$25 Amazon/PP-1-WW-Africa's Big Five Wild Animals (My First Travel Books)-Anna Othitis-Ends 11/24 | Miki's Hope

$25 Amazon/PP-1-WW-Africa's Big Five Wild Animals (My First Travel Books)-Anna Othitis-Ends 11/24

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

I absolutely love the way this book is presented. At the very beginning it shows the flags of the areas that these animals are from as well as a map of Africa. It has marvelous photos of the Big 5 animals of Africa along with descriptions of how they live, what they eat, how they communicate etc.--and even better-for all you who home school--questions at the end of each animal section to review what is most important. It is written in language children will readily understand and the pictures are sure to capture any child's imagination. Do you know any child who doesn't love animals? I know I don't.

The book explains that most of these animals are close to extinction and that if that happens nobody will be able to see these marvelous creations in their natural habitats ever again--only in zoos.

This would make a great present to give a child at any time of the year and is sure to give them hours of entertainment and get those minds thinking and asking questions which can lead to further exploration!! This is the second book I have read and reviewed in this series (see my review of Book 3 in this series here)--it is every bit as good as the first and I highly suggest you get it for your child or a child close to your heart or even as a gift to a school's library or your child's teacher!!

About the Book: (from Amazon)

Welcome to Angelic Airlines! Are you ready to take to the skies? Children come join us this time on a wild adventure with Captain Frankie on Angelic Airlines as we travel across the world to learn about, visit and see Africa's Big "5" Wildlife Animals. Captain Frankie is waiting for you to book your ticket, safely stow your bags, and open your eyes to these amazing animals in the Savannah's of Africa. Most of these beautiful animals are about to become Extinct. We have to save our Wildlife animals, this earth belongs to them as well. My First Travel Books. This is another one of Anna Othitis’s trips with Captain Frankie. Originally from Zimbabwe, Africa, her travels have taken her a far across the world.

Read the forward here

Purchase the Book Here

About the Author: (from Amazon)

Anna Othitis lived and was raised in the beautiful land and country of Zimbabwe, Africa (home will always be home. She left all of her life long memories, endless charity work and good people behind vowing that she will continue supporting the needy children in her land Zimbabwe, Africa and beyond. After traveling long and short distances from the East coast to the West coast twice she and her family eventually found their sense of belonging and final settling destination in New Jersey, USA.

Her husband George, sons Johnny, Elia and Frankie encouraged her to write her first children's book titled "My First Travel Book", inspired by Frankie (Captain Frankie), who is graduating from his Masters degree in Aeronautical Science and beginning his career as a professional pilot. Anna's favorite saying is "Be Bold Be Brave".

She was inspired to write her children's books with a vision to link up the children Africa and of the world on Angelic Airlines to so many beautiful places of interest and popularity on our wonderful planet Earth with all its beautiful some natural and some man made creations and resources. One of the beautiful natural wonders featured in her books is in her birth land of Zimbabwe "The Mighty Victoria Falls" All of her books educate our children and widen their scope of interest in the amazing surroundings, creations and nature to appreciate and look after our environment for many generations still to come.


You must be 18 years of age or older and be able to accept one of the two prizes to be eligible to win. The winner will be chosen by Rafflecopter and I will email the winner who will have 48 hours to reply to that email with their choice of prize and the email address that they wish it sent to.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received an e-book version of this book for review purposes. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Janet W. said...

The My First Travel Books interests me! I love the illustrations, too!

Unknown said...

I learned that the books were inspired by the author's son Frankie! I think that a children's travel book is a wonderful idea!

Beck Valley Books said...

Looks like a great book for youngster and adults alike!

Aeryn Lynne said...

Love Anna's inspiration behind these books! Getting children to love these animals and locations with "Angelic Airlines" would be a fabulous start to help encourage keeping them safe from harmful industries.

Masshole Mommy said...

My kids would love these books. They love to learn about animals.

Literary Winner said...

