Diabetes – What Are Some Good Snacks | Miki's Hope

Diabetes – What Are Some Good Snacks

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

As any diabetic will tell you blood sugar is really hard to keep even semi stable—it goes up and down and the balancing act can really drive you crazy! I personally don’t really need too much to fill me up anymore which means I have to eat many times in a day—not much but something. I searched the internet to see what snacks would be safe for a diabetic to try when they need something—here are a few that I found. Some I knew about-some surprised me!

Cheese- I kind of knew about this before but here are 2 brands that also have low
Calories but if you have to watch your sodium intake—the sodium is high!
I love Munster Cheese and a slice or two usually does not affect my blood
Mini BabyBell Light (hard cheese)
Laughing Cow Light (soft cheese)

Jell-O Mousse Pudding- I did not know about this one and you know I am going to give
this one a try (low calories/low sodium)

Fruits- Your best bet are berries!

Misc- Here are a bunch of other items you can snack on!
Yogurt Sticks
Veggie Chips or Straws
Dark Chocolate Squares (I prefer White or Milk-oh well)
Dr. Praeger’s little sweet potato pieces (I gotta try these!)
Whole Wheat Mini Pita Bread
Low Carb Tortillas
Yellow Corn Tortillas
Mini Filo Dough Shells
Mini Taco Shells
Oat Fit Oatmeal
Popcorn (air popped)

You can mix and match just watch the calorie content and the total carb content if you do
And always remember to take your blood sugar after trying something new; not everyone’s body will react the same way. Protein sources (Tuna, Roast Beef, Hamburger, Turkey, etc) can always be put (in moderation of course) into one of the bread sources listed above if you are trying to make a meal.

Always read the labels before you buy and when you combine to make sure you are not overdoing it!

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Lexie Lane said...

It's great that there are a lot of choices you can still have as a diabetic. I love Munster Cheese too. I'm not sure, but my grandpa was diabetic and I have such a sweet tooth. I get a bit scared sometimes that I'll get it but I think it's a great time to start watching my sugar. Thanks for sharing the post.

Kero said...

Exactly what I need. My grandmother was recently diagnosed with early stages of diabetes. hence we are all trying really hard to help her cope up. I will start with her fresh supply of berries.

Thank you for sharing

Czjai said...

Just the other day, one of the moms at school was sharing her eating habit as a diabetic. She did mention strawberries being her favorite snack. :)

ajcingram said...

Thank you for posting this.. I know so many people with Diabeties and I never know when planning events what to make, or what works for them. Thanks for the information

Taty said...

So happy you are finding things to keep your sugar under control and your options bigger!

I am a total ignorant when it comes to diabetes so you opened my eyes to watch my carb intake


Victoria said...

These are some great choices. Thanks for sharing.

Chubskulit Rose said...

I have a friend who has diabetes and he said that it's really hard. Thanks for always informing us about this type of health condition.

Julie Baswell said...

My grandson who is 9 wears a pump for his diabetes. We don't have to watch the calories (yet) but do have to count carbs. I keep tictacs handy for him. They have no carbs.

I Create Purty Thangs

Kristyn said...

my mother has diabetes and i have learned that it can completely be controlled but what you eat and often times can in fact be gotten rid of depending on the persons diet. A lot of those snacks are sadly not healthy for anyone to consume. I would recommend watching fork over knives and hunger for change as a starting point to learning to properly eat. its free on Netflix

Pam said...

Both of my inlaws and my father have diabetes and I am always trying to convince them to eat healthier snacks like this.

Tess said...

I always wondered if eating this way even though you arent diabetic would still be healthier?

Pam said...

I worked extensively with diabetic students over the past 25 years and quite a bit has changed in the management of their care.

The new insulins and the new medical treatment to directly dose insulin according to carbs eaten has allowed these children to eat a variety of foods.

Of course everything in moderation and promoting healthy food choices always comes first.

Sofia @ From PDX with Love said...

It is good to know there are so many different options!! I would be all over the Dark Chocolate (as I already am)! :)

Karen Dawkins said...

My husband is a physician.... he says bravo to you for learning and choosing the healthiest snack choices. We all would benefit from eating healthier, with or without diabetes.

Jennifer said...

I'm not diabetic, but my doctor thought I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with my first (not the same I know, but the foods they recommend on the gestational diabetes diet were similar to those listed above). I was so upset that they were going to be putting me on a "diet" while I was pregnant, but then I saw that cheese was on the list and I was like, "I can totally do this!". I love cheese!

mystylespot said...

Thanks for sharing! These look great! xo xo

Sarah Bailey said...

I shall have to pass this onto a few diabetic friends as they are always looking for new exciting alternatives :) x

Becca said...

I have been lucky so far and no one close to me has diabetes. However, this is still a very useful post to everyone! :)

Unknown said...

WHat a great list of snacks. We are fortunate not to be currrently afflicted by diabities abut lower sugar snacks are always helpful

Eat To Live said...

At one point in our lives, my sister and I were boder line diabetics. Then we both went on the candida diet. Now... we are both doing really well. The diet is a lifestyle change. Although we now eat fruit, we still kind of follow the diet.

Nicole A. said...

I was really excited when the first jello pudding mousse came out. I just wish it tasted better.

Hobbies on a Budget said...

Thanks for the list. I have a diabetic in my extended family and it's important to have choices that are healthy and still tasty.

Unknown said...

Really great information. Diabetes runs in my family on both sides, so I try to keep an eye on what I eat. Thanks for sharing.

Tricia said...

Great information to share. I did not know that those foods would be ok to eat. I am not diabetic but it is always good to watch your sugar. Thanks for sharing.

Nova said...

This is really cool. A way for a diabetic person to enjoy food without thinking of having a high sugar count after eating. I'll share this with my mother. Thank you.

Actingbalanced said...

Cheese was my go to snack when I had gestational diabetes...

Rebecca said...

what a great list my mom is always looking for snacks that she can eat and still enjoy plus some of these travel really well

The Lucky Wife said...

This is a great list and resource! Thanks!

Trendy Cyndie said...

You can eat properly and be healthy as a diabetic.

Jeryl M/ said...

This is really good to now. My best friend is diabetic. I will have to pass this information on to her.

Debra Gray-Elliott said...

My husband has Type II diabetes and it's hard to get him to eat right. Thanks for sharing this great information!

Anonymous said...

my mom has dieabetes and her levels are always all over the places makes her mad, ill share some of them items- thanks

smashbravo said...

Great tips, thank goodness no one here has diabetes but I will stick make sure to stock up on a lot of these because I think prevention is key. Love the Mini BabyBells!

Melinda Dunne said...

Thanks for posting this information. I never know what is what. I have diabetics on my side and on my husband's side of the family. I try to keep everyone in check and not serve things that they can't eat.

Unknown said...

My dad is diabetic and gets bored very easily when he gets stuck eating the same foods. Thanks for this list! Now he will have a quick resource for finding some options.

Sandy Cain said...

Thanks for this information. My brother has Type II diabetes, but really doesn't take of it properly, his A1C is always off. His idea of nice snack is soda and ice cream. You can guess the results. I'm making a list of your selections and hanging it on the refigerator!!

Elizabeth H said...

Thank you for all the great info. I have Type II Diabetes, I am having trouble getting my A1C down. I try my hardest to eat right, but the snacks is what gets me! I am going to print out this info on the Snack post for reference.

Edna Williams said...

So great! I don't have diabetes, but these are really healthy snacks for everyone! Thanks for sharing!

Denise Low said...

Thank you for sharing. My husband has Diabetes and has to watch a lot of things he eats.

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