E-book + $10 Starbucks GC-WW-Love Should Not Hurt-Erinn Sluka-Ends 6/30 | Miki's Hope

E-book + $10 Starbucks GC-WW-Love Should Not Hurt-Erinn Sluka-Ends 6/30

Monday, May 19, 2014

I think all of us at one time or another have either experienced some type of abuse or know someone who did. For too long woman (and men) have been to afraid or ashamed to come out and speak about what they went through. The emotional scars are deep for these people and it takes many years to hopefully overcome--if they are brave enough to escape the abuser!

It took this author many years to finally get the courage to escape her abusive husband. Like most abused people she was afraid to speak out and ask family and friends for help. I know that feeling well-luckily I got out of the situation before it got out of hand. After the fact I remember my friends saying "why didn't you tell us-we would have helped". I have no idea why I didn't ask for help-I don't think anyone can truthfully answer that-except that they are afraid that it will make it worse, and in my case I was embarrassed that I had allowed it to happen.

This author takes us through her entire journey and beyond. She tells how she was originally roped in and how she ultimately escaped. She also relates how it affected her for many years afterwards.

In my opinion this book should be read by everyone-men and women alike. It is short and extremely well written.

If you would like to review this book go to the authors website and sign up or go down to the rafflecopter below and fill it up-you may be the one lucky winner of a $10 Starbucks GC and an e-book copy. This contest is open World Wide--

About the Book: (from Amazon)

As a Domestic Violence Survivor, I had kept my past a secret from many. I had put on a smile to hide my pain and kept a distance from those who I felt could see through the facade. Eventually, I realized that my emotions were bigger than I could handle on my own and I decided to finally get honest with myself and others and tell my story. http://ridingemotions.blogspot.com/

This is a book about escaping the emotional prison to find freedom. Despite what has led you to shut out those around you, this book reminds us that we are not alone.

Amazon and Smashwords For a discount see the Authors Website

About the Author
: (from the back of the e-book)

(Picture from the Author's G+ Profile)

Erinn Sluka is a Wife and Mom to 1 son and 2 Stepsons. She is a writer and Blogger at 3SonsHaveI.com and parentinghealthy.com . Erinn is very devoted to her family and enjoys her time outdoors in the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her husband and boys. They frequently travel, camp and ride ATV’s in their spare time. For 6 years, Erin was a victim to a very physically abusive relationship and credits her faith for allowing her the courage to escape the relationship. This is Erinn’s first book and it is her hope that her story will help others find the courage to sort through the emotional roller coaster so many of us feel we are in and redeem ourselves to live the fulfilling lives we are meant to live. Erinn is always open to share more and connect with her readers if you contact her.

Authors Book Blog




a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received an e-book version of this book for review purposes. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Kero Pinkihan said...

Coffee and book! What more can a nerd ask for? Thank you for the lovely giveaway. Happy that it is open world wide and I am joining right away!

Czjai said...

Wow! I was surprised to see that the author is Erinn. I follow her blog, but never knew she went through a time like this in her life. I commend her for her courage in sharing her story with the world. :)

Athena said...

I definitely entered this giveaway. This appears to be a story I could definitely relate to. Thanks for posting.

Masshole Mommy said...

I have to be honest, I prefer an actual book to one that I have to read on my Kindle. Is that weird?

Maria said...

I just visited her blog!! Going to enter. The story is definitely something I can relate to.

Beck Valley Books said...

I saw this on your facebook page and had to come over and check it out. A terrible situation to go through although luckily I haven't experienced it. It's encouraging to read that the author is now heading in a positive direction.

Lame Shrill Owl said...

I have friends that have confided they were abused. It's a tough situtation. Thanks for the giveaway

mail4rosey said...

It sounds like a great book. I'm all entered, thanks for hosting!

Lisa Weidknecht said...

As an abuser survivor myself, and now happily married to a fabulous man, I agree that love should not hurt. I might have to read this one.

Anonymous said...

This is a very brave book. It can inspire others who are going through the same thing!

A said...

