$25 GC Hale Groves-Hoppin’ Halloween Giveaway Hop - Ends 10/31 US Only | Miki's Hope

$25 GC Hale Groves-Hoppin’ Halloween Giveaway Hop - Ends 10/31 US Only

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Halloween Giveaway Hop is offically closed. Out of 214 entries (Thank you everyone) the number picked at Random.org as the winner of the $25 towards Hale Groves is

Kathy said... 26

Hate to admit it but my favorite part of Halloween is the CANDY
October 25, 2012 9:28 AM

All Kathy has to do now is go to Hale Groves and pick out what she wants for 25.00-then reply to the email I am about to send her within 48 hours with her full name and mailing address and I will have it shipped out to her!

Thank you Mama NYC for putting together this hop!!

It is almost Halloween-do you all have all the kids costumes and candy ready to give out to all the little ghosts and goblins? I don't know about you but I love to see all the little ones dressed up (and their Dads looking sheepish as they stand off to the side)!

Although I'm sure you REALLY don't want any more candy--Thanksgiving is going to be here before we know it so----How about a gift to bring to your hostess--

Miki's Hope is going to give you $25 towards buying whatever you want at Hale Groves
(I will pay the tax and shipping)

So now here is how you can win--please make sure to enter your name and email address in each and every comment so that when this contest is over I will be able to contact the winner!!

Mandatory: In a comment tell me what you like best about Halloween

Extra: Follow me on GFC (to the right)
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I was not paid cash for this post. I am an affiliate of Hale Groves and may receive a small percentage of sales. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


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eclairre said...

Love the candy! Not gonna lie haha!

eclairre said...

Extra: Follow me on GFC (to the right)

Mrs. Laura Lane said...

I don't like Halloween. I like Jesus instead.

Dominique said...

I love the candy. I eat my fair share of it lol. I also like to bake lots of yummy Halloween themed goodies, and watch scary movie marathons while eating them. :)

couponcookie at gmail dot com

Dominique said...

GFC: Dominique

couponcookie at gmail dot com

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couponcookie at gmail dot com

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couponcookie at gmail dot com

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couponcookie at gmail dot com

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couponcookie at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Handing out the candy to the trick or treaters
vmorgan456 (at) yahoo (dot) com

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Sherry Compton said...

I like seeing all the kids in their costumes.


debbie said...

It is my favorite time of the year. I like the trees changing colors, fresh apples, and all the kids in their costumes.

Wild N Mild $$$ said...

My favorite thing is Haunted Houses!

Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

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Jennifer Rote
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Jennifer Rote
wildnmild4u at yahoo dot com

Stephanie said...

I love it ALL, but seeing my kids get so excited about it is the best:)

Lisa Weidknecht said...

I like scaring small children. No just kidding!! LOL. I like seeing all the darling costumes when I open the door for trick or treat-ers.

Unknown said...

I follow on GFC Kathy Burton


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katherine Kopec Burton

Unknown said...

Hate to admit it but my favorite part of Halloween is the CANDY

hhkaufman78 said...

GFC hhkaufman78

ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com

hhkaufman78 said...

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hhkaufman78 said...

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eg kaufman
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ncprincess96 at yahoo dot com

Tabitha said...

i love the scary movies.

Cheryl Chervitz said...

I like seeing all the costumes and scary movies!

Cheryl Chervitz said...

Liked on FB. zekthezookeeper@yahoo.com

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Cheryl Chervitz said...

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Sara said...

Yummy treats. :)

kelly said...

I like the cute costumes.

Megan Parsons said...

I love making my kid's costumes! makeighleekyleigh@yahoo.com

Megan Parsons said...

I follow via GFC: MeganP

Rebecca Williams said...

I love seeing on the kids dressed up!

Rebecca Williams said...

gfc follower Rebecca Williams

Rebecca Williams said...

I like you on fb rebeccaw2005

Rebecca Williams said...

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rebeccaw2005 at gmail dot com

sa9603 said...

we just love deciding on a costume and trick or treating

amy c

mvanclam(at) yahoo(dot) com

Natalia said...


Jenny Stanek said...

Absolutely seeing the excitement in my kids' eyes when they're fully dressed up!


ken ohl said...

I'm an email subscriber. Thankyou, Ken Ohl

Anonymous said...

My favorite part is dressing up my baby.

knickgirl_3 at yahoo dot com

Kathy said...

I love to decorate for Halloween. Inside and outside the house.

Kathy said...

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Catie said...

I LOVE going to haunted houses!

Unknown said...

I love the candy (eating it and handing it out!)

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Gigi Sweeps

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Gigi Sweeps

wcaligirl said...

watching kids dress up and trick or treat

K.Pugh said...

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Klydra Pugh

Jan Lee said...

What I like best about Halloween is seeing all the kids in their costumes :)
Name: Jan Jenkins
Email: sarahpluto222@gmail.com

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name: Jan Jenkins
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Name: Janet Lee/Jenkins
email: sarahpluto222@gmail.com

scottsgal said...

I like seeing the kids all dressed up trick or treating
msboatgal at aol.com

Anonymous said...

I like seeing the kids all smiles & laughing.
rierie11booger (@) yahoo.com

polly said...

i love seeing our 4 year old grandson come by to show us his costume & how excited he is-priceless!

polly said...


chris z said...

i like the decorations


Sarah G said...

Taking my kids trick or treating!

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

Love the costumes during Halloween

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

GFC Seyma S.

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Seyma Shabbir

Ada Mangoes said...

costumes and trick-or-treating and pumpkins everywhere!

Unknown said...

