$25 PayPal/Amazon WW-Christmas in July Grand Prize $150 Amazon!-Ends 7/31 | Miki's Hope

$25 PayPal/Amazon WW-Christmas in July Grand Prize $150 Amazon!-Ends 7/31

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Let's Celebrate Christmas in July Giveaway Hop
Hosted by Lauren Paints A Beautiful Life
It's That Time of Year Again,
Let's Celebrate Christmas in July with a Giveaway Hop FULL of Prizes!

I don't know about you but I sure could use a boost about now-what with the heat and humidity we have been experiencing-not to mention the rain, thunder and lightening! Hey-you know how all those diets are always telling us to drink 8 glasses of water a day? Well-I have been averaging 60 ounces of water a day!! Remember to check on all the older people who are either in your life or are neighbors--this is really a dangerous year.

I've teamed up with a great group of bloggers to bring you some GREAT giveaways

I will be giving one lucky winner who enters on my giveaway below their choice of either $25 PayPal or Amazon GC --hey those electric bills are getting higher as we speak or I'm sure you can think of something that you can buy which will make you feel better through all this crazy weather.


LAUREN PAINTS- A BEAUTIFUL LIFE is giving away $150 Amazon GC to ONE Lucky Reader!!
$150 to spend on whatever you please...
the possibilities are endless
Don't forget to enter to win all the other great giveaways below which can be found below my Rafflecopter form.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Mai Tran said...

During June, the weather was cold (under 15 celcius degrees), some places had snow even. Now for half of July, there've been 5 days of over 20 degrees, the rest has been windy, rainy or again, cold.

Kristen said...

Yes the weather's been great! We ate dinner outside tonight and it was gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

The weather in my country it's been great ! I live in Romania !

Unknown said...

Our weather here in Utah is hot, hot, hot; typical for the summer season. We all cry for winter then in the winter we all cry for summer

Jackie said...

The weather has been pretty nice. We had some storms last night and are expecting more today.
Thank you!

Unknown said...

the weather has been great, hot, but okay :)

Breenah A said...

The weather's been off and on, hot and average. This entire week is in the high 70's/low 80's which is weirdly cool for us.

Janet W. said...

Our weather has been pretty nice! Not an overwhelming amount of rain. It has been very hot and humid though.

Maria Malaveci said...

It actually has been nice, but it started to cool down last night. Not complaining because we had a rough winter!

Mary said...

It has been cold for summer! Last night was 48 degrees and there was hail on the Door County Peninsula. This is ridiculous.

Erin LFF said...

This summer weather has been great! The perfect mix of sunny, hot days by the pool-- and rainy, stormy nights to relax inside, too :)

Linda Romer said...

Its been very hot and humid so far here in New York.

steve weber said...

the weather has been pretty great, lots of rain though.

laborders2000 said...

The weather has not been that bad in Georgia. I have still been able to get out;)

Candice said...

It has been pretty hot here, but we had thunder and rain last night.

Patricia said...

I live in Georgia - we have had a very hot summer! There have been a lot of afternoon showers so it has been humid. The humidity has brought out the bugs, which is really annoying!

mysweetiepiepie said...

It's been either very hot or very rainy here. Which is good for the veggie plants in the garden but not so good for letting me get out there and actually tend to the veggies :+)

Marti Tabora said...

It's been hot and humid just like it always is in July on the Gulf Coast.

Anonymous said...

The weather hasn't been too bad considering it's Oklahoma. Much cooler this year than last year.

Unknown said...

It's been hot and humid here in Houston, Texas. But we have had storms every day in the afternoon, which cools things off a little.

Abigail said...

I really cant complain about the weather - I think it has been less humid than past summers here in the north east!

D Cheatle said...

I'm loving that it's warm and not snowing, but I wouldn't mind if the rain left us alone for more than a day or two!

Unknown said...

Here in Maryland, we go from 90 above weather to heavy rains....last night was terrible and my poor cats were scared, as I was myself....

Ash said...

We've had some good days with sun and some not so good days with lots of bad weather! Can't complain here in Ohio, that's just how it is :)


Kate F. said...

The weather has been nice for the most part, but very hot lately.

Sarah Hayes said...

its been hot here but I love it. beats winter any time!

Journeys of The Zoo said...

In June it wasn't raining enough so my garden was thirsty but now it's raining tons and my uncle can't get his hay cut. Can't control the weather so I try not and complain.

Thanks for making this giveaway open to Canadians.

Besos, Sarah
Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo

Unknown said...

