E-Book Giveaway-Guest Post - I Write Because… - Patricia Fry (Author of the Klepto Cat Mysteries)-Ends 3/17 | Miki's Hope

E-Book Giveaway-Guest Post - I Write Because… - Patricia Fry (Author of the Klepto Cat Mysteries)-Ends 3/17

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

As I am sure my readers have noticed-I love the Klepto Cat Mysteries. Whenever a new one comes out I immediately get it and read it and review it! I was thrilled when Patricia Fry-the author of these cozy mysteries asked if I would want a guest post written by her on my blog-----obviously I said YES. Her most current in this series ( see my review here )is awesome!! AND the writeris going to give a copy of her e-book to 3 Lucky winners. See the Rafflecopter below!

And now on to the guest post!

I Write Because…

There are probably as many endings to this sentence as there are writers. I write because I can’t not write and I know that for a fact.

I discovered my love for writing after I was married with children. You see, I was born into a giving family. There were always gifts shared at Christmas and birthdays. Gifts were exchanged even on Easter, Valentine’s day, and for no reason at all. I’d learned the joy of giving as a child, but my husband and I couldn’t afford to participate in this family tradition in any grand way. So I began making greeting cards for special occasions and for special people—personalized with my attempt at poetry. Not only were they well-received, I was having an absolute blast creating them. I especially enjoyed writing the little poems. Who knew? Writing was not particularly interesting to me in school. Growing up, I wanted to be a dress designer.

When my three daughters were still small, my grandmother was involved in an accident while traveling in another state and had to stay in a hospital there for quite a while. I began writing to her—entertaining her with the antics of my children and sharing family news. Her encouragement spurred me on and I started writing stories to read to my girls. I was hooked. I couldn’t get enough of the writing process. I even enjoyed writing to-do lists, our weekly menu, and I started contributing little thoughts and prose to minor publications. It was then that I knew I wanted to write articles for magazines.

Why nonfiction tickled my fancy, I’m not sure. But my reading taste at the time was for nonfiction—give-me-the-facts-ma’am type books and articles. For the next eight or ten years, I studied the magazines I wanted to write for and I subscribed to every writers’ magazine I could find.

Finally, I felt the time was right for me to write for publication. My daughters were in junior high school when I wrote and submitted my first article. It was quickly accepted, as were the several articles that followed. I was living my dream and I was doing so in a corner of my bedroom on a TV tray using a manual typewriter! It was 1973, after all, before the luxury of the computer.

For years, I supported myself writing article for a wide variety of publications, both regional and national. Along the way, I also wrote a few books. I have 49 to my credit as of this writing.

I said earlier that I can’t not write—and this premise was tested big-time early in my career. Something happened in my life that made it necessary for me to get a job outside the home. What a sad, sad day. I just wasn’t bringing in enough money to support the family on my own. The job wasn’t bad, as jobs go. It was close to home, in a wonderful environment, with great coworkers, and it involved some writing. But I yearned to write on my own terms—to continue exploring the topics I was interested in. One day during my early-morning meditation walk, I lamented inwardly about how much I missed writing. That’s when I realized that I had to figure out a way to write no matter what else was going on in my life. It was just that important to me.

So I started getting up at four every morning and I would write for two hours. Then I’d take my walk and get ready for work. I also wrote on weekends. Believe it or not, I wrote an entire book (now on an electric typewriter) in eight months. I was elated. But I still wanted more.

I realized that if I could complete a book by writing just two hours a day, I could probably build my article-writing business to the point that I could quit my job. And within another eight months, I did just that.

Twenty-eight years later, I’m still following my writing dreams and I have more passion for writing than ever—it seems to grow. I still get up every morning around four and spend most of my day writing. I also work with other authors on their book projects.

I believe that every independent entrepreneur needs to reevaluate the direction their business is heading occasionally. And yes, if you expect your writing to support you either full-or part-time, it must be considered a business. During my evaluations, I reflect on what I am currently producing, what aspects of my business are paying and which ones I enjoy most—teaching, public speaking, working with other authors, article work, book-writing, etc. Using these criteria, I make adjustments.

