$100 Visa GC-What to Look for in an Agent - Deborah Dupre-Ends 3/15 | Miki's Hope

$100 Visa GC-What to Look for in an Agent - Deborah Dupre-Ends 3/15

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My review of this book will be up tomorrow. It is not easy to read-one that ALMOST feels like a science fiction horror book-except this is all truth with verifiable references on each and every page. The following is a guest post from the author of the Vampire of Macondo. I will be putting up the book trailer with my review.

“Surely if all that was happening to people along the Gulf coast over two years in the United States, then CNN, ABC and other major news stations would report it,” the agent told me about my Vampire of Macondo book summary.

I’d contacted her about what she described as a Hollywood-style video book trailer.

“Well, mainstream news has reported a bit of it,” I replied. “Merle Savage, one of the sole surviving workers at the Exxon Valdez disaster, was on CNN talking about it. Ms. Savage, very ill, hung on, advocating for Gulf survivors. She died last year.”
My heart raced. I wanted to show to Ms. Hollywood Trailer the interview of children like Jessica Hagan, 13, explaining that even children in her community were bleeding and women were having serious reproductive health problems. I wanted her to hear Jessica say that the elderly were “dropping like flies.”

I wanted to show to her Panama City oil clean up worker Jennifer Rexford saying on camera through tears that she was afraid to hold her babies anymore, fearing they’d catch the antibiotic-resistant disease she contracted soon after participating in a beach cleanup, as thousands of other workers had become deathly ill.

I wanted her to hear and see Ms. Rexford assert, “This is genocide. This is chemical genocide.”

I wanted her to hear south Louisiana’s Kindra Arnesen tell my son, director of The Big Fix, “I honestly think we’ve all been poisoned,” after showing her antibiotic resistant, giant, deep oozing boil, a condition all too familiar to Gulf coast residents since the BP “spill” in the Gulf.

“This is the United States,” I heard the agent on the other end of phone exclaim. “I could understand that happening in another country, but not here. You’re talking about something from the 1970s or 80s. This is 2012, Ms. Dupré.

She then said, “My company would have to see evidence of what you’re saying.”

“Oh,” I replied, “Well of course. I have over a thousand references documenting all this in the book. I can send all of those to you.”

After the agent’s next comment of disbelief, followed by another question, I politely thanked her, figuring it best to take my business elsewhere.

“Whoa! What a book!” publicist Dorothy Thompson promptly replied after reading my application for her company to represent me. “I knew there was more to that Gulf disaster than we’ve been told!”

Thompson, director of Pump Up Your Book, showed the innovative and compassionate response I needed to coordinate my virtual book tour.

Soon after sending to Thompson one of my interviews and a video demonstrating censored voices from the shattered Gulf, she exclaimed, “Those poor people.”

I knew I’d found the agent with the interest in human rights needed to publicize my book and coordinate my virtual tour.

About the Author:

New Orleans native Deborah Dupré reports censored human rights news stories. With Science and Ed. Specialist Grad Degrees from U.S. and Australian universities, Dupré’s been a human and Earth rights advocate over 30 years in those countries and Vanuatu. Her unique humanitarian-based research and development work, including in some of the world’s least developed and most remote areas, led her to write articles appearing in dozens of popular print and Internet media internationally.
Her latest book is the nonfiction, Vampire of Macondo.
Visit her column at Examiner: http://www.examiner.com/user-gdeborahdupre

About the Book:

The untold story of psychopathic genocide of Americans by the petrochemical military industrial complex, of how BP’s Deepwater Horizon catastrophe has sickened and killed thousands of people on the Gulf of Mexico Coast and government covered it up. Hear heart-rending cries of the victims. Read thoroughly documented evidence of crimes by Big Oil, the military, the seafood and tourism industries, health care providers, and corrupt government leaders.
See the facts backed by over 1000 references. Meet the Vampire of Macondo.

Rafflecopter Code:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I was not paid cash for this post. I did receive a paperback copy of the book for review. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


sherabbit36 said...

it was very sad, and confusing

Amy Orvin said...

I hate it! Don't understand why there was no help for the longest time.


Megan Parsons said...

Tragic!! So many animals suffered : (

hhkaufman78 said...

It is very say that it happened. I feel for all the wildlife killed :(

eg kaufman

Unknown said...