Oklahoma here was hot the last few days, have not reached 100 yet, but we are getting a cold front this week with lows at night in 60's and chance of rain hopefully it happens (Thursday.

Brynn said...

I love summer but not when it gets over 100 haha. Yesterday was the hottest day we have had here in over 5 years. Yuck :(

Unknown said...

The weather here in central Florida has been hot and humid so far this summer!

M said...

The weather has been terrible out here! Monsoon season, ugh!

Becca said...

The weather had been good but all of a sudden it has been so humid. It's icky!

Kathy Davis said...

The weather here in the Ozarks has been very hot until this week. It is 77 degrees right now. Beautiful.

Sherri said...

We haven't had thunderstorms every day like we usually do.... it has actually been quite dry and hot here

Anastasia said...

The weather isn't bad, as long as I don't go outside during the day lol. It's been really hot and dry in our area lately. I miss the rain! It should cool down a little this next week, but.... this is summer, so dealing with the heat is just part of the package :) The flowers are pretty, tho' :)

Unknown said...

Well today we were thankful for rain but I got stuck without an umbrella, so today it didn't treat me too well! :)

Marissa M said...

Weather has been good except for the rain the past few days

Nancy said...

The summer started out a little cool. However, now it is hot, hot, hot!

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Christy Maurer said...

It was beautiful today! But we have had some really hot days.

Tammy S said...

The weather has been wonderful! It has been hotter then normal. Which I love!

katy said...

The temperatures have been cooler the last few days. It's not our normal July but I love it.

Lea said...

It has been very hot. But I love it. Lovely sunshine.

Unknown said...

Most of our summer has been rainy and we've had flooding. The worse part is the humidity.

kymom13 said...

Kentucky started out VERY hot for us but it now fluctuates. I'm looking forward to 55 tonight (wow...that IS unheard of for July)!

Unknown said...

THe weather has been crazy here in Ohio. Loads of rain, then cool, next hot hot hot, followed by more rain. My garden is like a jungle! Although... everyone is catching summer colds now :-/

Jewel said...

Its actually Winter here in Aus & it's been really cold. Even if the sun is out, the wind is freezing.

CaseyCG said...

Weather has been quite cooperative, crappy rainy days when working and beautiful when off. Perfect!

Cheryl @ Simply Shoeboxes said...

We have a cooler than usual summer so far which is perfect for me!

Unknown said...

The weather is was more hummidity and rain,i wish be more sun

stephland3 said...

The weather has been really nice here in Chicago, I hope we have a few more hot days for swimming. Right now its about 75 outside:)

Terri. said...

It has been a great summer so far. I few muggy days (which I hate) but overall great!

katieoscarlet said...

The weather has been quite nice this summer, not too hot or muggy.

Unknown said...

The weather here in central Ky has been so fair & mild. We have been humid, as always. Not much rain so I am having to water the garden with the hose more often than I like BUT ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Have an A+ day everyone!

Caitlyn said...

The weather has been alright. Not crazy hot, but a bit rainy lately.

Melissa Storms said...

We have had a lot of rain which seems to bring out all the slugs, so I have been spending my days trying get them under control.

Austin Baroudi said...

It's actually been great! It's been mostly beautiful days up here in Maine with barely any rain!

Francine Anchondo said...

It started out to be a really stormy season and hot/humid but this week we are in the 70's and sunny so really nice for july.

carolann88fan said...

The weather has been great this summer seems like we have had the perfect balance of rain, sun, and heat.

Anonymous said...

It has been okay so far a little humid but not as bad as usual! Living in the south you get a lot of hot humid weather

Anonymous said...

It's been super hot in Nashville, however this week at night it's getting into the 50's! It's great!

alona y said...

It has taken longer than usual to heat up, which I'm glad for! I like under 70.

courtney hennagir said...

It's been pretty awesome here so far in Seattle! In the high 80's for the past few days which is toasty for here.

Deb PelletierC said...

It 's been very hot, but last summer was hotter. Also rainy. Deb P

Unknown said...

It has boon way hotter than normal over the last couple of weeks. Daytime been around 95 and nights around 50-55. We had a slight thunderstorm one day last week, but no other rain. Way too hot during the day for me.

Anonymous said...

Bailey Dexter Our weather here is really different than normally, Too much cold and rain, more like spring. I hope summer is soon to come!

Barbara Montag said...

Our weather in MN has been so unlike summer.
Our days are around 75 degrees - not hot enough for the garden.
It was so wet and now so dry.
thank you

MamaStace said...

