Book Review-Seeing Green-Annabel Hertz | Miki's Hope

Book Review-Seeing Green-Annabel Hertz

Friday, April 25, 2014

April 22, 2014 was Earth Day but it is and should be celebrated year round. If we want to be sustained by this planet we call Earth-then we must sustain her as well, or suffer the consequences. We can't let the greed, not to mention the ignorance of big business turn our planet into one which will not be fit to live in. We, the little people, are all trying in our own way to help. Whether we recycle and reuse, help to clean up the garbage strewn in our wilderness areas, sign petitions or just by teaching our children, every little bit helps.

When I was asked to read Seeing Green by JKS Communications, I knew I had to read and review this book. You see I have an environmental science degree and during those college years (I actually went back at age 40 to get this degree)I water sampled with an environmental group for the entire 4 years. I also helped at the environmental fairs where I was set up both to get signatures for various and sundry current affairs (Stopping the hormones going into cows which ended up in our milk was one of them) and to collect money at the food location (I am a bookkeeper!). Somewhere in the middle of these college years the Earth Summit was held in Rio. To learn a bit more about this treaty click into Wikipedia to start-then go from there

Arcani Kirsch recently graduated college and managed to get a job in EnvironMentality which was an International association of Green minded businesses in Washington, DC. She had been to the 1992 Rio Earth Summit and was bound and determined to get the United States to the next conference and to agree to and ratify the Earth Treaty. As you might suspect, Arcani hit roadblocks almost everywhere she turned--but she kept her sight on the prize!

About the Book: (from Amazon)

Described as a “timely, energetic and witty” story of a young woman on a mission to puncture the stasis of US environmental policy (Book Review, Huffington Post, 04/04/2012), Seeing Green pays homage to the DC scene, international---and office---politics, and idealism. The novel also explores the rocky and rewarding terrain of family and personal relationships from the perspective of a multicultural protagonist in “a felicitously fast-moving, tightly organized narrative.”

Read a couple of chapters here

Purchase the Book Here

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About the Author: (from The Globalist)

Annabel Hertz has over a decade of leadership and consulting experience in policy development and external relations for issues-based/stakeholder organizations in the areas of international relations and sustainable development.

She is currently pursuing doctoral studies in international relations at American University. Previously, she was an adjunct professor at the Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations and a Global Governance Fellow at the World Economic Forum.

Ms. Hertz holds an MPA from Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government, an MA in international relations from San Francisco Sate University, and a BA in politics from the University of California.

In 2012, she published Seeing Green, a humorous novel about a multicultural activist’s jaunt into the world of 1992 international-Washington politics

From the back of the book!

Annabel Hertz is an ardent fan if international and US Presidential politics, and fiction with unconventional protagonists. Seeing Green is her first work of fiction. Like Arcani, the novel's lead character, Annabel gre up in San Francisco and lives on avocados and espresso.


I received a paperback edition of this book for review purposes. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Linda Carmical said...

I agree! We should be celebrating Earth everyday all year long!

Diane Estrella said...

It must have been great to be reminded of your history in the "green" industry. Relevant book for these times for sure.

Gaurav said...

That looks interesting read

monica said...

This is such an important issue! Our everyday footprints matter now more than ever - I wonder what earth day will look like in 20 years?

Mindy said...

This sounds like a great book! Thanks for sharing!

Erin Slocum said...

This sounds like a great read. I'm an avid reader and am always looking for new books to read! Thanks for the review!

Couponing Away Debt said...

This looks interesting, something that would be a quick and easy read for me.

Czjai said...

I agree with you. Everyday should be Earth Day. :)

Heather Jones said...

Ah this is great! Sometimes it takes just one person to do all they can to try and make a difference before you have everyone on board. Sounds like an awesome book!

Debi@The Spring Mount 6 Pack said...

My daughter just asked me why we only celebrate Earth day one day a year. She was horrified. I love that. More people need the same feeling.

Dan from Platter Talk said...

Nice job with this review. I agree, ecology, particularly earth day, should be on our minds every day.

Mama to 5 said...

sounds like a great book, a book I so would get into!

Scott said...

Important issue facing us today, I would prefer reading some non-fiction to make sure I was getting accurate facts. (not a fiction-person)

Debi at Life Currents said...