As I mature, I pay attention especially to what feeds my soul. And it was three years ago during my birthday month that I decided to give myself the gift of the time and space to try writing fiction. I’d been editing fiction works for clients and discovered that I had a knack for it. I’d begun a love affair with reading light mysteries. Then and there, I decided to write a cozy mystery and the Klepto Cat Mystery series was created.

I am having so much fun using a completely different part of my brain to create these stories. And since the shift from nonfiction to fiction, I’m more in love with the writing process than ever.

Why do I write? I seem to have an obsession with words and the way they go together to get a message across. By the way, I’m a Gemini. Aren’t we supposed to be writers? I know we like to communicate. Thankfully, I’m grounded enough that I can manage the business aspects of my writing career as well as the creative ones.

If you aren’t sure you’re doing what you should be doing…the work or, perhaps, a hobby that is truly a passion…listen to your heart. If you can’t wait each day to pursue the activity, if your heart sings while you’re writing, crafting, teaching, designing, gardening, etc., you are most definitely where you should be at this moment.

Patricia Fry is the author of 49 books, and counting. She just published the 9th in the Klepto Cat Mystery series, Mansion of Meows. The Klepto Cat Mysteries are light, fun cozy mysteries full of adventure, intrigue, and a little romance. They feature Rags, an ordinary cat who just can’t keep his paws off other people’s things. Often, the treasures he finds are clues in a mystery. Follow Rags’s fascinating life path from when he and Savannah were single and he roamed the neighborhood stealing everything from toys belonging to large dogs to jewelry and bathing suits.Rags and Savannah don’t stay single long. After meeting Michael, a handsome veterinarian, Savannah settles down, but the cat doesn’t change his thieving ways. Even though his kleptomaniac habit is annoying and embarrassing to his family, he has earned the respect of the local sheriff’s department and he was even asked to star in a documentary. See all nine books here: http://amzn.to/1kAI8I2

To learn more about Patricia, visit her websites and blog sites:


a Rafflecopter giveaway

This is a guest post written by the author-all opinions are her own. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Liz Mays said...

It's fascinating that her writing career came along so late in life. This was interesting!

Ina said...

Very interesting read!

Her career proves that it's never to late to start doing what you love.

Jeremy Lagatule said...

I think that writing is a great way to express yourself and can be a superb outlet for the inner thoughts & feelings. Keep up the great work :)

Unknown said...

Thanks everyone for commenting. I was 33 when I started writing for publication, which doesn't seem that "late in life" to change careers (from Mommy to writer), since I meet so many new writers these days in their 70s and 80s. Yes, it's wonderful that we have the opportunity at any age to enter into any creative field we desire and hats off to those who do, right?

As to the comment about writing being an outlet for inner thoughts and feelings--how true. I guess that's why so many people are writing their memoirs. I'd say a majority of writers, at some point in their career (or hobby) pen their memoirs. I actually wrote a situational memoir in 1995. It is a rather enlightening, freeing experience.

Nikki said...

I love reading about why other writers got into writing. I've been doing it my whole life, so it's hard for me to say when and why it started. It's just always been part of who I am.

Chubskulit Rose said...

I did not know that about Geminis but glad to know that Gemini has that factor. I love to write myself, I love writing more than I talk. I love jotting down my thoughts rather than speaking it. Weird but true.

What a lovely guest post.

Anonymous said...

Wow 39 books is amazing! I love to hear about that great passion of writing. What a great giveaway.

Michelle F.

Eat To Live said...

Patricia seems to have a handle on life. I so agree with her that you should listen to your heart. My heart is telling me to garden but mother nature is telling me to wait.

Julie is Coco and Cocoa said...

Loved reading about her career path! And her determination to make a life doing what she loved to do. Thanks for the inspiration!

Franc said...

Writing has been my first love though it was later on in my career that I resumed running. She really has a lot of depth as a writer from her experiences in life.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a good read. I think it's fantastic that she realized later in life what she really wanted to do.

AngelaM said...

Very interesting read. Writing is a great outlet and way to express yourself. Love reading how writers came to be what they are.

Unknown said...

I need to show this to my mother. She thinks she's too old to start a new career.

Felice said...

Her story is so inspiring ♥ Thanks for sharing and i definitely need to check out her work :)

XmasDolly said...