The weather here has been HOT, rainy & Humid! I think it's rained almost every day the past couple weeks.


Kelly O said...

It has been a wonderful summer. A bit more rain that some would like but I think God knows best :)

Lynda Cook said...

The weather has been great, but we do need some rain everything is getting a little dry, everyone around us is getting rain, I think we live in a dome lol

rj7777 said...

The summer In Portland, OR has been very hot we are in the 90's this week. We had a weird thunderstorm last week with hail that wasn't nice to my tomatos! It was strange too. We are going to be in the 80's in a couple of days which is about right! Rita Spratlen

Nicole Carter Weasley said...

Well, it's been beating me up a lot the past week or so. I live in WA state and we just don't get the hot but lately we've been having 90 plus days and I hate it!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, we have been having a very rainy summer here! I can't complain though because this weekend is supposed to be beautiful :)

samantha wagner said...

It's not been too bad this year. Last couple of days its been in the low 80's and in the evenings its been in the 70's. Wish it could be like that all year :)

Unknown said...

It is definitely hot in North Carolina but taking a trip back to Louisiana (where I am originally from and lived for 16 years) puts things into perspective for me. NC=HOT but LOUISIANA=HOT AND REALLLLY HUMID!

Lulu said...

It's not the hot summer I was waiting for, but I hope we still have 1,5 months for the beach, tanning, etc.))

Jessica Schank Snow said...

The weather has been very hot and rainy, here in Florida.
Thank you for the giveaway! =)

Debbie said...

The weather has not been too bad this summer! I'm in the south so I'm used to hot and humid.

Kerry said...

The weather has been beautiful here, not too hot, with a nice cool breeze.

Amy Orvin said...

It's been very hot here, so it hasn't been treating me that well. Thank the Lord it's been raining in the afternoon for the last week.

Unknown said...

HOT! but that is typical Texas weather. I'm 8 months pregnant so I don't go outside much and when I do all I want is a snow cone (Miriam Matheny)

Maria B said...

It has been really hot, but got a break from the heat with some rain.

Michelle J. said...

It's been hot, but I totally prefer heat to the cold.

CindyWindy2003 said...

It has been hot but considering it is summer in NC, overall it hasn't been so bad as most years.

MidgeLidge said...

We have officially entered rainy season. It's been stormy everyday for the last month. Thankfully the storms aren't to severe or I would be hiding and not leaving the house! haha

slehan said...

It's been lovely here in Colorado. Afternoon showers sometimes, but lots of sunshine.
Thanks for the contest.

slehan at juno dot com

susan1215 said...

The weather has been pretty good, not too hot which is nice.

mahnrafjtb said...

the weather has been up and down this summer. Lots of gloomy days but not many rainy days. we are due for some hot days coming up. the pool needs some heating so I am looking forward to it.

Stephanie Shipley said...

The weather has been pretty good here other than we had a few weeks with several storms. I like the rain though, so it didn't bother me :)

Sherry Compton said...

Beautiful weather! We've had only a few days in the 90s and this last week record lows and highs in 70s.

Shooting Stars Mag said...

The weather has been kind of weird. If felt like fall these last few days, but better than the rain!

lauren51990 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

Bailey Dexter It's been really cold here more like fall, but today it's so warm and loving it!

Dede said...

It's been extremely rainy here this summer! It would be great except it's killing my garden. Too much water for them.

cjabdelnour said...

It has been in the 70-80 range. Lots of rain, but has been dry this week. Cheryl Abdelnour cjabdelnour@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

as of now, its heavy rain,. wind blows just like having typhoon,.

jeanette sheets said...

yes this year its been perfect i love the hot day s

momo said...

Our summer weather has been rather nice here in Northern Illinois . We just had a few really nice cool days recently, great sleeping weather for sure!

TemporaryWaffle said...

The weather here has been good up til recently it started getting hot, in the 90's. That makes it miserable for us upstairs apartment dwellers with no AC :/

Shayna said...

I am not enjoying the summer heat this year. I am 8 1/2 months pregnant and the heat and humidity are very uncomfortable.

melissa cushing said...

It has been pretty decent in the Northeast ~ not nearly as hot as last summer...so far at least! :) Fingers Crossed. But it does make me wonder how bad the winter is going to be??? We will see.

Cheryl R said...

I have no complaints whatsoever of the weather this summer, it has been hot at times, but there is always A/C down here in SC.

barniebad said...

The weather in South Dakota has been great. We have only had about 3 day above 90 degrees. I have been loving it. My mother visited from Washington DC where it's humid and over 95 degrees. We were in the 70s. Yea!