It was a terrible occurrence and one that, in this time we live in with awareness and with current safety measures, should not have happened.

Uttley said...

Horrible. Hope something is done about it.

Unknown said...

i think it was very sad

Amy V said...

i think it's so sad....i hope this will help us learn about it and act quicker

annae07 at aol dot com

Mom Knows Best said...

It was not a good thing,hurt a lot of people and animals

steve weber said...

nothing good came of it.. a very sad event.

kimba247@yahoo.com said...

Very, very sad.

Stephanie said...

it was terrible, and uncalled for. So much damage done to animals and lan.d

Natalie Parvis-Nichols said...

It was very sad and I think a lot of things were covered up

JC said...

A very sad disaster to the environment.

Colleen Boudreau said...

I think it's a terrible disaster.

Amy Green said...

I hope things will get better.

Unknown said...

very sad

ken ohl said...

A horrible disaster to our world thankyou, ken pohl19@comcast.net

Katie Amanda said...

I think it's very sad and hope the effects can be remediated.

Nknouse22 said...

It's dreadful

Robert Pyszk said...

It's sickening

Terri. said...

It was a terrible tragedy for the people and the enviroment

Jen Haile said...

It was so devastating! It has ruined the gulf for generations!

sohamolina said...

Not good for the animals.

Unknown said...

truly sad and things need to be watched so this doesn't happen again

Debra Gray-Elliott said...

I live in Alabama and although I don't live on the Gulf Coast it affected the entire state and I think it was something that could have been averted if those involved had payed better attention.

debra pauley said...

it was very sad, and confusing.

stephland3 said...

I am deeply saddened by the oil spill and concerned for our wildlife!

crystletellerday said...

i feel really bad for all the poor animals that died from it crystletellerday@yahoo.com

LeahSay's Views - Bonnie said...

I was highly upset. I felt as though the clean up could have been handled differently and the government should have stepped up. The poor wildlife, well that one gets me to thinking again which ticks me off all over once again. An last but not lest the oil company should have received more that just a tap on the hand. End of rant.

Priscilla S. said...

It's terribly sad and I'm very concerned for the wldlife.

dailymom said...

I think it is tragic for the animals and people in the area.

gannyofshy said...

I was ver upset about the spill, not only did it affect the ocean, people's lives the animals in the ocean but I am so tired of these big companies everywhere getting away with murder and our money and we just keep letting them do it

Christal said...

It was awful and sad

Amanda Greene-Lebeck said...

I think it was such a tragic incident that could have been avoided. My brother lives in Gulf Port MS, and he worked on cleaning up the Gulf of Mexico, he said it was such a sad sad sight to see.

teena3940 said...

Very sad!!!

Kristen said...

Horrible effects right away and in the long term!

shoesandshrimp said...

I feel that it could have been prevented.

BrettBMartin said...

What's saddest about the Gulf Oil Spill is that it was preventable- and also that people aren't speaking out about it. Disappointing :(

Lesley said...

I feel like something could have been done to avoid the catastrophe!

The Fam said...

It's sad that it's forgotten.

shannoncarman at yahoo dot com

Boise Wiebers said...

I wish that this spill had been prevented. It was a sad loss of human and marine life.

Stephanie said...

Horrible... I think that is the only thing to say.

Anonymous said...

It was horrible and like someone else said it was preventable.

ThriftyAnnabella said...

It was bad but I didn't really keep up with it much
annabella @ centurytel dot net

Susan Broughton said...

It was a horrible disaster! Uncalled for and will cause ramifications for decades to come

Yesenia said...

It is horrible all around.
morales_y at yahoo dot com

WendyP said...

It was terrible. I couldn't understand why the oil company didn't do something quicker

Deb PelletierC said...

We knew in the 1970's about other powers sources but did not push for change. I know of young people who are using other sources of power , they are not waiting for the big companys to change. We all can help by using less and save the planet. Wind, sun, corn oil or water as a fuel and the list goes on. Electric trains,ect...

Unknown said...

It was a horrible situation that I feel could have been avoided

Karen F said...

I think it is horrible. I wish we could find a way to prevent such tragedies. I am afraid that future generations will look at us and wonder why we didn't try harder to preserve our planet.

Bluecupcake said...