I love taking our daughter trick or treating, and dressing up with her:-)

tracey said...

i like how excited my kids get
traceyj40 at sbcglobal.net

tracey said...

i like you on fb as rochelle johnson
traceyj40 at sbcglobal.net

tracey said...

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traceyj40 at sbcglobal.net

anme said...

Thank you for the giveaway!
I am a GFC follower as mel brock
misstrangelove {at} gmail {dot} com

Angela Nichols said...
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Angela Nichols said...

I love the scary movies. The kids and I will cook up some popcorn and turn off all the lights and have a marathon. Oh and the candy isn't half bad either.. :)

Angela Nichols Brittain

jazzyangel75 at gmail dot com

Angela Nichols said...

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Angela Nichols Brittain

jazzyangel75 at gmail dot com

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Angela Nichols Brittain

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Angela Nichols Brittain

jazzyangel75 at gmail dot com

Angela Nichols said...

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Angela Nichols Brittain

jazzyangel75 at gmail dot com

Misha said...

I love Halloween because of all the cute costumes and dressing up is always fun!

Misha K
MostlyMisha AT gmail DOT com

Misha said...

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MostlyMisha AT gmail DOT com

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MostlyMisha AT gmail DOT com

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MostlyMisha AT gmail DOT com

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Misha K
MostlyMisha AT gmail DOT com

Misha said...

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Misha K
MostlyMisha AT gmail DOT com

Thank you for the giveaway!

Thompson-Made said...

I love the excitement of dressing up in costume and seeing what everyone else dresses up as! dpapsis at gmail dot com

Thompson-Made said...

liked on fb (dpapsis at gmail dot com)

Thompson-Made said...

tweeted about the giveaway https://twitter.com/TweetDesiree/status/262239909308428288

Francine Anchondo said...

i like costumes.

Francine Anchondo

fmd518(@)gmail dot com

Lisa R said...

Costumes and Candy

sibabe64 at ptd dot net

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sibabe64 at ptd dot net

Karen said...

I love seeing all the kids dressed up.

sonflower277 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Pumpkin picking! (The hot apple cider and pumpkin flavored everything that comes along with it doesn't hurt either. :-)

GRex605 (at) gmail (dot) com

Mer said...

I love the costumes and the candy.

Marthalynn said...

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Denise Taylor-Dennis said...

My favorite thing about Halloween is all the candy of course.

Denise Taylor-Dennis said...

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Amanda said...

I like watching dd get excited about dressing up and going trick or treating!
tvpg at aol dot com

Amanda said...

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tvpg at aol dot com

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Denise Taylor-Dennis said...

daily Tweet https://twitter.com/iammeuc/status/262883274437836800

Unknown said...

I love taking my son trick or treating! That's my favorite part about Halloween!

Unknown said...



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Tammy Allgood-Hemmerling

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Mona said...

I like all the creative costumes people come up with for themselves, their kids, and even their pets.

Thanks :)

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Karen A. said...

I enjoy seeing all the trick or treaters in their costumes.

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Stephanie said...

I love taking my son trick or treating and carving pumpkins and making baked pumpkin seeds after gutting out the pumpkin :)

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Unknown said...

I love thinking up creative outfits for myself, my hubby & our 3yr old son; AND THEN IMPLEMENTING THEM! I know this might be the last year I get to pick my son's costume. I am going as Olive Oil, hubs as Bluto & our son as Popeye. CAN't WAIT!
Oh yes.. and I do love the candy too!


Unknown said...

Fan on FB as Chev Sopkin :)


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Denise Taylor-Dennis said...

I Tweeted https://twitter.com/iammeuc/status/263246595888394240

rubyswan said...

I think it's soo much fun getting tog. with family ,firends ,kids playing dress up . the candy not bad either..((giggle):D)

Unknown said...

I like making the costumes for my kiddos, and taking them out...decorating the house..baking... you name it, I love it all!

Unknown said...

I liked this post via facebook :Krista Grandstaff

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email: redcincibabe(at)yahoo(dot)com

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Kristen said...

I like seeing all the creative costumes people come up with and I like seeing grown ups acting silly.

Unknown said...

i love the candy!

Unknown said...

follow on facebook nicoleburkelewis

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follow on GFC nicole lewis
colerenee717@yahoo .com

Connie Bolick Lee said...

I like to see the little kids dressed up and having fun!

Connie Bolick Lee said...

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Connie Bolick Lee said...

I like the post. lclee59@centurylink.net

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Laura said...

I like Halloween because it's fun for me to decorate my house and pick out costumes!

Laura said...

I follow you on FB
lily25210507 at gmail dot com

Angela Saver said...

Love the candy.


Angela Saver said...

Love the candy.


Angela Saver said...

Follow u on fb as Angela saver


ltlbitone said...

I follow you via GFC as jeanne conner

ltlbit1@hotmail dot com

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ltlbit1@hotmail dot com

amanda hoffman said...

amandahoffman35 at yahoo dot com

amanda hoffman said...

gfc amanda hoffman

Anonymous said...

my favorite thing is going trick or treating with my kids wilcarvic

Anonymous said...

gfc follower forreall wilcarvic

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email contest wilcarvic

Sam Stamp said...
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Sam Stamp said...

I love that Halloween brings people together! For trick-or-treating, pumpkin carving, movie watching and partying!!


Unknown said...

I love the costumers.

Unknown said...

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MELINA said...

I like seeing the kids having fun on Halloween

MELINA said...

I am a GFC follower Melina Ramirez

MELINA said...

like you on FB Melina Ramirez

Denise Taylor-Dennis said...

Daily Tweet https://twitter.com/iammeuc/status/263603270889639936

Kimberly B. said...

following on GFC kim bhatti


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