Seth said...

The weather here in Massachusetts has been pretty warm this summer. I've used the air conditioner a lot more than I'd like.

Unknown said...

We have actually been having really great weather here in Nebraska! We have been getting the rain we need but no tornadoes where I am at!

wcaligirl said...

It's been crazy in SoCal. This week it's been cloudy, in the 70s to 80s. Next week supposed to be 90s to 100 and sunny.

shigdon said...

Well, I think it got hot way too early this year. However this past week has been rather nice, cooler weather.

Jenn Hiles said...

Well, it's northwest Pa so it's rarely good weather. If it's warm, then it's so humid you can hardly breath. Other than that, it rains. Once in awhile we get a nice day though and we treasure it!

Susan Christy said...

It's been COLD in Kansas in July - unheard of! It's going back to the 100's soon, so I'll be wishing for that cold weather again in a few days.

Julie Waldron said...

The weather has mostly been in the 60's/70's here in MI. It's finally going to be in the 80's this week. We have had good rains so far. Hope it keeps up for us farmers! We haven't had to run the irrigation yet this year. :)

Elizabeth said...

We just had a super chilly week, and now tomorrow is looking like there will be a heat advisory! It's been a little crazy around here!

michele376 said...

I live in upstate New York and our weather has been pretty good.

Connie Lee said...

It has been hot and humid this July except for a few days of cooler air, which felt great!

Natalie said...

This summer has been unusually cool, however, today it is 92 degrees outside!

Jan Lee said...

Not too bad this summer, some hot days but not every day, and actually cooler evenings ;)

Unknown said...

The weather has been alright this summer with some hot days. We're headed into hurricane season and that means thunderstorms and rain.

Danielle Papsis

Shannon said...

There have been some cool nice days but mostly it has been hot here.

Unknown said...

Our weather has been wonderful! We just had a cool spell, that lasted 3 days, where it was 50 at night & 70's day temps. Now it is nearly 90 day temps & 60 at night.

Unknown said...

The weather in New Jersey is treating me just fine. Some days it's a little bit on the high humidity, but that's when we fill Carter's little pool and play with him in that :)

Monica said...

The weather has been great! I've been really enjoying this summer, aside from a bit of a sunburn haha

XmasDolly said...

Personally our weather... I'M MELTING! It was over 100 degrees today and it dropped about ten, but the humidity is so high. I'm in Illinois,

Diana Corlett said...

The weather here in Alberta has been...a little of everything. Some days too hot, some a little cool, some rainy and one hail storm the other night that left my rhubarb in tatters. So, about as usual....

Diana Corlett

Katrina Angele said...

It's been back and forth here. This week, awesome in the 80's. Next week...back up to 100 plus. Ugh.

Karrie said...

Today was really hot and sticky, but not so humid. It was in the mid 90s. Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the mid 70s. I'm liking the cooler weather better definitely :) I don't complain it's too cold in the winter!

June Ebinger said...


Ashley-Raye said...

The weather has been strange, we've had a few really hot days as well as a fair amount of rain, it's been pretty great for our garden, so I can't complain!

Unknown said...

Moved here (san Diego) for the weather..when there is a change , they call it an event..ha almost ten years here and that still make me giggle

Anonymous said...

The weather in Indiana has been pretty good, warm, but not too bad.

Cali W. said...

The weather is hot here with a nice breeze. Thanks for the giveaway. <3

Unknown said...

Typical NW Florida weather. Highs in the 90's with insane humidity! :)

Unknown said...

I've loved the weather so far! Michigan summers are beautiful!

Unknown said...

Great! I don't have to sholve this!

Jayme H. said...

Summer started quite late here. It was too chilly to do most summer activities. So, summer weather has been a bust.

Anonymous said...

It hasn't been miserable this summer, but I'm sure glad we replaced our old air conditioner last year anyway!

Unknown said...

Our weather here in colorado has been super hot!! I go to a lake so I swim alot, but it is still crazy hot, I like to read at the lake, and it gets to hot. so overall hot hot hot!!!! thank you so much

Michelle said...

I feel like this summer has been really rainy

stacey dempsey said...

It has been a very hot dry summer so far but we just had 2 days with a little bit of rain so that was a nice break

Unknown said...

The weather has been gorgeous, except for the days I have time to go to the pool, like today. :(

Tawnya said...

I really dislike the Summer heat. I am glad summer is almost over. Fall is my favorite season!