My oldest daughter is very interested in foreign countries and the animals that live there. She would love this book! Sounds like the whole series will be great.

michie2003 said...

The illustrations look really wonderful.

Audrey Stewart said...

I just loved your son Frankie. You must be so proud.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a great book! My daughter loves animals so this would be perfect for her.

Michelle F.

Unknown said...

What a great giveaway!! Yes, sign me up for a tour in Zimbabwe!! Sounds like a great adventure, I've seen the animals on TV and in the zoo, but how amazing it would be to see them in person.

Unknown said...

What a creative and fun book! I like the imagination behind it and how it helps kids to learn all about different animals and their home.

Anna Othitis - My First Travel Books said...

Hi all! Thank you for your lovely comments - I love writing this series for our precious children and love showing them our beautiful world/earth beyond their borders. Frankie is a pilot in real life and loves flying children to fun destinations. Thank you Michele for this wonderful opportunity with such a wonderful presentation of my children's book series "My First Travel Books"

Kim said...

I love buying books for our kids and I love to pass them on from child to child. This is definitely something we would be interested in (especially since we just started homeschooling) I love to see my children love learning and the way this is presented I am sure they would eat it up. The author obviously has a passion for what she is writing about and it shines through.
I can't wait to check it out!

Scott said...

It's a shame that many have been hunted to almost extinction. I hope society can reverse the course.

Deb PelletierC said...

Angelic Airlines and take them to so many beautiful places.

Unknown said...

She was inspired to write these books by her son.

molli said...

i learned that she was inspired by her birth country of greece

Tough Cookie Mommy said...

I love the geographical connections in this book. The giveaway is a nice added bonus too.

Chastity Beene said...

How cool! My son is such a animal lover & would really enjoy this book.

Mystica said...

I think to get kids interested in travel and the world is a wonderful idea!

kristi@ishouldbemoppingthefloor.com said...

This sounds like a great book, Miki! We love learning new and interesting things about wildlife. This sounds like a perfect book for the kiddos!

Unknown said...

Yes, it does sound like a great book, although not my genre. Will let my daughter know about it, she might get it for my granddaughter.

Anonymous said...

This is so perfect, we are studying other cultures in our curriculum. Part of our studies will be of Africa - I will have to check out adding this in for our fun reading on the subject.

Ourfamilyworld said...

This sounds lika a fun book. The twins love learning about the animals they will love this book.

mail4rosey said...

My son is studying animals in school right now that are endangeared or extinct. He'd love to have something along the same lines to read at home. Entered the giveaway too, thanks for hosting!

Unknown said...

I love books and giveaways! You just made my day. I'm looking forward to reading this one.

Anonymous said...

I saw on Anna's website she has a traditional Greek cookbook which looks awesome!

Shannon said...

My First Travel Book Angelic Airline Adventures.

I was inspired to write these travel books by our son Frankie, who is taking off in his aerospace career. I wanted to link up the children of the world on Angelic Airlines and take them to so many beautiful places of interest on our wonderful planet Earth with all its beautiful creations and resources.

Amber N said...

Sounds like a great book. I love checking out new books.

lyndseyluvsjj said...

I learned that Anna has wrote other books as well.

Hazeldog333 said...

I learned that Anna was born in Zimbabwe!

Penny said...

I learned that the author was inspired by her son to write the book.

Natalie said...

I learned that you can buy the book on amazon for $9.13

Ckrusch said...

Sounds like a great book! Thank you for sharing, I will definitely check it out!

CourtneyLynne said...

Omg my daughter would love this book!!! I will have to go on Amazon and check it out!

Unknown said...

I learned about Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe and Zambia. I learned that the Zambezi River and the waterfall create the border between these two countries.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I learned that Captain Frankie is not too hard on the eyes. ;)

Holly @ Woman Tribune said...

This book sounds like a great way to teach kids the importance of caring for animals and which animals we are in danger of losing for good. Can definitely see its importance among the homeschooling crowd!

sheila ressel said...

