Review/Giveaway-Pinch Me Therapy Dough-Relaxation in a Pinch-US-Ends 10/31 | Miki's Hope

Review/Giveaway-Pinch Me Therapy Dough-Relaxation in a Pinch-US-Ends 10/31

Monday, September 29, 2014

I think most of us at one time or another had or were given a stress ball. It felt squishy and you could keep pumping your hand around it--or alternately throw it at your boss or annoying co-worker. It didn't hurt them (my boss was a very good catcher) but it did relieve stress! Well, now there is a better way. The folks at pinch me (registered trademark)have created a stress reliever that feels exactly like the play dough you used to love as a child-with a big difference-they have formulated stress relieving colors and scents into each 6 oz tin.

I decided that I wanted to experience "Earth". It arrived quickly and well wrapped. I could smell the aroma even before I took the top off. Off came the top. Now the one I received was a brownish color and the logo Pinch Me was stamped right into the dough. I can't download pics from my camera so Bobbie Anne helped me out-here is what it looks like before you start pinching it.

According to the site the aroma "Earth" "Rekindle the flame in campfires gone-by with the crisp fragrance of the outdoors. A rich, woodsy scent that envelops you with the sensation of the forest. EARTH: for the nature lover in you." To me it smells like Water Lily with a hint of musk. I LOVE the scent. It relaxed me even before I pinched it! The scent will linger on your skin for a bit so I would not suggest putting on perfume unless it has the same undertones. I am considering buying a couple more of these to use as room fresheners. I would love to be enveloped by this scent where ever I go in my home. There are 6 different aromas you can choose from they can be seen (and purchased) at this link.

You can find out lots more about this company and the person who created this by going to their website. and clicking on the tabs up top. And guess what!! We all love companies that give back-here's what Pinch Me does: "*Join us in our quest to reduce stress. Every container you purchase will pay for a soldier's half day stress management training with"

Would you like to win one of these amazing stress relieving tins? Well one of my readers will be sent one tin of their choice if they are picked by Rafflecopter as the winner of the contest sponsored by Pinch Me who is ultimately responsible for shipping the winner the prize. So fill out the Rafflecopter form--you never know--you might be the winner!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received a tin of this product for review purposes only. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Anonymous said...

I learned that Nancy is a a clinical hypnotherapist who specializes in stress reduction

Beck Valley Books said...

I still absolutely love play dough now lol, would love to give these a go.

Kristi Maloney said...

I saw these on another site. Love the colors and that they are scented. I wouldn't get anything done! I would be having too much fun with my Pinch-me-therapy dough!

Jenn said...

I am seeing these pop up everywhere, I'd love to try them.

Maria said...

I have never heard of these but I can definitely use something like this especially if it helps educe stress! Great suggestion!

Sherry Butcher said...

I love this product to reduce stress, I would start with SPA then try Ocean. TFS.

Unknown said...

I would really love to use this in order to reduce my stress levels, they are sky high:(

Unknown said...

I learned it was a professionally developed, soft, pliable dough infused with calming aromatherapy to help one relax

Unknown said...

What a neat product! I definitely want to try it. Entered the giveaway!

Onica said...

These sounds like a good product to use. I like that the containers are nice and small. Pop into my bag.

Unknown said...

I think I would enjoy the Earth scent. I love the smell of a campfire

Theresa Mahoney said...

I could use a few bucket loads of Pinch Me! I love that it is scented too. That's really another great way to help relieve stress, by scent!

Unknown said...

I've been so stressed out lately that I think I need to invest in one of these. Have never seen them before now. Will really have to check them out.

Laura Miller said...

I learned that there are six formulas!...I'd love the Ocean scent!

Unknown said...

there are 6 of them

Liz Mays said...

What a great way to keep yourself busy when you need to fidget. The scents sound fabulous!

Anonymous said...

Interesting concept. There is something to be said about how therapeutic it is to play with dough. Sounds cool!

Unknown said...

This looks like it would be useful and beneficial.

mail4rosey said...