I agree, Earth Day should be every day! Lovely write up on the book and your background. Thanks for sharing the book, I know I'm always looking for the next thing to read. Have a great weekend.
Cheers, Debi

Stacey @ said...

Sounds like a wonderful book that is helping to shed light on a topic more people need to know about!

JT and Amanda said...

Sounds like a great book! Thanks for sharing. I love reading about green issues!

Anonymous said...

THat looks like a great read and a great way to celebrate the Earth more than just one day.

Michelle F.

Maddi'sMommy said...

This book seems great. People really need to understand their impact on the environment from the places they shop, the products they use to the business they support. Its one ecosystem.

Unknown said...

I do my best to celebrate earth day everyday with little things here and there..

ReviewsSheRote said...

Agreed Earth Day should be every day!--This book intrigues me!

Theresa Mahoney said...

I can totally get behind a book that encourages us to take better care of our planet. I agree, every day should be a day that we celebrate our Earth and do our best to care for it!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like this book is about one of my favorite kinds of characters - the invincible woman headed for what she wants!

Rebecca said...

sounds good will be adding it to my list. You keep this up my reading list will never end.

Lame Shrill Owl said...

This book is right up my alley. It would be a perfect read for me since I blog over at Save Green Being Green.

Onica said...

Sounds like a great book and read for Earth month. I don't know that many books that handle this subject without being to over the top. This one might.

Ckrusch said...

Sounds like a great book! I will be reading your sample of the chapters, thank you!

Jenny said...

I definitely agree that it should be celebrated and taken care of year round, not just one day a year.

Holly @ Woman Tribune said...

I could not agree with you more about how Earth Day should be recognized and kept in mind year-round. Taking care of our Earth is imperative to the continuation of our species. A happy, clean Earth directly leads to happy, clean people, and animals, plants, water, everything we rely on.

I love that you went back to school and get an environmental science degree. That is amazing and a great way to really understand and have a deep appreciation for our environment.

Lisa said...

I Must Read Sounds Like A Great Read We All Need To More To Be Green & Spread The Word!!

Unknown said...

I think I'd enjoy this. I'm always interested in learning more about US (and international) policy.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Wow, Environmental Science Degree was my husband original plan when he went back to school but when he search for its employability, there was none n our area so he switched his plan.

I definitely would like to read this book.

mommy Orkid Belle said...

Wow! It is nice to learn something about you, Ms. Michele. Thanks for sharing that to us. And what a wonderful book this is. Thank you for sharing with us this review and about you.

Chasity said...

This seems like a wonderful book to read. I've always found environmental science interesting.

Christine Carpenter said...

Looks like a great book, and I enjoyed the info about you as well. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Sounds like such a great book and so timely too, just in time for Earth Day!

Unknown said...

I notice that she grew up in San Fransico. I don't live too far from there. It's an awesome place. It's always great when you can relate to an author in one way or another.

April McGregor said...

Saving the Earth should be a way of living, afterall, we only have one planet.

mail4rosey said...

I love that you went back and got your Environmental degree!! I'm happy to hear about the book too. :)

Jhady said...

Congrats to your great accomplishments! I totally agree on taking care of our planet by being responsible. All starts at home first is proper management of garbage. This sound like an interesting book, I would check it out more.

Emily Enchanted said...

Sounds good. I think people are becoming more aware of environmental and health issues today.

Unknown said...

It definitely sounds like a great book to read. Amber N

Unknown said...

Thanks for the great book review. I have so many new books to add to my "Must Read" list .

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a great read, thanks for sharing.

Mharms said...

Earth Day isn't only for a day. It's celebrated as long as we live. This book is great gift item also. My sister will enjoy reading it.

Travel Quest said...

Based on your recommendations it looks like this book worth to check out. Like everybody else I totally agree that we should celebrate Earth Day all year round as we celebrated life.

Virginia said...

Sounds like a good read! I'll have to add it to my book list! I think I'll let my friend know about this book as well. I think she'd really love it!

Amanda McMahon said...

This book looks right up my ally. I will be checking it out.

Payal Bansal said...

Sounds an amazing book... Nice review.

Ordering the book right away :)

Christina Shirley said...

Sounds like a great read! I do with I had more time to read books myself!

Healy Harpster said...

Earth Day is not just a once a year celebration, it should be everyday and we should always remember this! I was surprised how much trash people are throwing in the river and in other places.

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