It was preventable and seems like nothing has been done to prevent another one .

laroyal said...

devastating with serious long term effects

luckynordberg said...

It's sad and wasteful. I wish we were a society less dependent on oil.

Danielle S. said...

I was really upset when the oil spill happened. Conservation and environmentalism are two things I hold dear to my heart and to see such destruction was really upsetting.

Barbara Montag said...

A tragic incident - irreversible to our environment.
Thank you.

barbara dot montyj at gmail dot com

Jenna said...

SO tragic and heart-wrenching.

Jessica said...

As an animal lover I thought it was incredibly sad and shouldn't have happened!

Anonymous said...

It was terrible that it couldn't get under control for so long and a tragedy for Gulf coast fish and animals.

wendym at cableone dot net

suzie said...

It is a terrible price to pay for the energy we can't seem to live without

dawn keenan (newnameford) said...

What a tragedy for the environment!

puye said...

it is sad


Unknown said...

It was a reprehensible accident that shouldn't have happened. Especially after the Exxon-Valdez happened in the '80s. BP should have had better security measures put into place. I'm disappointed and saddened by the fact that millions of fauna and wildlife are now tragically without their natural habitat because the oil will mess with the entire system and it won't be easily fixed.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

It was very unfortunate and so sad

Michelle said...

It is unfortunate for the sea life


Ledford Land said...

So sad! I am an animal lover and all those poor sea animals that had to suffer :(

Jessica Eaton Ledford
cherriesjessilee at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

The Gulf Oil Spill was the second in the one-two punch to the Gulf Coast area in the wake of Katrina. Just awful.

Unknown said...

It was tragic and so many problems from its devastation.

Unknown said...

It was tragic and so many problems from its devastation.

Unknown said...

It was a gadgetry that probably could have been prevented. Devastating.

Unknown said...

it was terrible!
rounder9834 @yahoo.com

michedt said...

It was tragic. I'm not sure we even know the full story. I mean, the real one.
Michelle Tucker

Anonymous said...

I think its just awful and could have been prevented and handled better.

Amanda Sakovitz on rafflecopter

Unknown said...

I hate the self-righteous commercials about how much restoration and they're leaving the coast even better than it was before

Jblanton said...

unfortunate event

Anonymous said...

I lived very close to the gulf coast and was saddened to see this disaster, which continues to cause terrible damage to nature and peoples' livelihoods.

Mandy said...

Sad. I love the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

Anonymous said...

It was a disaster that should never have happened.

Joni Mason said...

It was devastating! The really sad thing is that the effects ( some unknown) of this disaster will be here for years to come.

darlene miller said...

i think it was very sad. to think that the big companies don't have the correct safety measures in place. a lot of wildlife and the eco system could have been saved.

celina k said...

I think it was a tragic event that the world will not soon forget. I think that there is no way of knowing all of the possible devastating consequences to the local environment that this spill may have both now and in the future. I would certainly be interested in hearing more from someone with more knowledge than me on the subject.

Karen said...

So tragic, I hope lessons have been learned to prevent a recurrence!

Unknown said...

I think it was another man-made disaster, that has left permanent pollution in the environment, and will have lasting, damaging effects to wildlife.

Nknouse22 said...

It makes me sick and I hate how the oil companies get off so easily

IcyPinkLemonade said...

They need to keep paying reparations!

8ntiaqt said...

I think it is very sad and I also do not like how it was pretty much a slap on the hand. There was so much damage that came from it and money shouldn't be the only punishment.

Unknown said...

Exxon still has not paid for the mess they made decades ago...because they don't have enough money...NO

Erika T. said...

I am amazed that the coverage of the oil spill has slowed to a crawl. I think that routine maintenance and checking for as well as updating our products and infrastructures. I am sad that the families of those affected and those that lost their lives in the initial explosion.

Anonymous said...

The seems to be more forgiving than we thought

John Zukowski said...

It was all a Hollywood hoax, just like the man on the moon landing.

sheila ressel said...

Such a tragedy for all the poor animals affected. It was heartbreaking.

Anonymous said...

just tragic!


mendyd said...

It was sad, but seems all is well now. Except gas prices!

mendyd15 at yahoo dot com

Paol Trenny said...

depressing because of the damages/losses of human lives (health and safety) and the ecosystem ----- Pauline aka Paol Trenny ….. emscout9 at Hotmail dot com

Emily said...

awful :(

RIN said...