I think this is the perfect Christmas gift idea for the kids' teachers and the school secretary (not that I'm thinking of Christmas or anything ;) ).

Rebecca Swenor said...

I love this idea of therapy. I would love to try the Tropic one. It sounds amazing. This therapy dough would be perfect for me and my son as well. Thanks for sharing.

Uplifting Families said...

I haven't ever heard of this before. I think I would like to try the Earth smell. :)

Unknown said...

I want to try the Tropics scent. I don't to get go on vacation often so this scent will take me to the perfect place.

Nive said...

Would love to try the tropics scent...this product looks really exotic and thanks for this giveaway,,,

Unknown said...

I love the dough and the spa one sound like it would awesome.

kmcgrew213 said...

my favorite scent is

Get mentally swept away to the seaside getaway you've been dreaming about. BEACH exudes the relaxing aroma of the sand, sun, and surf. No sunscreen required.

Shakeia Rieux said...

I would love to have the Spa and the Beach one.I've also learned that Every container you purchase will pay for a soldier's half day stress management training with,which I think is awesome

Elle said...

It should last for a hundred uses depending on how and where you use it. I think I would like either the earth or ocean scent.

Amanda C said...

I think I'd definitely want to win this in the 'Beach' scent, nothing to me is more peaceful than the ocean and all the encompasses the beach...this is so cool

Anonymous said...

I love that pinch me dough allows people to use all senses to relieve stress!

Gina Gallagher said...

I would get both Beach and Men - a set for my parents - they are going through a rough time and could really benefit from this multi-sensory approach.

Holly @ Woman Tribune said...

This dough actually looks really cool. I live with high anxiety and while it is under greater control than it was at one point in my life, I could still use a little extra something to help take the edge off from time to time. The beach scent seems promising.

tisme143 said...

definitely Earth, calming affect being outside and smelling the dirt. sounds silly maybe to others but not to me, and where I am I don't always have that luxury... thanks @tisonlyme143

justwin4once said...

The Pinch Me your dough is designed to last for hundreds of uses. I would like to try the For Men dough for my husband.

Julie Waldron said...

It's a toss up between the Earth, Spa or Beach scents. Sounds like an neat product. :)

Anonymous said...

Beach sounds fantastic to me. I love this concept. Can't wait to squish this stuff!

barniebad said...

What I learned about "Pinch Me Therapy Dough" is that can help me replenish and rejuvenate myself. I an simply massage the dough between my fingers and let the stress go. A simple, but safe and useful way to help all of the days tenses go! I am in.

Wherever you go, pack the dough.

Unknown said...

I would like to try the spa scent, lavender is so relaxing. Plus I don't think this would hurt my hand like stress balls do.

Audra said...

This looks neat I wouls like to try the io wan or the tropics

AleeCassan said...

Ooooh, I think I would like the tropics! The description of the scent sounds sooo lovely!

Connie Sowards said...

CONNIE SOWARDS commenting: I'd like the tropics scent. I enjoy the idea of what that scent brings to mind.

Anonymous said...

amazing concept! My kids use sand in therapy but never used play dough! May have to suggest this soon. would love the beach scent

winemama said...

I would like the ocean scent. If it makes me think of the ocean, I know it would be destressing.

Jillyn said...

I think I would like to try the earth scent. I always feel relaxed when I'm surrounded by trees

Terri said...

I would like to try the scent Ocean because I love being by the ocean and it is also my grand daughters middle name.

Abby said...

I would like to try the tropics scent, please!

Unknown said...

Sent:Ocean,the blue to me is relaxing,soothing and tranquil

Angie Bailey said...

I would definitely like to try the Tropics scent. This is the scent that I react to the best. Nothing like paradise from the comfort of your own home! :) (Precisely Mine)

cylina said...

I like this idea a lot! I think this would help me and I would probably get the beach scent

Shelley Paige said...

Wow! I want this stuff! Hard to decide what I would choose but I think tropics has me.

Unknown said...

The smell of 'spa' and the stress relief of kneading dough sounds like a good solution to stress :)


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