It very inspiring that she wrote such a book to share her story with, not only people she knows, but with strangers. I have witnessed my mother being a victim of domestic abuse and have experienced abuse myself. However, I feel that I have freed myself (long ago actually) from being tied down or burdened with things that I could not change and people that have hurt me.

mystylespot said...

Wow this sounds like a really great book and a good lesson for a lot of us women!

Stace Werner said...

I, fortunately, have never been a victim of abuse and do not know anyone who has. I think that it is very courageous for her to write this book, and it would be helpful for other people going through the same thing... to know they are not alone, and that there is a way out.

Unknown said...

It is very courageous to not only be a survivor but to also help others survive abuse. This sounds like a fantastic book.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great book and a life lesson type of book! Another great one to be added to the TBR pile. Thanks for the heads up!

Diane Estrella said...

Very important topic that needs to be discussed more. I do know many who were abused in some way or another and there is not enough conversation out there to help them.

Jenn said...

This sounds like a great book! So great that she can help others through her personal story.

Rebecca Swenor said...

Great subject. I entered and thanks for sharing along with caring.

George said...

it is time to review it...

Marie said...

Honestly I don't know anyone who hasn't been in some sort of abusive situation. Growing up we lived in an abusive household and it was rough, it makes you grow up looking at the world differently. I have learned from it though. Thanks for the giveaway!

ReviewsSheRote said...

I do know 2 ladies that were in abusive relationship--Have found the will and faith to leave and start a life with out their abuser. Hearing someones story may help open another person eyes if they aren't open to hearing from you--that why I love that Erinn was brave and shared her story. I'd love to read her story and see how she gained the courage to move away and on with her life.

Unknown said...

I was abused by my first husband...it took me 10 years to get away...there was light at the end of my tunnel

Angela S said...

Sometimes it really helps to read a book like this to know that you are not alone.

Debra Hawkins said...

This sounds like an fantastic book! I am glad you are bringing attention to it!

Kristi Maloney said...

Kudos to the author for sharing her story. I know this book will help others that are in abusive relationships.

Unknown said...

sounds like a very healing book. Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a great book and what a great giveaway! Thanks for sharing.

Sheila said...

it's so brave of her to share her abuse story and this will inspire others to be brave and won't allow any abusive relationship. this book sounds great

Rebecca said...

Fiat book and coffee I'm in love. I have to say after reading the write up on this book she is brave and I think it could be helpful to someone else who finds them self in this spot.

Jhady said...

This could help someone who are going through or went through abuse. I think there are many ways to get abused and it is sad that there are people who are abusing other people.

Natalie said...

Someone very close to me was emotionally abused in her marriage and started to be physically abused. This book would help those suffering.

Jennifer said...

Wow - I've read her blog, but didn't know this about her! I'm so sorry that she endured such pain, but I'm glad that she's turned that into an opportunity to educate others. I entered the giveaway and hope to win!

Rebecca Swenor said...

I commented earlier so I shared. I entered thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I am so product of Erinn for making this book. Congratulations!

Kenneth C. Agudo said...

Looks like a very nice book to read. Even I have personal trauma and experience of being abuse but I never tell it to my parents. It was really painful, till now, i find myself with teary eyes. It's tragic its unbearable

Brynn said...

Yes I was a abused by a couple of boyfriends and my first husband. I hope this book will help many women find the answers and the guidance they need, that is so hard to find when you are afraid. I am so glad to be away for that kind of relationship now

Unknown said...

I have been a victim of many types of abuse and I know that it was very liberating for me to write about it and get it off my chest. You are right, there is a lot of shame in it, and it is hard to open up about it, but once we do it, like you said, there is a lot of freedom we can find and we can finally embrace ourselves and our self-worth.

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of Erinn for writing this book. Congratulations to her!

Michelle F.

Unknown said...

There is a lot of domestic violence in my family so I think this is an important topic and likely a helpful book.

Jenny said...

I know people who have been abused and currently deal with verbal abuse... she's dealt with it for over 20 years, I don't think she's going to leave him now. I wish, but people get set in their ways and think they can't change or leave.

