Hi Ho, Hi Ho--It's off to work I go | Miki's Hope

Hi Ho, Hi Ho--It's off to work I go

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Neither snow,nor wind nor rain will keep this lady from her appointed client in NYC today (well-maybe snow would)--Have to finish up the books for 2010 so they can be sent to the accountant--so off on the train I will go-then on a cattlecar they call the NYC subway--You know something just reminded me of something a bookkeeper used to say where I worked (before I became a bookkeeper) Truer words could not be spoken about the bookkeeping profession. I think she was about my age now when she said them which would make it oh--approx 35 years ago!! YIKES!!!!!!

"It's not mine to question why--It's only mine to do or die"

I was not paid cash for this post. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement.


Unknown said...

Hi! I am a new folllower and found you thru Networking Witches. I would love it if you could follow me back. Your site is very pretty. I love the pastel colors and pink & lavender are my favorite.

Mary @http://mmbearcupoftea.blogspot.com

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