Your last entrance link is not working, but as far as your Post is concerned Ms. Fry is a very knowledgable lady and has confidence, and I would imagine you have to have that first before you become an author. Reading and I do not mix because it puts me to sleep unfortunately unless I'm really interested. I find that Mythology and I do get along & short books like I read to the grandchildren. Having 11 grandbabies I better like reading to them hahahaha Have a nice day & thank you for the give-away.

burlap+blue said...

What an inspiring and fascinating story! Thanks for sharing!

Kristi Dominguez said...

What an awesome career...love that she wanted to guest post for you!

Lesley said...

I am really intrigued by this author. I bet I would really enjoy her books.

cindy said...

39 books is amazing! What a huge accomplishment and something to be proud of! Thanks for the giveaway!

Crystal said...

You're a great reminder to keep seeking out our passion. You never know when or where we will discover these things.

C.Mahan said...

This cover reminds me of the scary kids stories from when I was a younger girl; minus the cat. I love hearing stories about writers who hit the peak of their writing career later in life. That means, there is still hope for me as a fiction writer.

Tammilee Tips said...

This sounds like a great book!!! I love when she started her writing career.

Patricia said...

I love klepto cat! Gonna have to read the series.

Athena said...

Very interesting. Doing what I do I have come to know so many authors who have the most unique origins.

Unknown said...

Very interesting post. Thanks so much for sharing. I love writing poetry myself. Well, I use to.

Housewife Eclectic said...

I think my sister would love these! So much fun!

debdenny said...

Very inspirational woman. Will get this on the list.

Lena B said...

That is very inspiring and I am a bit jealous. Id love for my passion to support my life in a big way

Lesley said...

Her writing is fascinating. I would love to win the e book.

mail4rosey said...

Getting up at 4 and writing two hours a day took a lot of discipline! I think if you love it though, that discipline comes easier for you than most. :)

Unknown said...

I'm really happy for you and your awesome writing career! It's awesome that you've achieved so much!

Rebecca Swenor said...

These books I have yet to read but I love the cat mystery concept. It is awesome to know about the author. I love her story and how she began writing. Thanks so much for sharing.

Ron Leyba said...

I love book giveaways. For sure many will find this really interesting. Will share this one to all of my friends.

Jennifer Rogers said...

Of course I want to read the authors other cat books as I am a cat lover. I found it interesting that Patricia Fry is also a Publishing Consultant.
Jennifer Rogers

Maria said...

I love that she enlighten us on her career path too! She seems even more likeable! The book sounds like a fun weekend read too!

Unknown said...

Thank you all for your great comments. I enjoyed this stopover in my blog tour--Michelle, you have an awesome following--and most of them like writing and cats!!! My kind of people.
I'd like to invite all of you to visit my cat blog, www.matilijapress.com/catscapades. I love sharing cute kitty photos. I also write a blog for writers/authors: www.matilijapress.com/publishingblog
Patricia Fry

Unknown said...

She is so right. Sometimes you just have to listen to your heart when it comes what doing what you love.

Stefani @ MommyEnterprises.com said...

That is interesting that she wanted to write after marrying. I have had a passion for writing since I was kid!

Dhemz said...

wow, how amazing! good for her....:)

Unknown said...

I love your passion and excitement for this book. It truly does sound like another great read!

Christy Maurer said...

All of her cat books look adorable! I think Catnapped would be another I'd read.

Hilary said...

Wow, this is really cool! Gives me encouragement to continue going after my dreams. Thank you :)

Dede said...

I love how Patricia took something tough and turned it into something so positive. What an amazing person she must be!

Jacob said...

I love this so much - really reminds you that you're not stuck in anything no matter the age. Great reminder to chase our dreams!

DisneyBride2008 said...

I love that she started her career later in life - and how she did it. I wish I was as dedicated as her!

Unknown said...

Haha, I've never read one of her books but I definitely want to now! I love her story- but I especially love how she tells it. I'm already a fan.

Tami said...

You're an inspiration for sure!

bn100 said...

Found it interesting the author is also a Publishing Consultant

Laura said...

It seems very interesting. While I was at the website, I learned that Patricia also offers editorial and consulting services for other authors.

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