Liz Mays said...

This is the kind of thing that can help SO many people! It's definitely courageous to speak of it.

Angel said...

This does sound like an interesting book. So glad she is safe!

Payal Bansal said...

Starbucks #Giveaway..... mmm yumm Giveaway... I hope I win this one :D

Anne Marie Carter said...

Yes, I know someone who was a victim of abuse. I don't know if they would find this book useful because they received therapy about the abuse.

Anonymous said...

I am incredibly fortunate that no one in my life has been a victim of abuse. this sounds like a wonderful book!

Lexie Lane said...

Oh wow! This is very sad as she is such a sweet sweet lady. I would definitely want to read.

Kaddyshack said...

I don't know if it will help, but I could probably relate to this story, unfortunately.

Unknown said...

I have no doubt this book will inspire those who has been subjected to abuses and will find solace to know they are not alone and there always some means of help around the corner if they look for it.

April McGregor said...

Domestic violence happens more than the society thinks. I love books that tackles this topic.

Unknown said...

I actually do not know anyone personally, but I think the book would help. Wonderful review, thanks!

Melissa Neece said...

There is all sorts of abuse in all different forms, from spiritual, emotional, and physical. I have found most people have suffered in some way or another. But that there is always hope, and that there are people that care.

JessyPooh87 said...

I think this sounds like a good book. And something that would help me with my past and to learn from.

bn100 said...

Could be helpful for them

Seth said...

I am thankful that I haven't known someone who's been a victim of abuse.

andie said...

More than one, including myself. Thank you for this. abrennan09@hotmail.com

Julie Waldron said...

My nephew's fiancee was a victim of abuse from the
"father" of her children :(

Lynne said...

A relative has been the victim. It is so important to speak out about this, there is power in the knowledge that you are not the only person this is happening to, and that it is WRONG.

Anonymous said...

I have been an victim of abuse with 2 exes I was with before And yes I think this book would help!!

rj7777 said...

Yes, I have a friend that this happened to. She has problems to this day and I am sure it changed her forever. I don't think she has forgiven or ever will!

Shelly Peterson said...

I think this book would help some one in an abusive situation. My sister went through this many many years ago and thankfully is no longer.

Christy Maurer said...

I do know someone who was a victim of abuse. She's also writing her story! Let's hope more people write about their experiences to help others get out of it.

Shannon said...

Sadly I have been in emotionally abuse relationships. Thank you for sharing this experience with us to help others like us.

Vickie @Vickie's Kitchen and Garden said...

Sounds like such a good book -such a brave story to tell

Unknown said...

I have personally been a victim of abuse, and it's not pretty. Thanks for writing a book on this, I hope it can help anyone who is stuck in this kind of situation.

Anonymous said...

I have been a victim in the past, and I think it would be a good book for me to read.

anita said...

Yes, I do know someone who has been abused and I do think that this book may help my friend as she no longer listens to us (her friends).

Unknown said...

No. I am very luck to not know anyone that has been a victim of abuse.

Hanna Lei said...

I don't think I do -Hanna Lei

richelle bowers said...

mother was a victim

Bella Martinez said...

Thankfully no one I know has been a victim.

Unknown said...

I know someone who should read this it may help them. I want to read it first though.

skii_gurl95 said...

I don't personally know anyone who's been a victim of abuse, but I think this could be very helpful to those who have gone through such a situation.

Unknown said...

I think we all know someone who had been a victim of abuse, whether it is physical or emotional. Either is debilitating to a person and it's very easy to get caught in a pattern of abuse and the shame keeps the person locked in. I'm so happy Erin escaped hers and has turned it into something positive with this book.

Ogitchida Kwe's Book Blog said...

Abuse especially domestic violence has a stigma attached to it, and more people need to understand that this needs to be talked about. I believe that talking helps to heal and being able to read the book may help someone that is suffering silently.

Anonymous said...

I do know someone and I think this book would help

Unknown said...

I think this book would help and yes I have a relative that has been a victim of abuse.

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