Book Review-Immortality-Kevin Bohacz | Miki's Hope

Book Review-Immortality-Kevin Bohacz

Thursday, April 24, 2014

This is a science fiction novel of a doomsday scenario that will leave you shaken. Only after having finished this book was I able to see a lot of similarities to Biblical stories which made it even more frightening if possible--and in some ways more believable. I certainly hope this NEVER happens!!

The last sentence of the book has me sad on a couple of levels for the human race-- and very curious

"So much misguided fear," said Mark. "Funny how everything can change and still nothing's different."

Ghost of the Gods, the sequel to Immortality is on sale now and I really want to know what happens next!! Guess I will just have to go in and purchase it!

About the Book: (from Amazon)

Without warning, something has gone terribly awry. In the remote and unnoticed places of the world, small pockets of death begin occurring. As the initially isolated extinctions spread, the world's eyes focus on this unimaginable horror and chaos. Out of the ecological imbalance, something new and extraordinary is evolving and surviving to fill the voids left by these extinctions. Evolution is operating in ways no one could have expected and environmental damage may be the catalyst. Once discovered, this knowledge changes everything.

Publisher's Weekly STARRED FULL review:

When human extinctions occur in South America and spread worldwide, paleobiologist and genetic researcher Mark Freedman senses a connection to the Chromatium Omri bacteria, the oldest known life form on Earth linked to previous extinctions. The growing virulence in the "kill zones" spurs Freedman to join forces with Kathy Morrison, expert on viral and bacterial pathogens with the Centers for Disease Control. Despite personal losses, Freedman and Morrison find romance and make discoveries about the devastation and what lies behind it. Other colorful characters include dedicated policewoman Sarah Mayfair, whose horrific dreams and improbable survival enable contact with the forces behind the outbreaks; cynical Gen. James McKafferty, committed to preserving the U.S. at whatever cost; and Artie Hartman, goaded by his wife's death to wage war on gangs and government forces indiscriminately. The seemingly random attacks and emergence of chaos allow Bohacz to explore such themes as whether humanity deserves to survive, the meaning of being human, and the cost of perfect health and immortality. The originality of Bohacz's ideas is nearly equaled by detailed descriptions of a decontamination lab, the frenzied search for answers, and the aftermath of destruction. His vision of a humanity that faces the need to evolve profoundly or face certain destruction is as timely as today's news and as chilling a doomsday scenario as any ecological catastrophe can suggest.

Read a couple of Chapters Here

Purchase the Book at Amazon at Barnes & Noble and others (see author's website below

About the Author: (from Amazon)

I am Kevin Bohacz the bestselling novelist of Immortality and a lucid dreamer... Welcome to my dreams. I am also a writer for national computer magazines, founder and president of two high technology corporations, a scientist and engineer for over 35 years, and the inventor of an advanced electric car system - the ESE Engine System (circa 1978). I was also a short order cook for I-Hop, flipped burgers at McDonalds, and delivered Chicken Delight. All of those careers and more are behind me now that I am a full time storyteller, a catcher of dreams. Thank you for reading my stories and making this all possible.

I was born in 1957 in New York City, and have lived in New York, California, Florida, Texas, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, New Mexico, and more. I can be currently sighted with my wife, Mazelle in one our favorite cities.


I recieved a paperback edition of this book for review purposes. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Czjai said...

I am suddenly intrigued by this book!

Beck Valley Books said...

I have this thing about anything Doomsday, the unthinkable attracts me, think I would like this one, although the cover scares me :-)

Anonymous said...

OMG!! I just had this same exact thought this morning.

"Funny how everything can change and still nothing's different."

Thinking about how much things have changed in my life from 5 - 10 years ago and how so much is still exactly the same..

I love all doomsday stuff. Checking this one out!!

Savannah said...

I'm trying to think of another Doomsday book I've read and the closest I can think of is under the dome. With that being said now I can't wait to read my first Doomsday book :) This sounds very intriguing and I love how you said a lot of it has a biblical feel.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a book to keep you not only intrigued but a little frightened. Sometimes these science fiction books really catch you.

Lexie Lane said...

Oh wow! I was telling my friend this last week when she was talking about someone she knew who died. She said, "Funny how everything can change and still nothing's different." Life goes on and people move on ...

Stacey @ said...

My husband loves science fiction novels. I'll let him know about this one... sounds good!

mail4rosey said...

That's great that you found a book that has you longing for the next one already! And the quote is pretty relevant.

Jessica said...

I think often what scares us most is the fear of something happening that is catasophic out of the blue. So many good movies are that same kind of story.

Anonymous said...



Rebecca said...

Interesting will have to read this for sure.

Anonymous said...

Wow that does sound like a great read. It sounds scary too.

Michelle F.

Chubskulit Rose said...

I am not into fiction novel but if it is similar to Biblical stories, I would like to read it.

BlogWithMom said...

This book sounds like a real page turner! Thanks for sharing:)

Unknown said...

Doomsday + ecological stuff makes me nuts. The books, the movies...I just don't get it and usually pass it over

Jhady said...

What an interesting book to read. I don't read fiction book though but my hubby will probably like it. He likes sci-fi book.

Unknown said...

I'm not a big fan of science fiction, but the book sounds really interesting. Will share it with one of my friends who loves science fiction. Thanks for a great review!

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