Which RSS Are You Now Using? | Miki's Hope

Which RSS Are You Now Using?

Sunday, May 5, 2013

I am not too thrilled with transitions. I am learning to deal with them with the way Google and Facebook keep changing things around-but it does not mean I have to like it! I also tend to try to stay ahead of the curve and do or change things ahead of time—before I have to scramble and more then likely mess it all up since I am not all that computer savvy.

Now I don’t know how the rest of you find the places to enter your giveaways (on others blogs) but I used to do it in this order-depending on the amount of time I had:

1 - Go to Blogger and scroll down the reader clicking in to each Giveaway Linky I saw
enter my giveaways-then back to Blogger and scroll some more.

2 - Notice an email that has come that I know does giveaways and click in from there

3 - See that the giveaway linky is listed on Facebook—click and enter

4 - Notice a giveaway linky in one of the re-tweet groups I participate in-click enter them

I do have a listing on my blog of giveaway linkys but since people have switched platforms and days in some cases—I use that as a way to make sure I did not miss anyone!

You can still find my posts on the Blogger reader but I have since also added Bloglovin’. So now I first go there to find posts—It was actually very easy to switch—and they migrated everything with a click of a button—I am finding that with Bloglovin I am noticing other types of posts and sometimes clinking in to read them if they interest me (I do this with re tweets as well!). I do not go to the Blogger reader too often anymore--

Have any of you made the transition yet? Are you already on Bloglovin? If you are please in a comment put your url or your blog url where I can join up to your rss—and please sign up to mine! To sign up to add me either just go to my blog www.mikishope.com and click on the bloglovin button on the right hand side or go to http://www.bloglovin.com/en/blog/3722884 and follow from there. I promise I will follow everyone (if I’m not already-they really migrated a lot!) who comments!!

All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Unknown said...

Oh, yes, I chose Bloglovin as my reader and am following you there :)

Travel Quest said...

I know Bloglovin just now, will check it for sure.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the sweet visit and the follows:))

Now following you via Linky, GFC and Bloglovin'

@ My Turn for us

Corinne said...

I am on Bloglovin' and I love using it to find and read other blogs. You can find my follow button on my sidebar at http://wondermomwannabe.com.

Unknown said...

I'm already in Bloglovin'. I kinda like it. But after I found Feedly, I prefer Feedly better as my reader. It's simple, and you can choose the preview whether you want it looks like your email inbox, which you can go through those posts fast, or you can choose to view it with thumbnails, or like magazine layout, or 1 post per page. Just try it. ;)

Trendy Cyndie said...

I need to school myself on this as I am new to all!!

Melinda Dunne said...

I just switched my blog to WP and am still trying to learn all of that. Is Blog Lovin just for blogger? I tried to sign up but it didn't work so I don't know if I am doing something wrong or what.

Anonymous said...

I hate learning new things as well. I will check out blog loving at some point but never GFC, I have enough accounts and am tired of google and FB.

Unknown said...

i am so overwhelmed with this changes as well. i have bloglovin too but not using it much. i am so confused,. lol

Chubskulit Rose said...

That makes the two of us but I think you are savvier than me lol.

Nova said...

I am must be too lazy for now immigrating to other platform, however since i'm used to the blogger's friendly platform, i might stick them for now.

Sofia @ From PDX with Love said...

I have Feedly and also joined Bloglovin a few months back.

Following you now :)

Unknown said...

I love Bloglovin' (I find it much easier to read my favourite blogs through them) and I follow you there. :)

Marms @ Mhar's Display said...

I think I still use feedburner. will check this out.

amiableamy said...

i HAVE A bLOGLOVIN ACCOUNT but, I rarely use it. Too many social media to handle :-)

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