Help Desparately Needed!! Need Advice!! | Miki's Hope

Help Desparately Needed!! Need Advice!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

A friend posted this as a responce to my winners email this morning--she really needs help and I am hoping one of you has an answer--I sure don't. Here is what she wrote--PLEASE if you know how to resolve the below real problem--please email her at or write your reply here and I will make sure to get it to her!!

On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 8:21 AM, mmbear wrote:

mmbear has left a new comment on your post "Winner of the $25 B&N Gift Card is.......":

Michelle sorry to put this here but I could not find an email address or a contact form and I need help badly! This is what I got back on 8/20 when I was doing a FB only blog hop and after about 10 "likes" this popped up telling me I was spamming. I tried to appeal but no one will answer my emails. I send one just about every 2-3 days. Which does not matter anymore because now it is 22 days and they said it would only be suspended for 15 days. I can't get into my FB for anything. I can't read, comment, like a post, etc so I have been dead in the water with alot of my contests since 8/20. I am also probably going to be in trouble with B2B because of the Heely's Review. I kept waiting for them to release it and when I saw that they weren't I went ahead and posted the review on my blog. But they had wanted me to post it on my Facebook and on Heely's but I can't. Denise tried to copy the link and put it on my Facebook for me and something is there it just isn't what I am sure B2B or Heely's wants. But it does lead you back to my blog and the review.

If I can't get them to release my FB, can I make another one and use a different email address? I have one that I used to use when I was entering contests thru magazines and like Sweepstakes Advantage and places like that. So, I do have a working email. I just hate to do that because I will lose those 475 followers which won't look good to any of the people who I have contacted asking to do a review. I am stunned that a company like Facebook does not check the status of Facebook accounts that they put on suspension and get them released when they promised it would be released. I have sent emails to several different places but nobody seems to care. And I really did not do anything but "like" people! I mean all bloggers do it all the time so I don't get where or why I got picked on that day. I did hear from one blogger who says Twitter has disabled her saying she has too many followers but she says she only has 101!!! I don't know but it is almost like they are trying to make bloggers go away or something.

The really bad thing is that my personal FB is attached to that and I can't get to it either. God knows what's been put on there and I can't answer anybody. Is there anyway to log into the present FB account and change the email address? I am probably asking a stupid question but thought I needed to ask it anyway! Because that is what they are going by I assume. As soon as it asks me to log in with that email address this box below shows up and that is as far as I get. Please tell me there is an answer somewhere?

I have some errands to run and will not be back until after lunch so don't feel like you have to drop everything this minute. Just give me some suggestions or who you think might be able to help the most. Thanks Michelle! Maybe one of your readers will read this and have some ideas? This is what it says when I try to log in:

Posting to Pages Temporarily Disabled
We've noticed that your account has been posting spam and irrelevant content on Facebook Pages. Because of this, your ability to post on Page walls has been suspended for 15 days. If you continue to post spam after this block has been lifted, your account could be permanently disabled. You can learn more about Facebook Community Standards here:

Posted by mmbear to Miki's Hope at September 8, 2011 8:21 AM

I was not paid cash for this post. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


LisaC said...

This has happened to a few of my friends, but for posting political things, not for Liking pages and doing a blog hop. This is ABSURD!!!! Unfortunately, unless she wants to make a new page, she will most likely have to wait the 15 days then take it up with facebook. Still, she probably won't get any answers, but its always worth asking.

Amy said...

Chances are someone reported what she was posting as Spam. So Facebook disabled the account for 15 days to investigate. I see that she was doing a blog hop on Facebook only. In their Promotion guidelines it states that you can not have a contest where liking someones Facebook page is a form of contest entry. I didn't see her contest so I not 100% sure but that could of been it. Or it could have been again that someone just reported her as Spam. She should go to and go to the part that says "If you have not posted violating content or otherwise violated the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, click here" Click there and it should take her to where she can appeal the decision. If she has already done that, I would create a new account. I hope this helps.

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