I’m Really Kind of Upset | Miki's Hope

I’m Really Kind of Upset

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

This whole thing that happened to me with Google (them dropping me (Mikishope.com) from a PR 3 to a PR 0 in a matter of hours) has really gotten me very depressed. One place that I write for actually told me to take off a link which means I won’t get paid for that post. As you all know I lost my 3 day a week job back in December and haven’t been able to replace it, I had to go on early social security and was hoping to be able to make a little extra from writing and putting up guest posts. I do not charge like some of the bloggers—far from it. I had been putting do follow links in most of my posts, at the request or demand of the people who wanted the post. Now that I can no longer do that-I expect I won’t be asked as much (if and when Google raises me up again). I have changed every post on my blog to no follow, even the ones I am not paid for and there are a lot of them, and resubmitted to Google for re evaluation. I also think that the people who pay for posts should be educated! I was a PR 3 when I wrote the post---just because Google decided to change it-does that make me any worse a writer or do they think that visitors really come from search engines? Well, mine doesn’t—according to analytics almost none of my visitors are brought there from search engines! And I am still getting the same amount of visitors a day! I work very hard to get my name and blog out there. I do not use any of the automated tools to schedule tweets etc-I actually do it all by hand. The only automation comes from Blogger itself-when I write a post it automatically goes to my FB and Twitter and email and RSS ONCE—if that post is seen again—I did it manually! I keep telling myself that things will get better and if anything Google is going to be re evaluating sometime in June—I sure hope they do mine before then!

All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


Beck Valley Books said...

I really hope that google rectify this quickly for you. You are such a dedicated blogger and I love coming over to read your posts, keep it up xx

Bewitched reader said...

I also hope that Google will rush and fix it quickly for you. I love your blog! I admit that I don't visit everyday but I do stop by and look around on your blog and I am subscribed to your blog. I'm so sorry to hear about all this and about your job. I wish all the best for you and keep up what your doing because I think you are an awesome blogger! I don't really understand the whole Google part because I'm not a blogger but I believe that everything will get resolved and you will prevail through everything!!

Kelli Avery said...

That is a complete bummer, and I think people put way to much stock in google. Companies as well as bloggers are being punished and although it seems grim now, it will eventually work out in the wash I think.

I also think you seem to be a pretty determined person and will figure a way out of this. Whether google changing their mind or offering ad space of your own.

But the one thing I am sure of, you are not the only one being effected, nor the first and definitely won't be the last..

Google is good at this. The more your read you will astonished and may not even want to work with them anymore.

Sandy Cain said...


Eat To Live said...

My Page views have gone way down since Google started their crap. It makes me so mad... but it is very hard to fight city hall.

Ruth said...

I am so sorry you are going through this. My blog was deleted and gone for 12 days--just got restored. But I am through with blogger. I think you are a fine blogger, and I have been following you for a long time. I get so tired of google doing all of this to us bloggers, and here's hoping that things will swiftly work out. I think google takes great delight in punishing successful bloggers. I sincerely hope your blog never gets deleted. That was one of the worst experiences I ever had online, and google is very unfriendly.

Happy Gardening, Kim said...

I am so sorry that happened. You're a great blogger and very consistent. You WILL bounce back!!! I'm here for ya!

Anonymous said...

We are so sorry to hear this. I'm sure it will be corrected soon. We appreciate all that you do for authors!!!

Smile and have a super day !!!

Christy Maurer said...

I'm so sorry that happened to you :( I can't believe they didn't give you some kind of warning first and let you rectify the issue! I hope they fix it for you soon!

Lexie Lane said...

Google has really frustrated a lot of people in so many different ways. I say every blogger protest and go to Bing or Yahoo or whoever else. Of course that would never happen but it's such a shame that they can't make their changes from what's already out there to go forward. A lot of businesses have lost so much because of this issues, especially those who have had most of their business on the internet. I'm so sorry you're going through this.

Anonymous said...

I have lost a lot of respect for companies because of this issue. They want us to take the time to build our business and work hard to gain followers and get the high PR, low Alexa, we do that and they expect us to ruin it for $25 or sometimes less. The hours we put in all lost and then they want to turn their backs on us once it happens and no longer want to be associated with a PR0 site. It sickens me and why is it that Google does not take anything from the bigger site that is buying the link, the big guy knows it is wrong so they too should have something taken away. Sorry to vent but that infuriates me.

Unknown said...

I know this his hard, my husband lost his job a while ago and we're struggling too. As for google, what is wrong with them? I hope it gets fixed and stay strong...you have fans and readers and we're on your side!

Nicole A. said...

That's awful. I only started blogging earlier this year but haven't had much success in getting my PR beyond 0. Only in the last month did my visits change on google, but I could tell my engagement that I was still having visitors. I'm not too happy with how google does things.

Trendy Cyndie said...

I shall continue to follow your blog no matter what your PR.

