Sharing The Love of Books and Audio Books Linky-Pre-Orders New Releases Free & Bargain Books | Miki's Hope

Sharing The Love of Books and Audio Books Linky-Pre-Orders New Releases Free & Bargain Books

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Sharing the Love of Books

Enjoy our selection of New Releases / Free & Bargain Books this week

Authors please feel free to add your own books

Readers please free to add your own finds

(any genre except erotica welcome)

This weekly link up is hosted by Beck Valley Books & these awesome book loving blogs...


 Leels Loves Books | Mother Distracted


First Time Mommy Adventures 


Beck Valley Books | Between the Coverz 

For Pre-orders post - PRE-ORDER / genre / title /author

For New Releases post - NEW / genre / title / author
For Free Books post - FREE / genre / title / author / end date 
For Bargain Books post - SALE / price / genre / title / author / end date

(Strictly no Erotica please.  Steamy romance is fine but watch those covers people, in case any underage child is viewing it!)

SO MANY BOOKS--SO LITTLE TIME! IF I COULD I WOULD READ THEM ALL--WHICH BOOKS SEEM TO CATCH YOUR ATTENTION--WHICH GENRE IS YOUR FAVORITE? THERE IS SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE ON THIS LIST! GO. BROWSE. DOWNLOAD ONE OR TWO. AND ENJOY!! I am now officially an Amazon Affiliate! If you click any of the links or buttons on the side bar or at the very very bottom of the page I will get a small commission-however the links in this post are not mine!

Here is this weeks awesome selection!

By adding your link, you acknowledge that the information you provide will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy and transmitted to Inlinkz in accordance with their Privacy Policy.

Would you like to share our linkup on your site? click here

Would you like to become a weekly host? sign up here

Come back and check out the new selection every week x

All opinions expressed are my own honest opinions. For more information please check my Disclosure Statement. Our giveaways are in no way sponsored or promoted by Facebook or Google.


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