Product Review-AdvoCare® CitriZinc™ Chewable Vitamins | Miki's Hope

Product Review-AdvoCare® CitriZinc™ Chewable Vitamins

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Bobbie Anne Munsey is an AdvoCare Distributor and also someone a lot of us know! Well one day I was browsing her blog and noticed that AdvoCare had chewable vitamins. I have trouble swallowing large pills and unfortunately most vitamin pills are TOO large for me to get down my throat without almost choking!

We all know we need Vitamins C & D--but how many of you realize the importance of Zinc to our well being? I knew a lot of it-Zinc Oxide is that sunscreen that appears white, it is possible that it might shorten the duration of a cold and although it never worked for me-is supposed to aid in weight loss-what I didn't know was that it can really help your eyes and a whole lot more. For a full discussion read the article on WebMD here--it is truly amazing the way this trace metal helps our bodies. But don't over do it!!

At any rate I asked Bobbie to please send me some samples which she did. I am notorious at not liking the taste of some of the chewables out there-I have VERY good taste buds. I definitely love the taste of these vitamins--they call it lemon-lime but one thing for sure-there is a definite delicious citrus flavor. They have many other products as well and Bobbie will be happy to help you decide which might be helpful to you. You can easily contact Bobbie Anne- just click here !!

These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. ALWAYS check with your doctor before taking anything new-only he/she will know if a drug interaction could occur or if it is right for you.

This is what they say:

"CitriZinc is an easy-to-take chew with the delicious flavor of lemon and lime. CitriZinc supports immunity by providing three important nutrients most of us aren't getting adequate amounts of in our daily diet: vitamin C, zinc and vitamin D.* Vitamin C helps protect against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, and eye disease and can even help protect skin from signs of aging.* Zinc is found in cells throughout the body and is an important nutrient the body needs to stay healthy.

For ages 4 and older
Consume one to two chews daily. Chew thoroughly before swallowing. Children eight years of age and younger should not consume more than two chews per day.

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease."

To see the Supplement facts click here

Contact Bobbie Anne:

AdvoCare Website



I received either product or monetary compensation for reviewing this product. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Saidah said...

I've never used these and have taken daily vitamins on and off for years. Thanks for the info

Ourfamilyworld said...

A vitamin to help boost the immunity is important, especially nowadays that you can easily catch diseases. CitriZinc sounds yummy.

Ronnie said...

Looks like a great solution for those of us who can't handle swallowing pills. Good to know that they taste good, too. I'll have to consider them as a replacement for my current vitamins!

Anonymous said...

Those look like some great vitamins to take. I Love that they have a citrus flavor.

Michelle F.

Scott said...

We have a neighbor who is huge into Advocare. She swears by all of their products!

I am Harriet said...

I would love to try that. It sounds really good especially this time of the year

Unknown said...

This sounds like something I could definitely use especially with it being cold and flu season! I think it's great that my daughter can take it too.

Unknown said...

I hate taking vitamins. This might make it easier.

Liz Mays said...

This might be a good idea for me. Regular vitamins make me nauseous!

Amber N said...

I have never heard of this brand. I need to check it out.

Crystal said...

I eyeball the kids gummy vitamins all the time. These sound like a great option for a chewable vitamin with the nutrition adults need.

Six Time Mommy TEST said...

I've never heard of these before. They sound great though, I think I'd much prefer a chewable vitamin over the big horse pills I've been taking! - Jeanine

Unknown said...

My husband had surgery in August and all he can take now is chewable vitamins. Thanks for this review! said...

These sound like a great vitamin option! Thanks for the great review!

Eileen said...

I have the same thing with vitamins-this is great!i am getting some

Farrah said...

I love AdvoCare products! We use them a lot. We started using zinc in our winter regime last year. I stay on top of it since I caught the swine flu and was very ill for four weeks!

Bobbie Anne Munsey said...

Thanks for the great review Michele! I have sold Advocare for two years now and love what they have to offer. These great tasting vitamin chews are definitely the way to go if you don't like to swallow pills.

Unknown said...

I've heard advocare before, but I don't remember the product.

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