Book Review-Unravelled-M.K. Tod | Miki's Hope

Book Review-Unravelled-M.K. Tod

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

I won this book in a giveaway I entered. It was one of those giveaways where you will win one of a number of books but you won't know which one until the very end. I was pleasantly surprised when I finally got around to reading it. This is the history of a Canadian family (husband and wife) caught up in both World I and World War II. It is based on the author's grandparents. There is quite a bit of actual history included. It is the story of how this family stayed together despite two affairs--the ups and downs of married life, the secret lives of both and the horrors of war. It is a sensitive and well written book and made me glad that this was the book I won.

About the Book: (from Amazon)

Two wars, two affairs, one marriage. In October 1935, Edward Jamieson's memories of war and a passionate love affair resurface when an invitation to a WWI memorial ceremony arrives. Though reluctant to visit the scenes of horror he has spent years trying to forget, Edward succumbs to the unlikely possibility of discovering what happened to Helene Noisette, the woman he once pledged to marry. Travelling through the French countryside with his wife Ann, Edward sees nothing but reminders of war. After a chance encounter with Helene at the dedication ceremony, Edward's past puts his present life in jeopardy. When WWII erupts a few years later, Edward is quickly caught up in the world of training espionage agents, while Ann counsels grieving women and copes with the daily threats facing those she loves. And once again, secrets and war threaten the bonds of marriage. With events unfolding in France, England and Canada, UNRAVELLED is a compelling novel of love, duty and sacrifice set amongst the turmoil of two world wars. PRAISE FOR UNRAVELLED “M. K. Tod’s skilful debut novel spanning two world wars deftly illuminates the subtle stirrings of the human heart as movingly as it depicts the horrors of battle. Poignant and generous, Unravelled gives us Edward, scarred by war, and Ann, alive with longing, two people bound by the heartbreaking bonds of a marriage forged in the crucible of secrets and war.” - Barbara Kyle, author of Blood Between Queens. “A compulsive and convincing read: a story of webs that were innocently woven - and lives that subsequently become unravelled.” - Helen Hollick, author of historical fiction and historical adventure. “An engrossing historical saga. With narrative insight, compassion, and a strong sense of time and place, M.K. Tod observes the inner workings of a marriage as it’s affected by the uncertainty and tumult of both world wars. - Sarah Johnson, Historical Novel Society Book Review Editor. “Wartime relationships have always been compelling reading, and M.K. Tod’s Unravelled beautifully evokes an era of heightened tension, in which her characters’ decisions become all the more heart-rending. A well researched and very enjoyable book.” - Anne Easter Smith, author of A Rose for the Crown, Queen By Right and Royal Mistress “A beautiful rendering of the healing journey of two war torn hearts.” - Elisabeth Storrs, author of The Golden Dice and The Wedding Shroud

Read a chapter or two here

Purchase the book Here

About the Author: (from Amazon)

I have enjoyed a passion for historical novels that began in my early teenage years immersed in the stories of Rosemary Sutcliff, Jean Plaidy and Georgette Heyer. During my twenties, armed with Mathematics and Computer Science degrees, I embarked on a career in technology and consulting continuing to read historical fiction in the tiny snippets of time available to working women with children to raise.

In 2004, I moved to Hong Kong with my husband and no job. To keep busy I decided to research my grandfather's part in the Great War. What began as an effort to understand my grandpar-ents' lives blossomed into a fulltime occupation as a writer. Beyond my debut novel Unravelled, I have written two other novels with WWI settings. I have an active all aspects of historical fiction including interviews with a variety of authors and others involved in this genre. Additionally, I am a book reviewer for the Historical Novel Society. I live in Toronto and I'm happily married with two adult children.

Author's Website

I won this paperback book in a giveaway! All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Michelle H said...

I think I might really like this book. I used to read a lot of historical fiction and this one sounds very tastefully done.

Masshole Mommy said...

This is one my hubby would enjoy! He loves historical novels.

Beck Valley Books said...

I really enjoy historical fiction, love looking back at how things were. I think both hubbie and I would both enjoy this one, especially for him with the history and war side of it.

Mama to 5 said...

Definitely sounds like a good read. I enjoy reading history based books.

Mary said...

Many thanks for your review, Michele/Miki.Readers like you are wonderful to have. And to the others who commented, I have a contest going to win a copy of Unravelled or its companion novel Lies Told in Silence. Come on over and enter!

Julie is Coco and Cocoa said...

I love historical fiction! And I love that this one covers WW1 and WW2.

Liz Mays said...

Sheesh, they really had a lot of bumps to fight through. I'm glad that book ended up being a good one, especially since you had no idea what it would be when you entered!

Chubskulit Rose said...

I can tell, this is a good read since it contains actual facts and events in it. I would love to sit and read this one.

Linda A Kinsman said...

Historical novels are quickly becoming one of my favorite genres, so I think I'd enjoy reading this book.

Theresa Mahoney said...

That's great that not only you won the book, that you actually enjoyed it too. I have 2 books sitting in my read pile that I've won and I am not sure if I am going to like them, so I've put off reading them for a bit. You've inspired me to pick one of them up and give it a go. I guess I'll never know unless I get cracking on it!

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway where you get surprised with which book. Love the cover on this one.

Michelle F.

tm said...

This sounds like a good book to add to my wish list. I will have to check it out after I finish my current book.

Erin said...

Thanks! I'm always looking for books to read. This one sounds pretty good.

Crystal said...

Historical fiction is my favorite genre. I really like investigating the past, but it can be pretty dry. Books like this give me a good background so I can go research things that intrigue me.

Anonymous said...

I love reading historical books. This one looks really good!

Maria said...

I love that era! They were so passionate about love! I would love to read about her love story!

debdenny said...

I love historical stories. Sounds like many ups and downs for them.

Unknown said...

I love historically accurate fun fiction... and realist stuff too!

Housewife Eclectic said...

I love books set during the world wars. I will have to check this one out!

Unknown said...

History + mystery!? Sounds like a good read to me.

Frugal and Fun Mom said...

This sounds like an excellent read. I like that it does incorporate real history because it makes it more of a believable story.

mail4rosey said...

I love a book that is a happy surprise to read. This one does sound like it's a good one too!

Coach Donna Ward said...

I also love historical fiction and this sounds like a really neat book I would enjoy - congrats on winning it!

Ckrusch said...

Sounds like a great book! Will share!

Unknown said...

This sounds like an amazing read!

Lesley said...

Excellent review. I'm adding this to my list. The author sounds amazing.

Rebecca Swenor said...

Congrats on your win because this does indeed sound like an amazing book to read. I will have to check this one out. I love how there is real history in it too. Thanks for sharing.

Katrina Kroeplin said...

i'm going to have to check this out. it sounds like a really good book. thanks for sharing.

Maddi'sMommy said...

I'm such a history buff and I love a good romance so this book intriques me. Add in the fact that a lot of it is based on actual history? Winner!

Maddi'sMommy said...

I'm such a history buff and I love a good romance so this book intriques me. Add in the fact that a lot of it is based on actual history? Winner!

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