Book Review-Submerged (Alaskan Courage Book 1)-Dani Pettrey | Miki's Hope

Book Review-Submerged (Alaskan Courage Book 1)-Dani Pettrey

Friday, March 6, 2015

I purchased this book back on December and for one reason or another it took me this long to get to read it! I am not into inspirational books and this one certainly is. The actual story had me enthralled (minus the inspirational parts!).

Baily had grown up in a small Alaskan town and for one reason or another made lots of mistakes-hung with the wrong crowd and had a reputation that was really not one anyone would want to have. She moved to Oregon where she turned her life around. When she received a phone call that her Aunt Agnes, who she had lived with in Alaska had died--she had to force herself to go back. She was petrified that the name calling etc would still go on. But she loved her Aunt and knew she would have to or never forgive herself. There was a boy there-now all grown up who she had loved but had hurt terribly back then. He and his 4 siblings ran a store and took people put on diving and adventure expeditions.

Then it was discovered that her Aunt had been murdered and several other murders started showing up. It all revolved around the Royal Romanov family. Would they be able to stop the murders and catch the murderer? Would Baily finally come to terms with herself and with the man she had always loved and who still loved her? I will leave you with those thoughts.

About the Book: (from Amazon)

A sabotaged plane. Two dead deep-water divers.

One single clue.

Bailey Craig vowed never to set foot in Yancey, Alaska, again. She has a past, and a reputation--and Yancey's a town that doesn't forget. She's returned only to bury a loved one killed in the plane crash, but then dark evidence emerges and Bailey's own expertise becomes invaluable for the case.

Cole McKenna can face dangerous rescue dives. He can face the fear a murderer may be threatening his town. But facing the reality of Bailey's reappearance is a tougher challenge. She broke his heart...but doesn't seem to be the same girl who left Yancey ten years ago. And he's not the same guy she left behind.

Racing against the clock and a rising body count, Bailey and Cole must move beyond the hurts of their pasts to work together until the truth of what is hidden in the depths finally surfaces.

"An amazing story of faith, suspense, the power of forgiveness and second chances! Dani Pettrey has a gift for developing characters to fall in love with..." --Lynette Eason, bestselling author of THE WOMEN OF JUSTICE series

"Pettrey is a new author to watch. Recommended for fans of Dee Henderson." --Library Journal

"A spell binding mystery, full of suspense and a great story that will pull you in." --The Suspense Zone

"[A] steadily paced thriller...Pettrey's debut novel is a thoughtful attempt to capture both love and suspense in this intricately plotted mystery."
--Publishers Weekly

"Combining romance, danger, and a dose of Russian history, the novel proves a rapid and entertaining read." --Booklist

"Brimming with romance, suspense, faith, and forgiveness, Submerged is a superbly written debut novel from Dani Pettrey that will satisfy readers of nearly any genre." --Portland Book Review

"Submerged is filled with action and mystery, engaging the reader from the first scene. . . . Pettrey sustains a high level of suspense throughout the narrative." -ForeWord Reviews

Read a chapter or two here

Purchase the book here

About the Author: (from Amazon)

Dani Pettrey is a wife, homeschooling mom and author. She feels blessed to write inspirational romantic suspense because it incorporates so many things she loves-the thrill of adventure, nail-biting suspense, the deepening of one's faith and plenty of romance. She's a huge fan of dark chocolate, is always in search of the best iced mocha and her dream is to one day own a little cottage on a remote stretch of beach. She and her husband reside in Maryland with their two teenage daughters. Visit her web site at!

Author's Website

I purchased this book with my own funds. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Masshole Mommy said...

I love a good murder mystery. This is the kind of book I like to read at the beach :)

Scott said...

I just found out my daughter is getting into murder mysteries. Wonder if this is appropriate for a 12 yr old.

Anonymous said...

That looks like a great mystery. I love the cover and title.

Michelle F.

Erica S ( said...

wow this sounds interesting! I always love stories set in Alaska - seems like such a mysterious place to begin with. And I am a Russian history nut, so the twist with the Romanovs gets my attention.

Beck Valley Books said...

It's always great to read a new type of book, especially when they surprise you. Sounds like a great read.

Julie is Coco and Cocoa said...

Sounds interesting! I can't wait until summer and I have more time to read fun books again!

AngelaM said...

Wow this sounds like a really good book! I would love to read it and will have to go find it. Thanks for the review.

Babita said...

This sounds like my kind of book. My daughter has forced me to start reading books again. I am going to add this to my list.

Jeanette E. said...

Looks like a great book! I'm heading over to Amazon now to buy it!

Unknown said...

I'm not that big into inspirational books myself either. This is one I might probably pass on. Thanks for the review as usual

Katherine Bartlett said...

This looks great, especially since it's set in Alaska!

Heather Jones said...

It sounds intriquing. I like the story line. I love inspirational books. Its weird to find people who don't like that kind of thing. I could see reading this one.

Unknown said...

This actually sounds like something I would be interested in reading! Thanks for sharing!

Amanda Ripsam said...

A inspirational mystery book sounds like it would be a great read to add to my list.

Crystal said...

I'm glad you finally had a chance to get to it. It sounds like a thrilling read.

Theresa Mahoney said...

While I'm not much into inspirational stories, I do like a good murder mystery from time to time. Sounds like you really enjoyed the book!

mail4rosey said...

Ah, I hope there's scuba diving fun in the book! :) Makes me want to go on vacation (minus the murderers). ;) I'd read this one!

debdenny said...

This sounds really good. Love stories about Alaska.

Dede said...

I love inspirational books, especially those that have a good storyline. I would not have expected this to have anything to do with the Romanovs. Very intrigued!

Kandi said...

It sounds like a real interesting book. I know some people who may like this!

Sandra Shaffer said...

I like to read murder mysteries! This would be a good one for me to unwind with.

Unknown said...

Interesting premise, sounds like the story takes a nice twist that makes u want to keep reading....

Laura O in AK said...

I enjoy a good murder mystery as well. Plus, I have fun reading stories set in Alaska since that's where we live now.

Lena B said...

Interesing read - might want to check it out

Chubskulit Rose said...

This is the kind of story that I could read all day long. Sounds very interesting and I love the setting, Alaska!

Kristi Dominguez said...

I love that it's a murder-mystery AND an inspirational one! Very cool!

C.Mahan said...

I am going to have to read this. I am obsessed with books and television shows based in/on Alaska. I just find it to be such a beautiful state and maybe someday I'll visit.

Dhemz said...

sounds like a great book to read!

Unknown said...

I love books that have a twist of suspense. This sounds like a great book.

Mommy 2 J.A.M. said...

Sounds like a really good mystery. I always love your book reviews

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