Back To The Books Giveaway Hop - $25 Barnes & Noble GC Ends 09/07 | Miki's Hope

Back To The Books Giveaway Hop - $25 Barnes & Noble GC Ends 09/07

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

WOW--763 entries!!! Thank you everyone for entering my giveaway and thank you I am a reader Not a Writer and Buried in Books for hosting this amazing giveaway!!

I just got back from in 1 - 763 and the winning number is:

throuthehaze said... 114

#1 RSS subscriber

September 1, 2011 4:05 PM

Congratulations!! I will be emailing you in a moment or two and all you have to do is respond to my email within 48 hours with your name and address and I will mail you the $25 Barnes & Noble Gift card!! If by chance you don't respond--I will have to pick a different winner.

Back to the Book Giveaway Hop
Hosted by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer
& Buried in Books

September 1st to 7th

I Am A Reader, Not A Writer

We are giving away a $25 Gift Card to Barnes & Noble Book Store!!

This giveaway will end at midnight on 09/07. Winner will be announced here and notified via email. Mandatory entry must be completed first or bonus entries don't count. Please leave one comment per task you complete and leave your email address so you can be notified if you win.

Mandatory Entry:
Follow Us Publicly via GFC

Bonus Entries:
Follow Us on Twitter (right side)
Follow us on Facebook (right side)
Subscribe to us via RSS ( 2 entries -top of page )
Add us to your blog roll ( 3 entries)
Subscribe to us via Email ( 4 entries - top of page - must be confirmed)

I was not paid cash for this post. All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook.


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janetfaye said...

I follow you publicly on GFC - janetfaye

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

kira meier said...

I follow you on GFC (kira meier), Twitter (KirasAddiction), and facebook :)

nayjf said...

I follow via GFC-nayjf

nayjf said...

I follow you on twitter-Antane_A

nayjf said...

I like you on FB- Antane A

nayjf said...

i subscribe via email

nayjf said...

I subscribe via RSS reader

Arianne said...

GFC: Arianne Cruz
email: cruz042 at csusm dot edu

janetfaye said...

I like you on FB - Janet Fri

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

I follow you on Twitter - Janetfaye

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

1. Email subscribed.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

2. Email subscribed.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

3. Email subscribed.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

janetfaye said...

4. Email subscribed.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Carol L. said...

GFC follower under Lucky47. Thanks for thie awesome giveaway.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Carol L. said...

Google Feed RSS under Caroluci47. #1
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Carol L. said...

Google Feed RSS under Caroluci47. #2
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Carol L. said...

Emil subscriber already #1.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Carol L. said...

Emil subscriber already #2
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Carol L. said...

Emil subscriber already #3
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Carol L. said...

Emil subscriber already #4
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

latanya t said...

RSS subscriber

sweetums82red at gmail dot com

latanya t said...

RSS subscriber

sweetums82red at gmail dot com

Jackie said...

I follow via google friend connect (Jackie)
jackievillano at gmail dot com
Thank you!

Jackie said...

I subscribe via email #4
jackievillano at gmail dot com

Carol M said...

I follow on GFC - Carol M
mittens0831 at aol dot com

Carol M said...

I follow on Twitter - CarolAnnM
mittens0831 at aol dot com

Carol M said...

I subscribe via RSS
mittens0831 at aol dot com

Carol M said...

I subscribe by email.
mittens0831 at aol dot com

Kimmel Tippets said...

GFC Follower Kimmel Tippets
Thanks for the great giveaway!
stimble AT hotmail DOT com

Kimmel Tippets said...

I Follow on Twitter KimmelTippets
stimble AT hotmail DOT com

Anne R said...

Gfc follower-areeths

areeths @ new DOT rr DOT com

Anne R said...


Areeths @ new DOT rr DOT com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
I follow via GFC- Carly W.
-Carly Waid

Anonymous said...

I follow on Facebook!
-Carly Waid

Anonymous said...

+4 I subscribe to your email.
-Carly Waid

kilkab said...

geschumann said...

GFC - Gloria

geschumann at live dot com

geschumann said...

GFC - Gloria

geschumann at live dot com

geschumann said...

FB - Gloria Sell Schumann

geschumann at live dot com

geschumann said...

Twitter - GloriaSchumann

geschumann at live dot com

Anonymous said...

Following on GFC thedickdujour

Book Savvy Babe said...

I am a new GFC follower: Book Savvy Babe
I follow on twitter: @booksavvybabe
I like your Facebook page: Heather Book Savvy-Babe
Book Savvy Babe
booksavvybabe at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Subscribed via RSS

Anonymous said...

Following you on twitter @thedickdujour

Anonymous said...

Subscribed via e-mail

Unknown said...

Awesome Giveaway...
I follow via GFC-BJ
beejee77 AT comcast DoT net

Unknown said...

I liked your FB page :0)

beejee77 AT comcast DoT net

Unknown said...

I follow via Twitter

Danielle S said...

Twitter follower

Danielle S said...

FB fan
Danielle Sg

Danielle S said...

