Do You Prefer Salty or Sweet Snacks? | Miki's Hope

Do You Prefer Salty or Sweet Snacks?

Friday, June 14, 2013

I like both—depending on how I am feeling. I let my body tell me!

There are times when my blood sugar count is low, low, low---I seem to crave sweets at that time and the real thing-the diabetic sweets just won’t do at that point. I NEED to get the sugar blood count UP!! I do try to grab something that won’t shoot my blood sugar up HIGH, HIGH, HIGH. I am slowly finding items that will stop the craving and don’t wreak total havoc. When I crave ice cream—I manage to limit myself to a couple of teaspoons full.

Then there are those times I want something salty. This is usually when I am becoming dehydrated which happens to me all too frequently. My body is telling me to eat something salty to help retain water. And I listen—after that bout of total dehydration I experienced which I still say was the reason I ended up Type 2 Diabetic—never again thank you very much!! My body also craves salty snacks when my blood pressure is too low----unfortunately salty snacks like potato chips can affect my blood sugar-lots of carbs in most of those.

It is definitely not easy being a diabetic (even if, like me, you got it totally under control by diet alone!). It is a balancing act which you perform daily if not more. Do I sometimes goof up—of course!! But I try to get myself right back on track. I have already found several food & snack items which are diabetic friendly and have blogged about them. On the left hand side of my blog is a category called Diabetic Saga which is where you will find them, and where I will continue to blog about items as I find them!

All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Stacy said...

It depends on the time of day. At night I am looking for something sweet.cookies and cakes are my favorite night snacks.. During the day its salty stuff like chips:)

Christy Maurer said...

I have the sweet/salty issue bad! If I eat a sweet I want something salty after and visa versa! Not good on the waistline! I love chips and dip and sweet tea! Brownies are my favorite dessert.

Sofia @ From PDX with Love said...

I am usually a salty snacker (as in chips with hot sauce and lime). But I also love to eat dark chocolate! :D

Rebecca said...

depends on my mood whether i eat salty or sweet but i never turn down chocolate

MyCleanerLabelLife said...

I am ALL about the two together!! I sometimes get cravings for one or the other BUT toss some salty pretzels in a bowl and give me some nutella and I am set!! I am hosting a hop today at, I would LOVE if you would swing by and share!

Unknown said...

Usually sweet but I really need to lay off those.

Unknown said...

I usually like the salty snacks. When I crave sweet, that means my period is coming.

Wishing you a lovely day.

Holly @ Woman Tribune said...

This post was especially helpful to me. I found out that I am prone to very low blood sugar about 2 years ago and can really tell what's going on with my body just by what I'm craving snack-wise. One of the biggest ones for me is ice cream, but you're right--when you crave ice cream, it's important to limit yourself to a couple of teaspoons. Just enough to raise your blood sugar just enough so you feel normal again!

Unknown said...

It is so inspiring that you got your diabetes under control by watching your diet. I know most doctors recommend that course of action for their patients but so many people struggle with the strict dietary restrictions. Good for you! Thank you for sharing your recipes to help others who struggle.

Anonymous said...

I have to give you Kudos for working so hard to keep your diabetes under control. It is such a difficult thing to manage. I have family members that are diabetic and really struggle finding balance with medication, food and exercise. As for me and snacking I usually eat salty of sweet unless I NEED a S'

Travel Quest said...

I love the S'more especially during camping :) I'm a little of both.

jheylo said...

I would say both. I had salty snacks recently because I was diagnosed with low sodium. I can't have too much sweet because I'm scared of diabetes.

Mel Cole said...

i want light sweet stuff like milk chocolates. I also like light salty stuff like chips.

Unknown said...

Great insight! Thanks for sharing - glad to know there's a dedicated section on your blog with diabetic information.

jenn said...

Same here. I love both salty and sweet snacks. For salty ones I love chips, while I love cookies, brownies, chocolates for sweet stuff.

Anonymous said...

For me, it depends of what kind of snacks but with potato chips, I prefer both. It doesn't matter if its salty or sweet. But with corn ships, I prefer it salty.

Lexie Lane said...

How about sweet and salty together? Nothing better than that!

Unknown said...

i love salty snacks most of the time but there are days when i like sweets too.

Nova said...

For me I prefer both, the combination is just fascinating. you should try combining them too.

Unknown said...

It totally depends, but one of my favorite snacks is popcorn and M&M's, perfect combination

Unknown said...

I so hate when I crave both at the same time! But for the most part, I crave just one or the other :)

Edna Williams said...

I usually prefer salty, but sweet sometimes gets me too. Sometimes I like both at the same time, like chocolate ice cream and potato chips. Luckily I am not that naughty often!

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