Melinda Dunne said...

I am so sorry to hear this. It seems there is so much changing not just with Google but FB too. It is very difficult to make any money (I think) for all the effort that it takes. I understand your discouragement but I am with Cyndie I will still follow you. I really enjoy your blog and posts.

Rebecca said...

i am so sorry to hear this the whole PR thing and paid post completely confuse me most likely why I tend to write for tomoson or smiley360 I don't get paid but i enjoy writing. I can safely say i'll never make money blogging as I'm not very good at it. Hope things work out for you soon. hugs

Chubskulit Rose said...

I feel exactly how you feel. One of my blogs dropped from 2 to 0 as well. I am a stay at home Mom and online tasks is my only means of helping out my husband's income and pension. It is hard!

Diane Holland said...

I am sorry to hear this happened to you :( Keep your chin up! I will be cheering you on!

paulakiger said...

I am so sorry to hear about the frustration and worry. Sending some supportive thoughts your way!

Loreina said...

I hope they re-evaluate you soon and bring you back to where you were. It's hard work to get a higher PR. I was excited when I got a "1"! :) As frustrating as it is...try to stay positive! Ad Sense banned me, and I didn't even know why. I don't even make $.04 a day average lol! They reinstated me after checking my site back over! It just took about a month! UGH! Good luck!!

Danielle S said...

I try to ignore my pr rank which is n/a. I got pushed down from a pr3 to n/a in February. I thought it would be the end, but I am still getting pitched by companies. I took off the pr rating on my site, and my alexa rating is doing better. I have no worries about it any longer. We will survive the Google idiots.

Masshole Mommy said...

I'd be upset, too, but Google PR doesn't matter as much as most people think it does. Most companies look at uniques because they know Google is fickle!

Actingbalanced said...

I am sorry you are going through this. hope the process to be restored works!

Inspiration CAN be found EVERYWHERE said...

I really don't understand how google comes up with their ranking system but I know that some advertisers believe you live and die (the blog/blogger) based on page rank.

I just checked mine, and it is still a 3 but I have no idea how to "keep it that way" or "get it higher".

I hope that your rank goes back up to at least the 3 it was and all those advertisers come crawling back to you ...... then you know that pay backs are a *****

Hugs hon

Adriana Iris said...

Wow I went to check what mine was after reading. I don't think numbers have to do anything any more. I myself don't get approached as much by PR firms to do post for them. They now want YOU (us) to seek them. They want you to pitch. I know is a whole new way for bloggers to get in. Approach your possible sponsors with your press kit.

Pam said...

I am really sorry to hear this happened to you and I don't understand how certain people get targeted for things. You do a great job. Hang in there.

Stacy said...

I am so sorry that happened to you. I dont understand the whole google thing. I had a PR3 on blogspot. I bought my domain and i cant get above a PR2. Please feel free to visit my blog. http://www.dnbustersplace.com

Unknown said...

so sorry that your PR dropped.:(

Journeys of The Zoo said...

I am so sorry that Google has given you a kick in the pants.

It's unfortunate that given the US economy, you have been hit a double blow.

Please let me know if there is anything that I can personally do. You have been so supportive.

Besos, Sarah
Blogger at Journeys of The Zoo

Corinne said...

On the upside, since most of your traffic wasn't coming from Google anyway, your page rank shouldn't affect your traffic. Hopefully you will still find paid opportunities that aren't contingent on your Page Rank.

Celebrate Woman said...

I do not know all the details based on this post, but usually it's the people like quality bloggers who are get hit.
We all suffered.
Yes, you will get back.
Love to you, one of my best blogging freundins there!

amiableamy said...

I feel for you because Google took away all my PR 2's, not one ... but 3 blogs. I have these sites for 5 years and most traffic I got came from google search. I lost my direct advertisers, a huge bummer ...

Anyway, I won't let this incident stress me this time. I still get offers from other companies, a reminder for me that everything will be alright. HUGS to you! I hope you will get back your PR3 soon.

Unknown said...

Hi MikiHope,
I am sorry about this. You are right, nothing has changed about your writing! Anyway I hope everything will get back to normal soon and you will get to earn more money again. My best wishes to you. Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry this happened to you! You really have to know that rules when it comes to Google. Any post that you are compensated for~ a product OR money, you have to do as a "no follow." It's because they don't want people selling their PR juice to other companies~ which is what they think you've been doing. I don't think that changing every single link to a "no follow" is going to help, though. They want to see a mixture of both.
We're a PR 4 and work very hard to keep it that way. We absolutely do not do "do follows" on anything compensated. You just have to look at it as the way it is. You just can't use your PR to make money, period. Look at it as the "law." Not that you're breaking the law by doing otherwise but you're breaking Googles Law~ and we all know that Google runs the internet! :)
I hope they fix this for you! I'm so sorry you're going through it!

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