My Thoughts About the Water Shortage in California | Miki's Hope

My Thoughts About the Water Shortage in California

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

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Yes, as the sign above states--the drought in California will raise all food prices everywhere in the US. That is a given and not why I am writing this post. I have been reading articles sporadically--some rather shall we say frightening-others-well alarmist to say the least. I did come across one that I would like to address. It is about desalinating the Pacific Ocean water. While this does sound like a good idea, and desalinating plants are already in place-if not very expensive-there is a problem with it--a very big problem in my opinion. What they are planning on doing is desalinating the water then putting the "salt" back in the ocean--NOT a good idea.

Why--because they will ultimately kill off all the inhabitants of the ocean--The ocean will become too salty for life to survive-which will cause another food shortage problem. And if that doesn't worry you--try dipping even your big toe into the Dead Sea-If the Pacific Ocean gets salty enough there will be no more surfing or swimming--AND the possibility exists that the ocean currents could carry it to other large bodies of water. My idea is rather simple actually--and yes it will cost more money--but what if instead of dumping that salt back in the ocean they dry it out and sell it. I'm sure there are plenty of communities in the East that could use the extra during the miserable winters we have been having! I don't necessarily advocate using salt on roads etc--but better that then pour it back into the oceans!

Of course they could always attempt to make a WATER pipeline to California instead of an OIL pipeline!!

Remember the above is my opinion and everyone is entitled to that! So what do you think?

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Unknown said...

If ppl stopped eating meat, there wouldn't be a water issue. It takes about 2,500 glas of water for every pound of meat produced.

Literary Winner said...

I rather like your idea! I bet it could be done. We are fighting a desalination plant here in NY but only because it would take water from the Hudson River - ick! We have plenty of water but the water company sells it to NYC.

Chubskulit Rose said...

I have experienced the el niƱo or drought phenomenon back in the country where I came from and it was terrible. I am scared just by reading your post.

Anonymous said...

I think the shortage of water will be one of our biggest problems in the coming years. I think one thing we could do right away is to stop people from watering their lawns. What a waste.

Anonymous said...

I hate what they are planning and agree with you - humans are the best at ruining our planet by just not thinking though. I would love to see everyone start thinking about saving water. Do we really need green lawns year round? I hate seeing people watering their lawns - some do it twice a day. Let nature be nature, I have 10 acres that I do not mow, it turns to hay for my animals.

Maria said...

My family and I were talking about that this weekend. My son said "Why don't they just ship water in?" Great answer but that is also too costly.

Liz Mays said...

I'm inclined to agree with you. I think any time we try to mess with the natural balances of our earth, there are very real consequences and they're not worth paying.

Chubskulit Rose said...

I absolutely agree with processing the salt and sell it instead of dumping it back to the ocean.

Unknown said... way should the salt be put back in. And let me just add, I support a water pipeline from Florida to California...I'm happy to share our sogginess LOL

Christi at said...

I don't agree with you. There are storms and rain in the western and northern Pacific Ocean that will help to replenish and dilute any excess salination of the water.

The problem is, these storms are not able to cross over onto the main land because the heat of the major cities (most are on or near the coast) break up these storms before they even have a chance to really form. Not to mention the lack of moisture in the mainland air due to water restrictions.

Mama to 5 said...

I am in Florida and we go through a lot of water shortages too. We get water from Lake Okeechobee and when that water is low they get in a frenzy here.

Julie is Coco and Cocoa said...

Fascinating idea! I'm not overly familiar with the situation in California, but I have read some about the water shortage. I do hope that they will really think through the desalinating idea and try to do it in the safest way possible.

Housewife Eclectic said...

This is such important information! Thanks for sharing!

Raquel said...

Do you think we blame the nature? Or it could be due to high population levels?

Amanda said...

Such important info. Are they really thinking of putting extra amounts of salt back into the ocean? So dumb.


Unknown said...

I had no idea there was even an issue. I have been so far removed from media lately. It will be interesting to see what actions will be taken versus the plans they are discussing.

Patricia said...

I think it is great that you are bringing this to so many people's attention. I hope there can be a solution.

Lesley said...

I lived in California for many years. Its hard to run a state when almost every politician is corrupt!

Sandra Shaffer said...

We are already seeing seals dying because of the climate change and I agree that desalination is not the answer to the drought issue CA is facing.

Anonymous said...

I have never been through a drought and really feel for people who have been through it.

Michelle F.

Robin {Masshole Mommy} said...

I agree with what Jennifer Williams said. We humans are the best at ruining out planet.

Stacey - Travel Blogger said...

They just want to put the water right back in the ocean? Wow.

Rebecca Swenor said...

This is a great subject and I have not thought about this for many years. You are right about what sense does it make to put it back in the ocean. Hello duh. Anyway thanks for sharing.

Tough Cookie Mommy said...

I've been hearing a lot of things about this water shortage in California lately. It really seems like it is becoming a serious crisis.

Laura O in AK said...

I am actually quite eager to see how the desalination plants end up working to help with the water shortage in California. Although, I think a lot of people there (and other places like Las Vegas) want to act like they don't live in a desert climate when they do.

Elizabeth O. said...

Interesting topic. I knew about how water evaporates but I didn’t think about the salt.

RUSS said...

Water shortage is a huge concern. It's happened several years ago here in my country and it's just terrible. I hope experts find a better solution for this; agree with you that putting salt back into the ocean is not a good optionl

Unknown said...

You know what's scary?! It's becoming a Worldwide issue. We have so many issues in South Africa at the moment. Our biggest problem is electricity.Hoping we don't get to water.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for this thoughtful post. This is a really big deal! I don't know what the best idea is but I sure like your water pipeline idea! ;)

mail4rosey said...

We always run out of salt here (in the midwest). I think selling it is a great idea!

Ourfamilyworld said...

I think there are lots of options not explored to reduce the water shortage. I like your idea

Kira said...

I've read a lot on this lately. I don't think people are taking it seriously because its not directly forcing changes in their lifestyle at the moment. The rest of the world would be effected by the death of California.

Rich Mom, Rich Dad. Poor Mom, Poor Dad. said...

I am in Phoenix and we totally understand the concern first hand. It's very scary and I think you are right about the salt- just sell it. Why continue to harm the ocean life? This is very very scary

Unknown said...

Very interesting. I didn't know this was a possibility. I will have to look into it more before I can form an opinion but your thoughts sound reasonable to me.

Fiona said...

I'm lucky enough to live in Ireland where we definitely don't have any water shortage issues! I can't believe people are contemplating putting more salt into the ocean, so unnatural to sealife.

Unknown said...

This sounds like another great read!

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