I learned she was inspired to write these travel books by her son who is taking off in his aerospace career

Natalie B. said...

I learned that she wrote these travel books because she wanted children to learn about all sorts of different places of interest on Earth. They actually look quite interesting for adults too and the illustrations are adorable. :)

Cali W. said...

I love her recipe book. Thanks for the giveaway. :)

Pam said...

I learned the author's purpose for writing is to give children a glimpse of different parts of the world.

Esha Indianwriter said...

She wants educate the children and widen their scope of interest in appreciating their amazing surroundings, creations and nature as well as look after our environment, which is a great initiative.

Unknown said...

These book help children learn about different places than just what is in their backyard.

Judy Thomas said...

I learnt that there are two lots of seven wonders of the world and one of them is the Seven Natural Wonders of the world.

jessica miller said...

I learned what the authors dream is she wants for her book reach each and every less fortunate child who will have the opportunity to fantasy travels through her book.

Ashley T said...

The author hopes to give children the ability to dream and fantasize about travel through reading her books.

Ally Swanson said...

I liked and learned that Anna lived and was raised in Zimbabwe, Africa. Then they relocated to Wanaque, New Jersey. That is a huge life change and quite an adjustment.

tisme143 said...

My grandchildren would really enjoy these books probably with me reading them to them because we always talk abou traveling and seeing all what God has to offer, so books are our escape..
happy to connect

Agnes Dela Cruz said...

My daughter enjoys reading this kind of book, her imagination can go way beyond my expectations sometimes. I always believe that we need to encourage our kids and the kids of this generation on how important they need to explore. Not just by digital exploration but also the sense of touch and visual.

Julie Waldron said...

I learned she was raised in Zimbabwe, Africa.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

I think my grandson would love these type of books-he likes to travel already! I like that the books were inspired by her son Frank!

Sherry Compton said...

Beautiful books and ideas. He wants to bring places of the world to kids while having them bond with their family over the books.

Veronica Lee said...

I learned that she was raised in the country of Zimbabwe, Africa and was relocated to Wanaque, New Jersey, USA.

Richard Brandt said...

I learned Africans call Victoria Falls "the smoke that thunders."

jusmebeinme said...

I learned the inspiration came from son and his aerospace career.

bn100 said...

interesting she was raised in Zimbabwe

Laura said...

I think it's really neat that she was raised in Zimbabwe, Africa. This looks like a great book!

Ty said...

I learned that the author was born in Greece but grew up in Zimbabwe.

Sandra Watts said...

I learned the author was inspired by her their son Frankie to write the book.

Jerry Marquardt said...

I like the story-line on that it is about the First Travel Book Angelic Airline Adventures.

Anonymous said...

i learned he was inspired by his son frankie

Jasmine P said...

I learned that she travels a lot!

Jasmine P

Sally Gearhart said...

What an interesting book & how it came to be! I learned that the book was inspired by her son, Frankie! Also influenced by her time in Zimbabwe! Thanks soo much for sharing this book! :)

Sally Gearhart said...

What an interesting book & how it came to be! I learned that the book was inspired by her son, Frankie! Also influenced by her time in Zimbabwe! Thanks soo much for sharing this book! :)

Anna Othitis - My First Travel Books said...

Thank you to all these wonderful people above and their children and families for all these amazing comments. Coming to the USA, my accent intrigued them and I was always asked where I was from, they were interested to know and learn about Zimbabwe and the rest of the world I had travelled to, this inspired me and mostly our son Frankie, the pilot. Children never give up your dreams in your careers, follow your dreams just like Frankie has done. Soar to the skies "nothing is impossible" with focus and hard work all can be achieved! Parents always support your children's "realistic" dream careers and great talents and support them! Thanks to wonderful Michelle for this amazing opportunity!

Anna Othitis - My First Travel Books said...

Oh and the recipes books are part of the menues on our flights!

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