Are You Paying Too Much for Car Insurance? | Miki's Hope

Are You Paying Too Much for Car Insurance?

Thursday, March 14, 2013

If you have been reading my blog you will know that I recently was able to reduce my auto insurance yearly cost by approximately $400.00! That is a very large savings for me considering I no longer have my 3 day a week job. If I hadn’t simply called and asked my current insurance company—well I would not have gotten that reduction. There are other ways to see if you are paying more then you have to!

If your circumstances have changed and you no longer drive the distance you used to or that young driver is no longer living with you or your car is so old that keeping collision no longer makes sense or you have a clean driving record with no accidents for a long time—hit the internet! There are a lot of sites where you can do comparison shopping and possibly find a company with better rates then you are currently paying. All these sites offer cheap auto insurance from various insurance companies. I did use a couple of these BEFORE I called my insurance company. Thus I was armed with extra ammunition when I did make that call. Of course there are some things which are regulated by the state in which you live and exactly where you live.

I happen to live very near NYC and every insurance company out there charges more for that fact. This has always been a sore point with me since I do not live inside the city limits. My Mom, who lives in a small town maybe twenty minutes away, pays much less then I do. NYS requires a minimum for liability insurance which isn’t really such a bad thing just in case. So it would help if you looked up the laws in your state before starting on your quest!

I was paid for this post, however all opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement.


Dee said...

We shopped around and I feel like we got a great deal!

Anonymous said...

My husband is a deal finder! Thank goodness!

Nikki said...

I live 90 miles from NYC and I still get charged more because of that. Also because I live on the border on PA and NJ (in PA), and my area is flooded with city dwellers on the weekend, which drives up my rates.

Sofia @ From PDX with Love said...

My husband is the financial connoisseur, so he is the one that takes care of all these things (plus I don't even have a drivers license, yikes!). But I do know that he shopped around.

Mama to 5 said...

I didn't know you lived close to NYC! We recently changed car insurance because we were paying too much!

Jennifer Carroll said...

I need to shop around for car insurance and find a better deal.

Taty said...

It's incredible how a big metro area has huge prices for all types of insurance.
I have issues with my expensive health insurance
Way to go on your savings!!!

Following your example :)

Tamara @ Mommyland said...

Thanks for the Tips I am always looking for ways to save some money with car insurance, We have had the same company and plan for 12 years now.

Mommy Evolution said...

So smart to call. Too many people just think they have no power. Good going!

Andrea said...

We have a pretty good rate, but lover is always better. Thanks.

Trendy Cyndie said...

I had to renew my ins this month! I have safe drivers discount! Thank goodness!

MzBaker said...

We actually have a pretty good price compared to when we were in our 20's lol about 340 a year. Liability only though.

Healy Harpster said...

Thank's for this helpful and very informative post! I think my husband finally found the car insurance that really fits in our budget which is very good!

Melinda Dunne said...

I was in the insurance biz for several years and know how it is with pricing. I do try to shop around for better deals because the prices always increase.

Anonymous said...

I could not even tell you what I pay for auto ins. My husband handles all the finances in our house. I will share this with him.

Nova said...

This is very good info. love the learning i get here, and i'm not sure about our insurance yet, might be the time to learn about this

Chubskulit Rose said...

That is a very nice savings, good for you!

amiableamy said...

Great savings indeed! Right now, we actually lower the premium this month because we sold our other car. So far, we're happy with our car insurance :-)

Marms @ Travel and Lifestyle said...

Saving money on everything is always good. Our insurance provides very reasonable price.

Becca Wilson said...

We have found the best deal for us on car insurance. It is too bad the hubs has a lead foot because his speeding tickets have landed us a high quote.....for now.

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