I am so very sad--when I went down to my car this morning I discovered that someone had broken into it. They dumped out my glove compartment and console-but took nothing (thank heavens they did not take my EZ Pass and I don't keep my registration in my car). They even left 2 bags of potatoe chips-(Lays Sour Cream and Onion) one of which was not open. They did take all the change I have accumulated-(maybe a couple dollars worth)-but left my pen knife--and took the speakers for my computer which have been sitting in an unopened box on my back seat for about 6 months--think they also took my Verizon cell phone kit (which I didn't want anyway)--but I'm still sad--Sad that someone was so desparate for a couple of bucks that they got in my car (I must have left it unlocked on the passenger side at some point or else they had the tool that the police use when you get locked out)and did this. No, I didn't report it--no broken windows nothing of real value gone-
But I am left feeling very very sad.
I was not paid cash for this post. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my
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I am so sorry that this happened to you. How awful is that. You wonder what it takes for someone to be at that point in their lives where they feel stealing is the only option they have. I"m glad that you are okay.
Ugh I'm sorry! I totally know how you feel! My car was stolen in college and they took everything down to the frame of the car. People are pathetic!
Returning the follow. Thanks for coming by! =)
- Alyssa from She's Mommafied!
Awww I am so sorry this happened to you Michele.
Oh no! That's horrible! I'm so sorry that happened to you. And even thought they didn't take anything of "value", it is just the fact that someone broke into something that is YOURS. Like Alyssa said, people are pathetic. :-(
Good that they didn't take anything of real value to you, but . . . it is a straight up invasion of privacy. It is a CREEPY feeling just to know that someone was there, skulking around the car.
It has happened several times to me in my lifetime and I have also had someone steal my purse from my desk at work. What an awful feeling and I'm so sorry you had to go through it.
I agree with the others . . . I really do hate those pathetic people who find it necessary to take from others.
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