1 RSS subscriber
royalegacy at gmail dot com

Danielle S said...

2 RSS subscriber
royalegacy at gmail dot com

Danielle S said...

1 You're on my blog roll

Danielle S said...

2 You're on my blog roll

Danielle S said...

3 You're on my blog roll

Danielle S said...

1 Email subscriber
royalegacy at gmail dot com

Danielle S said...

2 Email subscriber
royalegacy at gmail dot com

Danielle S said...

3 Email subscriber
royalegacy at gmail dot com

BookStacksOnDeck said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Danielle S said...

4 Email subscriber
royalegacy at gmail dot com

BookStacksOnDeck said...

GFC follower: bookstacksondeck

BookStacksOnDeck said...

Twitter follower: @hrrrthrrrdm

Marci said...

I follow via GFC: Marci

marciclark88 at gmail dot com

Marci said...

I like you on FB: Marci Clark

marciclark88 at gmail dot com

Marci said...

I follow you on twitter (marciclark88)

marciclark88 at gmail dot com

Marci said...

I am an email subscriber (1)

marciclark88 at gmail dot com

Marci said...

I am an email subscriber (2)

marciclark88 at gmail dot com

Marci said...

I am an email subscriber (3)

marciclark88 at gmail dot com

Marci said...

I am an email subscriber (4)

marciclark88 at gmail dot com

Shanese La'Tia said...


Bo0kJunki3 at yahoo dot com

Allison said...

Email subscriber 3


Allison said...

Email subscriber 4


Shelly Peterson said...

I follow you via GFC.

Shelly Peterson said...

I follow via twitter, username cshell202.

lindseybousfield said...

I follower your blog (leebee190)


Shelly Peterson said...

I follow you on facebook.

Shelly Peterson said...

I subscribe via RSS.

In Julie's Opinion said...

Awesome giveaway!!
I am a public GFC follower: Julie Witt
jwitt33 at live dot com

In Julie's Opinion said...

I follow you on Facebook: Julie Witt
jwitt33 at live dot com

In Julie's Opinion said...

I am a Twitter follower: @jwitt33

jwitt33 at live dot com

In Julie's Opinion said...

I follow your RSS feed via Google Reader
jwitt33 at live dot com

In Julie's Opinion said...

I am a confirmed email subscriber:
jwitt33 at live dot com

Shelly Peterson said...

I subscribe via email.

Tasha said...

follow gfc - tasha


Tasha said...

twitter follow @avidbookaholic


MamaMunky said...

I follow you on fb and gfc.

Tasha said...

liked on facebook - book obsessed


Darlene said...

Following you on GFC (Darlene)

darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

Darlene said...

+1 following you on Facebook
(Darlene's Book Nook)

darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

Darlene said...

+2 subscribed by RSS
#1 of 2

darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

Darlene said...

+2 subscribed by RSS
#2 of 2

darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

Darlene said...

+4 subscribed by email
#1 of 4

darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

Darlene said...

+4 subscribed by email
#2 of 4

darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

Darlene said...

+4 subscribed by email
#3 of 4

darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

Darlene said...

+4 subscribed by email
#4 of 4

darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'm a new follower!

ellestraussbooks at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said...

I follow you via GFC (Throuthehaze)
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said...

follow on twitter @throuthehaze
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said...

Like you on Facebook-Rae Pavey
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said...

#1 RSS subscriber
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said...

#2 RSS subscriber
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said...

#1 email subscriber
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said...

#2 email subscriber
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said...

#3 email subscriber
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said...

#4 email subscriber
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said...

#1 blogroll:
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said...

#2 blogroll:
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

throuthehaze said...

#3 blogroll:
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Missbookaholicgirl said...

1 gfc follower shirleytemple83

missbookaholicgirl AT gmail DOT com

Missbookaholicgirl said...

2 facebook like

missbookaholicgirl AT gmail DOT com

Lindsay Cummings author said...

i follow on GFC as lindsaywrites


americangirlie1991 at yahoo dot com

brookea_2006 said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

gfc follower: brookea_2006

samantha35 said...

great giveaway
follow via gfc

Susan B. said...

I follow via GFC

Stacey Brucale said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I follow on GFC.


Amanda M said...

GFC follower :)
amercnchic (at) aol (dot) com
thanks :)

Amanda M said...

Follow on Twitter @Pages_turned
amercnchic (at) aol (dot) com

mrs_laura_koehler said...

Thanks so much for this giveaway!!
You have a very cute blog here!
New GFC follower!

mrs_laura_koehler at yahoo dot com

Mary said...

I follow on GFC. (mamie316)


Mk said...

I followed through GFC, using my Twitter account. I don't know if that counts as 1 entry or 2.

Jessica said...

Thank you for the giveaway!

gfc - jbronderblogs
Twitter - @jbronder
jbronderblogs at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

thank you for my favorite kind of giveaway!

GFC books4me

facebook follower

Lisa said...

GFC Follower: Lisa Manning

lhoffpauir at gmail


Lisa said...

