And it is off to NJ I Go | Miki's Hope

And it is off to NJ I Go

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Still feeling under the weather but I really have to get to work today if only to give my person his Secret Santa gift. AND if I don't go with them for the "party" lunch after they made sure it was a day I would be there------------I've managed to not go for a couple of years now!!! I know, I'm bad-but I am really not a party person-Meanwhile I just heard that one of my dearest internet friend's husband was kept in the hospital overnight-don't know why yet--my healing thoughts are going out to him (I fell asleep at 7:30 last night).

Well--I better go see if my friend is online yet and find out what is happening and then get to work!

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Michele said...

I'm not a party person either - enjoy being with friends! I'll be praying for your friend's husband, too

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