It's kind of hard for em to say what my opinion is because I haven't seen it firsthand and don't personally know the effects, but it took way too long for them to get the oil leak to stop.

shirley said...

Very sad and upset because it did not have to happen.

Phoenixx138 said...

It was a tragedy of enormous proportions. The oil spill caused widespread ecological damage, devastating the natural resources, the economies and the communities that rely on it.

Sheila Hickmon said...

It's horrible! With the way things are these days, it shouldn't have happened. I hope there are preventative measures taking place so it don't happen again.

Kara Marks said...

It was horribly sad and shouldn't have happened.

Lynn @ Books on the Bay said...

I'm upset that it's been so quickly forgotten!

Anonymous said...

I think it is a tragedy for all the animals lives taken and the folks that lost work due to it!

susan1215 said...

What a tragedy for the environment, hopefully it won't happen again. I do feel the oil company responsible for the spill has cleanup and compinsated those who were affected.

s2s2 at comcast dot net

Sherri L said...

It was a tragedy that could have been prevented

Daraya said...

It was a horrible tragedy that affected the lives of hundreds of people!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I would like to read about the story. It's a tragedy that should not happen again.

Michele P. said...

definitely tragic...and I think the effects will last a long, long time unfortunately.

clenna said...

Very sad, so many injuried and lost animals.

clenna at aol dot com

Unknown said...

What a tragedy...those poor animals.

Katy said...

I think it is horrible. It has really made such a negative impact on Gulf tourism, seafood exporting and health and environmental impacts are just becoming known. I don't think we will know the full extent of the damage for a very long time- if ever.

Kelly A. Tanner said...

It was a horrible tragedy and I really hope the cleanup continues.

Anonymous said...

needless and disturbing...sad beyond words

Unknown said...

It was sad because that could be prevented.

Krazy Kat Freebies said...

I think that it was a terrible tragedy that could have been avoided.

Debbie said...

So horrible and the BP commercials out now really make me sick. "Sticking with the gulf" - what propaganda.

Kristin said...

It's ana absolute disgrace and a horrible tragedy -- not just the deaths of the workers, either. I think its effects on the environment, marine life, and the Gulf economy won't be realized for quite some time.

TeachTechie said...

With today's technology, there is no reason why things like this should be happening!

VampedChik said...

It was beyond awful.

Unknown said...

UInfortunately, there is almost always more to the story when big business, a disaster, and/or the government is involved. While I am not surprised to hear that there are ongoing horror stories coming out of the BP oil spill, I am deeply saddened by that. The anguish and suffering of American people should not be occurring, and it should not be swept under the rung. thanks to the author for having the courage of your convictions, and telling their story.

Cheryl G said...

It will have negative effects for a long time. We have to persuade businesses and individuals to be careful with our environment.

Cheryl G said...

Oops! Just noticed "US only." Sorry. You'll have to take my entry out. BTW I like that you made it so easy to enter the $25 paypal contest. Thanks!

Angela Yer said...

It's horrible. They could have done something to prevent it. So sad.

Jessica said...

I was confused about a lot of different things involving it, like how it happened and whose fault it was.

Lee said...

It was a tragedy, definitely...I didn't have a clue that all this was happening to the people who did cleanup...and I live in Mississippi!

doodlebug said...

I thought it was a terrible thing. I always wonder if these types of things could be avoided but I don't know that much about it. I really applaud all the people that helped with the cleanup effort.

Unknown said...

It was horrible and uncalled for. They could have done something to prevent it

linda landes said...


tls271 said...

sad..I hope all of it can be cleaned up soon!thanks, simms3710@yahoo.com

carole said...

it was a tragedy and wishin they would have gotten more help...why is it we always send help immediately to other countries when they have a tragedy?????
shouldnt WE come first????

Francine Anchondo said...

It was horrible and it could have been prevented

Truckredford said...

i also thought it was sad.

Bakersdozen said...

It saddens me. I believe it was an accident. What bothers me more is how some companies illegally dump waste. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

Beef McBig said...

It was so stupid and preventable. Now they're going on TV talking about all the stuff they've done to help the region, shoulda thought of that before!

Luna Moon said...

Sad,Depressing & Preventable.

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