I also follow on Twitter. @l_manning

lhoffpauir at gmail

ebaker said...

GFC Follower: Erin Baker

ebaker said...

Following at Twitter: iheartmykindle

ebaker said...

E-mail subscriber:

Anonymous said...

email subscriber
sweetstaker at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I am a GFC follower

Anonymous said...

I follow of fb
sweetstaker at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

GFC follower: Rosie Hong Nguy

Thanks for the giveaway!

abbydillon16 AT yahoo DOT com

Anonymous said...

Liked on FB: Rosie Nguy

abbydillon16 AT yahoo DOT com

Nofearpapertiger said...

I follow you on GFC - nofearpapertiger

Angela Rhodes Krause

Nofearpapertiger said...

I follow you on Twitter

Angela Rhodes Krause

Nofearpapertiger said...

I follow you on FB.

Angela Rhodes Krause

(Twitter handle for above entry is Marie1163)

Nofearpapertiger said...

I subscribed via RSS - entry 1

Angela Rhodes Krause

Nofearpapertiger said...

I subscribed via RSS - entry 2

Angela Rhodes Krause

Nofearpapertiger said...

I subscribed via email - entry 1

Angela Rhodes Krause

Nofearpapertiger said...

I subscribed via email - entry 2

Angela Rhodes Krause

Nofearpapertiger said...

I subscribed via email - entry 3

Angela Rhodes Krause

Nofearpapertiger said...

I subscribed via email - entry 4

Angela Rhodes Krause

Patrice said...

GFC- Patrice

Roof Beam Reader said...

GFC Follower: Adam


Roof Beam Reader said...

Twitter Follower: @RoofBeamReader


Roof Beam Reader said...

Facebook "Liked:" Roof Beam Reader


Tiffany Drew said...

Thank you for this awesome giveaway!

GFC follower Tiffany Drew


Tiffany Drew said...

Twitter follower @enterthedrew


Tiffany Drew said...

Facebook follower Tiffany Drew


Tiffany Drew said...

RSS subscriber #1


Tiffany Drew said...

RSS subscriber #2


Tiffany Drew said...

Email subscriber #1


Tiffany Drew said...

Email subscriber #2


Tiffany Drew said...

Email subscriber #3


Tiffany Drew said...

Email subscriber #4


jjacque said...

gfc name jacque stengel

Unknown said...

GFC as Chris

kissyjensen at gmail dot com

stacey dempsey said...

i follow you on GFC
staceyx at telus dot net

stacey dempsey said...

i follow you on twitter @roswello
staceyx at telus dot net

stacey dempsey said...

i follow you on facebook stacey dempsey
staceyx at telus dot net

stacey dempsey said...

i subscribe to you by email #1
staceyx at telus dot net

stacey dempsey said...

i subscribe to you by email #2
staceyx at telus dot net

stacey dempsey said...

i subscribe to you by email #3
staceyx at telus dot net

stacey dempsey said...

i subscribe to you by email #4
staceyx at telus dot net

The (Mis)Adventures of a College Book Addict said...

GFC follower Leigh Ann Gregoire

The (Mis)Adventures of a College Book Addict said...

follow on twitter @ashenowl

The (Mis)Adventures of a College Book Addict said...

email subscriber

The (Mis)Adventures of a College Book Addict said...

email subscriber

The (Mis)Adventures of a College Book Addict said...

email subscriber

The (Mis)Adventures of a College Book Addict said...

email subscriber

Jane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jcwega27 said...


Bekka said...

GFC Follower: Bekka

Thanks for the giveaway!


Bekka said...

Facebook liker: Rebekka Holman


Bekka said...

Twitter follower: @PRttyDdlyRvws


marian said...

thanks for the giveaway!!
gfc follower-marian


Unknown said...

Following you thru GFC

Unknown said...

Following you on Twitter

Unknown said...

Following you on Facebook

Unknown said...

Following you thru RSS Reader #1

Unknown said...

Following you thru RSS Reader #2

Unknown said...

Added your url to my blog roll #1

Unknown said...

Added your url to my blog roll #2

Unknown said...

Added your url to my blog roll #3

Unknown said...

Subscribe to your email newsletter #1

Unknown said...

Subscribe to your email newsletter #2

Unknown said...

Subscribe to your email newsletter #3

Unknown said...

Subscribe to your email newsletter #4

Karen said...

I follow on GFC

kpuleski at gmail dot com

Karen said...

I like you on Facebook

kpuleski at gmail dot com

Karen said...

I follow on Twitter

kpuleski at gmail dot com

Karen said...

RSS via Google Reader

kpuleski at gmail dot com

Karen said...

2nd RSS entry

kpuleski at gmail dot com

Alyce said...

I follow via GFC.

akreese at hotmail dot com

Alyce said...

I follow on twitter (athomewithbooks)

akreese at hotmail dot com

Judy said...

GFC follower-judy


Judy said...

Follow on twitter @ladymagnolia99


Judy said...

Liked on Facebook-Judy C.


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