...

Sounds like you've found a great series to read here!

MyCatKevin said...

I actually now want to read this and bordinghouse stew, too, I like a good, unpredictable book where I can't see what's coming! I do enjoy your reviews!

Scott said...

This is right in the era of my grandparents (they were 20'ish during WW2). Would be interesting to read and get an idea of what it was like for them.

Unknown said...

Reading about the book - it makes me feel that this is something my bestfriend would engage reading nightly basis, haha. I have to tell her about it.

Denise C said...

I love a story that really gets you involved with the characters. Sounds interesting!

Samantha said...

Sounds like a good read

Six Time Mommy TEST said...

This sounds like a good read. I've been cutting back on my reading due to migraines but once I get back into it - I will check this one out! - Jeanine

Godly Homemaker (Andrea) said...

sounds like a great book - i've never been able to sit still long enough to read, though!

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a great book. Sharing with my husband because he loves history.

Michelle F.

Mommy Moment said...

I know a few people who I think would enjoy this series - the books sound like they are good. Books with history are always interesting.

Chastity Beene said...

This is my kind of book! I'm always intrigued about the past - now I just need to find the time to catch up on all the books I want to read.

Liz Mays said...

You're such a stinker the way you tease. It really sounds good, and I do need to know her mistake.

Unknown said...

I haven't read this series, but I know my mom would love it. It would make a great gift for people who love historic books.

Hi said...

Defiantly my kind of books

Crystal said...

I find that I've gleaned a lot about the past from fiction. Whether it be details in the books or curiosity that has been sparked in me because of the book. I think I'd really like this one.

mail4rosey said...

It's interesting how we (sometimes)repeat patterns, even when we know they're wrong. You've got me interested, and I'm bookmarking it for the next time I'm surfing Amazon. said...

Wow! This sounds like a really interesting read!

Amber N said...

This looks like a great series. Im putting this on my list.

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