$25 Amazon/PP-2-WW-The Haunted Heart of Rory O'Dannon-Delia Colvin-Ends 12/13 | Miki's Hope

$25 Amazon/PP-2-WW-The Haunted Heart of Rory O'Dannon-Delia Colvin-Ends 12/13

Monday, November 16, 2015

This author has a style that will keep you reading way into the night-I loved her Sibylline Trilogy (which ended up being a 4 novel series and I was hoping for a 5th but guess not) and read every single one Read all my reviews of previous books I have read-you do want to read then all!!

The Sibylline Oracle: The Sibylline Trilogy (The Oracles Book 1)
Symbolon: The Sibylline Trilogy (The Oracles Book 2)
The Last Oracle: The Sibylline Trilogy (The Oracles Book 3)
The Mists of Time (Book 4 of The Oracles)

This I believe will be a stand alone novel. There is a beginning and an ending--it is what happens in-between that will keep you enthralled. Megara is involved in 2 major car accidents-the first is when she is young and still living at home with her parents. She was going to be a dancer-alas that was not to be. In the midst of a high fever a man enters her room--but was he real? She never forgets him but goes on with her life--Then as she is driving in the car with her husband-another major car accident which puts her in a coma. She travels back in time (to the 1800's) and meets the man who had visited her room so long ago. Of course she has to learn how to live and work----So what happens next-is this a dream or reality-has she truly met her soul mate-will they reunite? I can almost guarantee that you will not be able to put this book down until you find out. And this you can bank on-when Delia Colvin writes another book--I will be reading it!

Is the love of Megara's life a hallucination -- or a ghost?

While delirious with fever, Megara had a visit and fell in love with the Irish poet Rory O'Dannon, but never saw him again. Years later, convinced that he had been a hallucination, she enters a pragmatic marriage to Senator Ken Benedict.

Until a car accident catapults her back to 19th century Ireland--and into Rory's arms.

Despite a challenging new life, Megara helps Rory find his poetry and pledges her heart to him, the night before he is to be hanged for treason...and then she wakes from the coma. Forced by sound evidence, she realizes that Rory was fictional, but discovers the wedding band he gave her and a message that time is running out!

Now Megara must choose between the easy life with her husband, or risk death and a chance for love with Rory.

Available to buy from the following sites...

Amazon.com   Amazon.co.uk   Barnes and Noble   Kobo   iTunes

"A fanciful romance with lots of twists and turns, and a magical setting!" 

 "I'm a sucker for Irish magic and the like, so I'm hooked!"

About the Author
delia colvin authorDelia J. Colvin is the International Bestselling author of The Sibylline Trilogy. She authors a popular blog and is listed as a contributor in two business books. She has worked in a variety of occupations from marketing to entrepreneur, Air Traffic Controller and Russian Interpreter. But her passion is in writing and helping people. Delia has donated both time and money to literacy programs around the country.

PERSONAL NOTE From the Author: As much as I enjoy writing, I love hearing from readers even more! It would mean the world to me if you would take a moment to send me an email and say hi. I personally answer all of my emails. Email me at DeliaJColvin@gmail.com

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I received this book to review through Beck Valley Books Book Tours, all the opinions above are 100% my own.


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Open Worldwide
Ending on Sunday 13th December at 11.59pm EST

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All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Mandie said...

Sounds like a good read. I've added to my TBR list. :)


Beck Valley Books said...

I CANNOT wait to get to this to read, its on the top of my tbr pile and I soooo need to read it.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a really great book. I would totally read it to find out who she ends up with .

Michelle F.

Gladys Parker said...

This book sounds very interesting. I too, was in a car accident when I was younger, 13 actually. When I was in the ambulance I had hallucinations or a dream that I was in a casket and a woman said lay down honey you are suppose to be dead. My mother suggested it could have been the female ambulance EMT. I don't know but I do know it wasn't the gorgeous man visiting this woman.

Deb PelletierC said...

I would take a chance for love with Rory. You only live once.

Emy Cooks said...

oh it has been a while I read a good book and this sounds like a great book to spend a weekend. I will see how I get this in my schedule:).

Brianna George said...

Sounds like a fun read. definitely great weekend read.:)


steph y said...

I prefer to live the easy life, but I love to read about the exciting stuff.

Tough Cookie Mommy said...

It sounds like the characters go through a lot of changes. That should keep the reader on his or her toes.

Unknown said...

Another awesome pick! So much to choose from for my winter read. Thanks.

Unknown said...

I love reading books that keep me up through the night...until the morning when I have to get up. Haha! This one sounds like a great read!

Jamie said...

I need something new to read, this sounds good!

Unknown said...

I need this book, I love reading book while traveling, this one is perfect.

Journeys of The Zoo said...

I'd choose the easy life. Life is too short to risk dying.

Besos, Sarah
Journeys of The Zoo

MyCatKevin said...

Thanks for sharing, I entered and I am going to check out the book, too, thanks!

patanne said...

I would be off like a shot down the risky road!

Ty said...

I would excitedly chase a new adventure, especially for a chance at love.

Judy Thomas said...

I would take a chance :)

Fee Roberts said...

I would stay with my husband.

Cali W. said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I would risk death because I live life on the edge. ;)

Natalie B. said...

At my age, I'd choose the drama-free life but I'm always up to read about exciting things and romances. Thanks!!

Kelly O said...

I would stay with the husband. I leave the excitement to my heroines that I read about :)

jusmebeinme said...

I would choose the easy life and stay with my husband.

Unknown said...

I would choose the easy life and read about the risk takers.

Karen M. said...

I would take a chance!

Jerry Marquardt said...

I don't know what I would do if I were Megara, but I would like to read this nice book.

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