Unknown said...

i live in florida it's been 90+ degrees here for months now. wouldn't be that bad but my car AC just went out and it's literally hell to drive around without it lol

Rachel said...

I was enjoying the warm weather and sunshine, then all of a sudden we got a burst of fall which was just weird.

laurie nykaza said...

It was 100 the other day now in the high 80's so it is warm and muggy outside.

Unknown said...

It's very hot and humid here in Georgia so I don't go out as much. It doesn't take long to get soaking wet in this humidity.

Judy said...

I live in Louisiana so it is getting quite hot and humid. So far we have not had a lot of rain yet and no hurricane yet!!

Kasey said...

The weather here has been unseasonably cool. It's nice not to suffer 90 degree days.

Tara W said...

I'm in Alabama and it's very hot.
Tara Woods

Jennpup said...

The weather may be cooler than usual for July, but I'm not complaining :-)

Jenna H said...

The weather has been pretty cool for the most part but some days we just have to put the air conditioner on.

Natalie Parvis-Nichols said...

Good. It has been really hot here. Very humid too.

Ricky said...

Gosh it's been too hot and humid here! The air conditioner is now my best friend! =D

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

It's been a little cool here in Michigan- 66 for a high today. But otherwise a beautiful summer.

Stacy said...

It has been a typical Florida summer, very hot and humid (usually in the 90's but heat index well over the 100's) with our daily thunderstorms.

Daniel M said...

when it's clear it's too hot n humid, when cloudy it's not as hot but still humid - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Linda Kish said...

It's been hot but not too many days over 100 yet so tolerable. It is slowly creeping up. lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Beck Valley Books said...

Just starting to warm up nicely:-) In time for the school summer holidays too!!

Jill Myrick (jsc123) said...

Her in NC we have had a lot of rain and cooler than usual temperatures especially at night.


Anonymous said...

The weather has been okay this summer, typical New England summer here!

Sarah Oswald said...

The weather here in PA has been very kind to us the only problem is summer seems to be going too fast.

Anonymous said...

The weather has been great lately. It's perfect for amusement parks.

Mary said...

Normally, Arkansas is pretty hot and dry during the months of July and August. We have had a wonderful summer so far and will be in the 80s the rest of this week. Really strange!

Unknown said...

We drive for a living so have seen it all this summer. 102 in TX is just a bit too hot for my taste!

Elaine said...

it's been really hot. it's hard to do anything outside!

Karen A. said...

The weather here in Central PA has been kind of crappy..Getting quite a bit of rain.

kelly said...

It's been cooler than normal.

Alisha Sienkiel said...

This summer has been pretty cold and rainy. Anything is better than the winter we had though!

Unknown said...

The weather has been amazing this summer in Ohio.Much cooler than usual.

@DonnaNatale66 said...

The weather has been iffy in Florida this year. It's hot as always during the summer, but it has rained every single day at one point. It is Florida and you will get rain a lot during summer, but it is definitely more than usual this year. It doesn't hamper the plans too much, but you never know when it will rain.

Anonymous said...

The weather has been pretty good so far. Mostly sunny!

JanD said...

The weather this summer has been mild. I'm surprised that 100 degree days hasn't come yet.
bituin76 at hotmail dot com

Pink and Green Mom said...

We have had a pretty mild summer so far in SC. It hasn't been as hot as last year!
Erika W.

Jennifer Speed said...

Its been okay our weather is bipolar. It doesn't know if it wants to be hot or cold or if it wants to rain or not

Kamla L. said...

Thankfully, we haven't had any unbearably hot nor many very humid days so far this summer. It's been quite pleasant.

Kerry Clark said...

It's horribly hot and humid here! My favorite part about summer in Texas is the part where it ends. :)

AEKZ2 said...

I live in the Phoenix area, so it has been crazy hot this summer.

Unknown said...

The weather has been great this summer. Thanks for the giveaway!

rounder9834 @yahoo.com

Charity Cram said...

The weather has been crazy this summer, thankfully not too many rainy days!

Sam Stamp said...

The weather has been pretty rainy as of lately but overall the summer has been enjoyable. I would love for some more hot great for jumping in the pool days!

Mona said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mona said...

I live in Florida and it gets pretty hot and humid, especially inland. We live in a beach condo so it's not as bad, especially with the ocean breeze. We leave our windows open at night and thank God for AC.

Thanks :)

Dawn said...

Its pretty chilly here in Ohio but it happened at a good time because the Ohio State Fair is running. Perfect fair weather.

Unknown said...

The weather outside Chicago has been fabulous. Just cool and sunny enough for me!

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